Good casino but they can be better - Reviews, Photos

casino near zurich airport

casino near zurich airport - win

Demonic Pacts (Part 4)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
After a flight to Zurich, an arranged car that would drive us to the Casino Zurich greeted us. Immunda and I stepped out, our mysterious benefactor had taken care of the bill.
The building was the opposite of what I’d expect of a Casino. The beauty of the Monaco Casinos spoiled me. Elegant architecture to hint the opulence and sin that was waiting within. A monument to greed and desire, both expressed in the building's content and in the domes and spires outside.
In stark contrast to Monaco, this was a four or five-story building, rectangular, with a sign on the front which read “Casino”. They lined the outside in lights and lit brightly, but the outside what wholly unremarkable. It almost looked like a bank or apartment building repurposed to a Casino. It was the definition of Swiss architecture: Function over Form, and that was dull.
It spoke nothing of what was inside, with lavish furnishings, intricate decorations and rows and rows of card tables. Through the bustle of the lobby, tourists and gamblers abound, Immunda and I finally tracked down the front desk.
One reason I enjoyed Switzerland because I could speak Italian with a fair chance that the other person also knows Italian, or at least enough to direct me where to go.
I explained, “My companion, and I were meeting someone? An American woman, Samantha Waldroop?”
She smiled, “Allow me, Ms. Waldroop is in the VIP Lounge, she said she would expect you.” She picked up a desk phone calling someone. She smiled brightly after her conversation in what I would only describe as a sweeter version of German, “someone will be with you shortly.”
A waiter came to greet us and motioned for us to follow him.
As we departed the front desk, the hostess called out, “Es het mi gfröit!”
I just waved back as they led us through a maze of slot machines, card tables, and televisions. The odd bar and restaurant sprinkled here and there. Ultimately, we arrived at an area that was far less crowded and secured by a velvet rope and a guard.
The guard immediately undid the rope, and moved across the entrance, allowing us to pass.
Finally, after passing many an empty table in a red and dimly lit room, we were let to a single booth that had a maroon curtain around it. Our escort opened the curtain and bowed slightly, his arm motioning for us to enter the private booth.
That’s when I saw the raven-haired American girl. She wore a black dress with a Bateau neckline with a black sequined trim; it reached down to her mid-thigh. Over the dress, she wore a one button coat by the same designer, as the colors matched flawlessly. With a pair of expensive Louboutin black high-heels, I was immediately envious of. Say what you will of the French, but fashion was their strong suit, and Samantha wore that French fashion well. A pair of dark sunglasses completed her look, despite the dimly lit room.
She turned to us, motioning for us to sit, she had an earpiece in of some sort, on the phone with someone.
“Yes, Derik,” she motioned to the escort, and made two motions with her hand, gesturing to us, and the escort vanished in a flash.
“No, Derik, I’m in Zurich. Yes. Because at this point I’ve got to ensure our assets are secure. Given the current economic climate, someone has to. No, I want anything liquid transferred to euros,” she growled, “Yes I said everything liquid, I did not stutter!” she threw the earpiece to the table, turning to us. “Sorry, not everyone shares my vision of prosperity, apparently.”
I sat down in the small booth next to her, and despite Immunda being further away, her nose curled at Immunda’s musky scent. Something I was growing increasingly used to, which I considered bothersome.
She didn’t bother shaking our hands, but immediately began to speak, “Time, I’m told, is of the essence.” She heaved a sigh, “or at least I’m told this is by my Master. To be honest? I don’t feel the need to rush for him.”
“Aren’t you in direct service of a demon?” I asked her, smiling, “wouldn’t that be disobeying?”
Samantha removed her sunglasses, revealing eyes which were nothing but a pair of black orbs, “yes, unwilling and willing all at the same time.” her dark globes looked me up and down, “Seems to be something you desire.”
I nodded, reveling in the abyss of her eyes.
She placed her sunglasses back on, “My journey is rather different from yours. I never sought the darkness, it found me.”
“How so?” I asked.
“My idiot brother bartered a deal with a demon, he demanded wealth, insane wealth,” she sipped bubbling champagne from a thin flute-glass, “of course, the demon gave the money to my parents,” she took another sip, “who died… then he died… all in exchange for my soul.”
Immunda scoffed, “another can not give a soul that isn’t their own without-”
“Consent, I’m well aware,” she took another sip, “which I gave.”
I smiled, “so you gained great wealth?”
“Among other obligations,” she said swirling the champagne around the glass, “demons, my dear Bella, don’t see us as much more than stepping stones. And the king of all demons? Lucifer? He despises our mere existence.”
“Those who don’t serve-” Immunda tried to interject.
“He hates us all,” Samantha clarified, she then turned to me, “... but your desire, Bella, is in line with his, isn’t it? You hate your fellow man, almost as much as he does. I’ve never seen such hatred in a mortal before. Dare I ask what brought it on?”
My smile fell, “I led my life for God, instructed by my mother. She was dutiful and pious. My father? Much less so.”
“What did he do that was so terrible?” Samantha asked.
“He gambled away everything we had, then died leaving us on the streets,” I heaved a sigh, “two nice girls on the street don’t stay there long. Soon enough, traffickers abducted us, they raped my mother to death before my eyes.”
Samantha placed her glass down, removing her glasses, her onyx spheres had a white glint in them. She reached into a large woven crocodile bag, pulling out a pair of small envelopes. “You’ll be in the mood for a change, then.”
“Change?” I reached into the envelope.
Inside was a black American Express card with my name on it. In addition, there was a German and Japanese Passport, all in my name. Last, was a bundle of Euros, there had to be at least five or ten thousand in there, of varying denominations. Finally, was a set of SIM cards and a new phone.
The phone was pricy, I could tell for certain, trimmed in gold and had an odd mark on the back, was a high-end Samsung phone. I turned it over to see some gold inlay under the glass of the back.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“Tools,” Samantha explained, “Don’t worry about any finances, charge the card, there is nothing in the world you can buy that this won’t buy you, call wherever you want, find out anything you need from the contacts in those phones,” she sipped from her glass again, “while on your mission, live your best life, because Lord knows, when it’s all over, none of us will have a pleasant time.”
Immunda looked into his own envelope, and grinned, “Excellent, you’ve been most helpful,” and he left with that.
I moved to leave before Samantha grabbed me.
“Not so fast,” she advised.
I frowned, “what-”
“I can see your true desire, Bella.” Her black eyes locked on to mine, “Do you truly think it’s possible?”
I smiled smugly to her, holding my hand up, a small flame appearing within. “I already have power given by them, why wouldn’t they oblige my deepest desire for my loyalty?”
“Your desire to become a demon, while I understand it, is lofty.” Samantha warned, “if you fail…”
“I lose everything,” I explained, “I’m aware. You may also be aware: I have nothing. So what do I have to lose?”
Samantha was silent for a moment or two, “they really took everything from you, didn’t they?”
“I returned the favor,” I glared at her, “as you did.”
“It’s that obvious?”
“Yes,” I pointed out, “The way you explained his death,” I grinned, “Your parents, your brother, you killed them.”
Samantha nodded, “Yes, I did. My parents weren’t something I meant to do, my Master acted through me. I learned quickly, as my father and mother’s hearts stopped in front of me, that someone without a soul is at the mercy of their Master’s will.”
I nodded, “It’s the only reason I haven’t offered my free will.”
“Needless to say,” Samantha said as she took a sip of champagne, “I took my time with my brother. I was free after my parents died, and we were to inherit the fortune he sold my soul for equally.”
“And I’m sure you weren’t in the sharing mood at the time?” I suggested.
“No, I wasn’t,” she finished her champagne, “nor have I been since.”
“You and I aren’t so different you know,” I pointed out.
Samantha was silent for a moment or two before she faced me again, her black eyes scanning me, “It isn’t entirely too late. You’re young, there is a path to forgiveness, but if you walk this path now, there isn’t any going back for you.”
“You think I want to go to God?” I asked, offended.
“Want? No. But your goals are too lofty. You hope to become a demon, with what? Favors? Demons are not the generous sort to share their power with a mere human woman,” Samantha warned.
I shook my head, “It’s about proving loyalty, and showing them how vicious I can be. That I’m willing to do anything, to suffer any sin, and push past any moral barrier in their service.” I grinned, “Then, someday, I’ll be the one offering deals and bargains with desperate mortals.”
Samantha sighed, “Maybe you will reach your ultimate desire. You’d be a terrifying demon.”
I smiled, “Thank you.”
“But, if you don’t mind me asking,” she began, placing her sunglasses back on, “why do you travel with that want-to-be summoner?”
“He’s my decoy,” I explained, “as long as I’m with him, everyone will focus on him.”
Samantha sneered, “then get him clothed in something proper, and get him not smelling like a damp cellar.”
I nodded, and stood up, heading after him. Once I had done so, Immunda turned to me, “We have tickets, according to these,” he pointed to his phone, showing a flight that left in about five hours to Boston, in the US, of all places.
The phone that Samantha gave me soon buzzed, and a message appeared on the screen: “Live your best life.” On it was an appointment at a store, the name displayed on my phone was: “GAITO.”

I walked into a very pricey looking store; the racks had dresses from high-end designers, and shoes to match. They lined the racks with high-end brands, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Carolina Herrera, Akris, Valentino, Prada, I was in paradise!
Prices were nowhere on the products, as this was not the average clothing store.
An assistant walked out quickly, heading from the back as soon as I walked in.
“May I help you?” he asked. He was a thin man and wore a very well fitted three piece suit. The fabric shimmered in the light as he moved.
“Yes, I was told to come here,” I explained.
“By whom?” he asked, looking down his nose at me, something I was used to.
“Samantha Waldroop,” I informed.
His expression immediately shifted, “ah, you must be Bella!” He extended his hand, “A pleasure. I was told to spare no expense for your attire. Please, follow me.”
I followed, and he brought me behind a curtain, bringing out a tailor’s tape.
“Sizing?” I asked, smiling.
He nods, taking my measurements, “Ms. Waldroop has already selected a wardrobe for you. I’m told to send it to your new apartment in Boston.”
I smiled, “Oh?”
“Yes,” he chuckled, “she’s very discerning.”
“I would say so,” I grinned to him.
“I have one dress I’ll size for you right away, it should not take long. In the meantime, while you wait, I’ll give you a voucher for the closest salon and spa,” he finished jotting down my measurements, and fixed me with a sly grin, “I must say, Bella, you live up to your name. I truly cannot wait to see what a lovely gem like you will look like with some proper polish.”
“You flirt,” I laughed.
He smiled at me, “Perhaps the next time I’m in Boston, we can get together.”
“Certainly,” I lied as he handed me a voucher and his business card.
A few hours later I was sauntering into the airport wearing a dress that costs more than most people’s houses and a pair of heels that likely cost the same as some poor bastard’s car.
I was grinning ear to ear. After the salon, even Immunda cleaned up well.
We had to go to the airport soon, but I needed supplies. I turned to Immunda, “I’ll need some regents,” I explained.
“More shopping?“ Immunda grumbled, “You have that feather, isn’t it enough?”
I rolled my eyes, “I’m feeling too naked since the damn priest captured me.”
“Naked?” he frowned, “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Just wait here,” I stopped by a pet shop, “I need to get a few things.”
I popped inside and purchased a set of feeding mice. Feeding mice are interesting little creatures. If you think they don’t know their fate, you don’t know body language. They know exactly what their destiny is.
I walked over to Immunda, “I’ll need a minute or two,” I then slipped behind an alleyway.
Immunda just shrugged and waited. He just leaned against the wall In his suit. An expensive one and while he refused to have his beard cut, it was at least now looking manageable. The stench was, lesser, masked by a cologne.
Regardless the alleyway was a welcome break from his stench.
I set the box of mice down and opened it up. The mice clustered together in the corner, fearful, worried a snake’s belly would soon be their fate.
A weak fire wrapped around my hand, flashing over the little creatures, “I was like you once,” I explained to them. As I spoke, my intentions flowed from my spirit into theirs, and they stopped their cowering. “They preyed upon me, like you. I now call on you to be a predator, with me. Give up your bodies, lend me your spirits, allow me to empower you.”
One brave little mouse snuck towards me.
I grinned and grabbed him with my flaming hand.
The mouse squeaked at first, its fur turning from bright white to black, and its body withered in my hand.
Soon the flame turned black, and the mouse’s mouth opened. A black spirit slid out, and coiled sweetly around my hand, coiling up to my arm.
“So much better than being fed to a snake, yes?” I asked it.
The spirit, which now appeared more snake-like than mouse-like, nuzzled it self against my shoulder.
I looked down to the other four or five mice, “Who’s next?”
I had emerged now with a series of little corrupted spirits coiled about my person. Some around my waist, others around my wrists and one felt rather comfortable around my throat.
I would use these spirits to empower my spells. Creatures that know their end is near have little qualms about becoming something more. Even these corrupted spirits would live on as something far more powerful than had they merely returned to the earth. Now they were far more than they ever could have hoped to be and loyal to me for it.
Immunda grumbled, “Are you quite finished?”
I nodded, “Yes. Thoughts?” I said, running my finger along the spirit that coiled sweetly around my neck.
Immunda shrugged, “You look the same as you did before.”
The idiot can’t even see the spirits? I thought. How has he gotten this far?
When we finally arrived at the gate, I displayed my ticket, first-class, the first time I had ever flown in such a style.
The woman at the gate looked over my ticket and beamed happily to us, “Oh welcome! You've got the best seats on the plane!” she assured.
I was unsure why Boston was the destination, but I didn’t concern myself with where we were going. I assumed Samantha’s master has pointed us in the proper direction, so with my fate cast forth, I relished the experience.
I had spent so much time stealing, seducing, and scraping my life together, it was a thrill to be privy to the royal treatment
“Oh, Miss DelAvana, you’re just in time for priority seating,” the woman at the gate said, as she ushered Immunda and I passed the gate and through the jet-way.
Soon I sat in a luxurious leather seat, Immunda sat at the window.
A stewardess walked over to me, “Miss, would you like something to drink we take off?”
“Absolutely,” I smiled, “whatever is your finest liquor.”
She beamed, “right away,” she turned to Immunda, “You sir?”
Immunda was nervous, looking out the window, he waved her off, “no, that’s fine.”
The stewardess, to her credit, asked “would you like something to help you sleep, sir? If you’re nervous about flying.”
Immunda nodded, “Yes. Thank you.”
A moment or two later, I had my drink, and Immunda had some water and pills to take.
I leaned back, watching as people passed my seats by. Lesser people, I had always felt this, but now it felt even more contrasted. None could know the power I had, not just the money recently given to me by Samantha, but the authority that it brought with it.
A deep and contented sigh filled me with elation as I enjoyed the luxury of everything around me. Even the little darkened spirits snuggled closer to me, pleased at my contentment.
Then they began to react, not in fear, dark spirits have little to fear. They reacted as if something tasty was nearby.
“Shush pretties,” I whispered, but as I looked up, I spotted him.
He was wearing a rather simple and drab outfit, almost dirty and unkempt blonde hair. He had tanned skin and vibrant green eyes. Frozen in place, he appeared as a deer stuck in headlights. He was a short man, maybe a hair over 165cm, but not unattractive.
My beauty and expensive clothing didn’t stun him. Rather, I could tell he wasn’t the average person.
His eyes were green, so was his aura. Like me, he had companion spirits, but his spirits were all little earthen spirits. They cowered before the dark spirits which surrounded me.
I smiled, “Oh my,” I gave him a sly grin, “what do we have here?”
He gathered himself up and attempted to push past me.
With a quick motion, I grabbed him with my free hand, “not so fast there,” I gazed at him, the spirit around my neck caressed my lips as I spoke, “what’s your hurry?”
“Get away from me, witch,” the short man insulted.
His little outburst barely phased me, “What was it you called me?” I said as I concentrated on burning one of his little earth spirits off his shoulder. The spirit around my neck readied itself to leap out and attack on my whim.
“Release me,” he threatened, his earth spirits now rallying around him, how brave! “Or I’ll turn the silver and gold in your dress into needles.”
It was nice to know the gold and silver trim in my dress was real, real enough for the earth mage before me to know and even consider manipulating it. Granted his little magics would need to get past my own darkened servants to do anything. Unlikely, all things considered.
But I did not know this mage, he could do so if he had enough report with them. The imagery of my skin being pierced, and me burning the boy to cinders before everyone on the plane played back in my mind. If I did that, I wouldn’t be able to get to Boston as I was being directed.
“Playful,” I teased, “I like that,” I tried to think of an insult to befit him, after him calling me a witch, “flower boy.”
Before we could finish our conversation, the first-class stewardess was there to interrupt us.
“Excuse me, Madam, is this man bothering you?” she gave the mage a stern glare.
I grinned, amused by someone pushed away from me as if they weren’t worth my time. Better yet, she did so without my request; the world assumed that he was lesser than me, just by our clothing.
“S-sorry,” he squeaked as they ushered him past me.
I called back to him before he vanished into the coach section, “Be careful in the air young man,” I taunted, “we’re a long way from your terra firma.”
I glimpsed something strange as he departed. A powerful earth spirit was being carted behind him, and I glared at what could contain such a thing.
Behind him was a rather large rose in a glass case and a flower pot. The rose wasn’t a normal flower, pulsing within it was a powerful life force! Some kind of empowered earth spirit with incredible potential.
A smile grew over my lips, I wondered: I could corrupt a spirit that powerful? Did it have a will of its own? What could I do with a spirit that strong?
He was in the same plane we were in, so all I had to do was spot him come out. Catching the little thing shouldn’t be hard.
I put it out of my mind, for now, considering how I’d take that rose from him, and see about corrupting it for my own purposes.

I still recall waiting for him to come off the plane at the terminal, Immunda impatiently waiting behind me.
“We should pursue my demon, she must be here,” Immunda grumbled.
I did my best to stop myself from slapping the shit out of him for referring to her as his demon again, “We’ll get to tracking her soon enough. I want to grab that Mage’s little flower.”
“Tracking her, right,” Immunda trailed off.
I snapped to him, “Master,” I began, “you can track her yes? You’ve had enough rest?”
Immunda turned to me, “She’s cloaked,” he explained.
Immunda nods, “Yes. I cannot sense her. I felt her power briefly but the little minx is likely posing as a human and doing so very well.”
I could feel my blood pressure rise and I considered burning Immunda on the spot.
Suddenly I heard a familiar voice scream, “Allahu Akbar!” at the top of her lungs.
The entire terminal turned into an absolute mad-house! People panicked, some dove to the floor, others scurried out of emergency exits where they could.
I spotted a woman in black robes being tackled by several officers, and recognized her from the Vatican, “That’s the nun!” I shouted.
Immunda nodded, “she must be-oof!” he coughed as someone knocked him to the ground.
I looked around, frantic to find her, but in a sea of faces, I saw no one familiar. My search wasn’t in vain, however, as I spotted the mage rushing out a side emergency exit.
I pushed my way past a few people and forced my way out the same exit, hoping I could find the little bastard. This proved difficult in my stylish heels, and I tumbled to the side a few times as I struggled through the crowd.
What I came across wasn’t something I expected to see from the boy.
A police officer of some sort had tried to stop him, why I wasn’t sure.
But wrapped around the officer’s shoulders were roots jutting out of the ground. I tucked myself behind a pillar and peeked from behind the wall to spy on what was happening.
The officer screamed in pain as the roots dislocated his arms, pulling him down into the ground.
But beneath the officer wasn’t soft ground, but hard concrete!
I flinched as I watched the man’s knee-caps burst and his legs folded at an unnatural angle.
Despite the spectacle of blood and gore before me, however, I was more interested with the plant the mage has. The rose that accompanied the Mage was conscious!
It moved inside of the glass as if it were an animal, and I swear I could make out a face at the base of its flower! How powerful a mage was he?
More screaming from his victim brought my attention back to the man who was now being dragged into the earth below him.
I could see the roots empowered by incredible spiritual energy, flowing from the Mage directly into them. They swelled in strength and force, and ripped the man’s flesh down beneath the ground, his screams stopping only as he slipped under the soil.
The mage appeared shocked, though I was less surprised. Earth spirits, as with most spirits outside of holy and dark, are neutral. They don’t care about the life of the man, to them his flesh hasn’t changed state whether he’s alive or dead. An earth spirit might find a dead corpse a better place to grow a fruitful plant.
As if on cue, a sapling sprouted from the ground where the guard once stood. It appeared to be an oak tree, and as it grew, I heard a snapping noise I was rather familiar with. The sound of a jaw as it dislocated.
As the snap occurred, The Mage removed a ring from his finger, and its power was clear. The spirits calmed almost immediately, but I could sense power pulsing from the ring. That power vanished as he placed it into some kind of bag. What was that ring? Some kind of philosopher stone? Something that could empower magic so drastically, I had to have it! This mage was someone I needed to exploit to the fullest, that was clear to me.
I pressed my back to the wall, and I looked down at my dress. The threat of turning the borders of my dress into needles wasn’t just idle chatter. Was the Mage caught off-guard by my presence? Did he spare me merely because there were others around us? Should I be following him instead of Immunda?
“Oh my God,” the Mage’s voice said in despair.
His reaction added doubt to whether he’d be keen on making me into potting soil as he did the guard he had just mulched. He didn’t know his own strength, that was certain, yet he knew enough to be wary of me.
I heard a muffled scream, and glanced upwards to see the mage running off with his potted plant, “damn it!” I growled.
But the muffled scream continued. It was coming from the small sapling.
I approached the tree tentatively and watched as the leaves shook slightly. The muffled screams came from the soil below, and as I looked down, I saw the horrified eyes of the police officer that the Mage had cast his magic on.
“Oh dear,” I bent over, looking into his eyes, “you’re in a bit of a spot, aren’t you?”
He blinked, his eyes, now more bloodshot, darting back and forth.
I flicked the small trunk of the sapling, eliciting a groan from the soil. A thought came to me, and I snapped one of the smaller branches of the tree. Blood dripped from the small broken branch and the man screamed in pain. “My my, seems you and this little tree are one,” I looked down at him, a devious grin coming over me, “I doubt you wish to be down there forever… unable to die, unable to move, yes?”
His eyes blinked a few times.
“Blink twice for yes and once for no,” I smiled, pacing around him, “understand?”
His eyes darted back and forth and blinked twice.
“Good,” I smirked, getting down onto my haunches over him, “now… how’s about you allow my dark magic inside of you? I might get you walking again.”
His eyes narrowed, and he blinked once.
I shrugged, standing, “I wasn’t offering out of benevolence,” I began to walk away, ignoring his fading cries, “I’ll ‘leaf’ you alone then.” I grinned wide, I wondered if I came back to him in a few days, if he’d be more agreeable?

Part 5
submitted by BellaDelAvana to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

Demonic Pacts (Part 4)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
After a flight to Zurich, an arranged car that would drive us to the Casino Zurich greeted us. Immunda and I stepped out, our mysterious benefactor had taken care of the bill.
The building was the opposite of what I’d expect of a Casino. The beauty of the Monaco Casinos spoiled me. Elegant architecture to hint the opulence and sin that was waiting within. A monument to greed and desire, both expressed in the building's content and in the domes and spires outside.
In stark contrast to Monaco, this was a four or five-story building, rectangular, with a sign on the front which read “Casino”. They lined the outside in lights and lit brightly, but the outside what wholly unremarkable. It almost looked like a bank or apartment building repurposed to a Casino. It was the definition of Swiss architecture: Function over Form, and that was dull.
It spoke nothing of what was inside, with lavish furnishings, intricate decorations and rows and rows of card tables. Through the bustle of the lobby, tourists and gamblers abound, Immunda and I finally tracked down the front desk.
One reason I enjoyed Switzerland because I could speak Italian with a fair chance that the other person also knows Italian, or at least enough to direct me where to go.
I explained, “My companion, and I were meeting someone? An American woman, Samantha Waldroop?”
She smiled, “Allow me, Ms. Waldroop is in the VIP Lounge, she said she would expect you.” She picked up a desk phone calling someone. She smiled brightly after her conversation in what I would only describe as a sweeter version of German, “someone will be with you shortly.”
A waiter came to greet us and motioned for us to follow him.
As we departed the front desk, the hostess called out, “Es het mi gfröit!”
I just waved back as they led us through a maze of slot machines, card tables, and televisions. The odd bar and restaurant sprinkled here and there. Ultimately, we arrived at an area that was far less crowded and secured by a velvet rope and a guard.
The guard immediately undid the rope, and moved across the entrance, allowing us to pass.
Finally, after passing many an empty table in a red and dimly lit room, we were let to a single booth that had a maroon curtain around it. Our escort opened the curtain and bowed slightly, his arm motioning for us to enter the private booth.
That’s when I saw the raven-haired American girl. She wore a black dress with a Bateau neckline with black sequined trim; it reached down to her mid-thigh. Over the dress, she wore a one button coat by the same designer, as the colors matched flawlessly. With a pair of expensive Louboutin black high-heels, I was immediately envious of. Say what you will of the French, but fashion was their strong suit, and Samantha wore that French fashion well. A pair of dark sunglasses completed her look, despite the dimly lit room.
She turned to us, motioning for us to sit, she had an earpiece in of some sort, on the phone with someone.
“Yes, Derik,” she motioned to the escort, and made two motions with her hand, gesturing to us, and the escort vanished in a flash.
“No, Derik, I’m in Zurich. Yes. Because at this point I’ve got to ensure our assets are secure. Given the current economic climate, someone has to. No, I want anything liquid transferred to euros,” she growled, “Yes I said everything liquid, I did not stutter!” she threw the earpiece to the table, turning to us. “Sorry, not everyone shares my vision of prosperity, apparently.”
I sat down in the small booth next to her, and despite Immunda being further away, her nose curled at Immunda’s musky scent. Something I was growing increasingly used to, which I considered bothersome.
She didn’t bother shaking our hands, but immediately began to speak, “Time, I’m told, is of the essence.” She heaved a sigh, “or at least I’m told this is by my Master. To be honest? I don’t feel the need to rush for him.”
“Aren’t you in direct service of a demon?” I asked her, smiling, “wouldn’t that be disobeying?”
Samantha removed her sunglasses, revealing eyes which were nothing but a pair of black orbs, “yes, unwilling and willing all at the same time.” her dark globes looked me up and down, “Seems to be something you desire.”
I nodded, reveling in the abyss of her eyes.
She placed her sunglasses back on, “My journey is rather different from yours. I never sought the darkness, it found me.”
“How so?” I asked.
“My idiot brother bartered a deal with a demon, he demanded wealth, insane wealth,” she sipped bubbling champagne from a thin flute-glass, “of course, the demon gave the money to my parents,” she took another sip, “who died… then he died… all in exchange for my soul.”
Immunda scoffed, “another can not give a soul that isn’t their own without-”
“Consent, I’m well aware,” she took another sip, “which I gave.”
I smiled, “so you gained great wealth?”
“Among other obligations,” she said swirling the champagne around the glass, “demons, my dear Bella, don’t see us as much more than stepping stones. And the king of all demons? Lucifer? He despises our mere existence.”
“Those who don’t serve-” Immunda tried to interject.
“He hates us all,” Samantha clarified, she then turned to me, “... but your desire, Bella, is in line with his, isn’t it? You hate your fellow man, almost as much as he does. I’ve never seen such hatred in a mortal before. Dare I ask what brought it on?”
My smile fell, “I led my life for God, instructed by my mother. She was dutiful and pious. My father? Much less so.”
“What did he do that was so terrible?” Samantha asked.
“He gambled away everything we had, then died leaving us on the streets,” I heaved a sigh, “two nice girls on the street don’t stay there long. Soon enough, traffickers abducted us, they raped my mother to death before my eyes.”
Samantha placed her glass down, removing her glasses, her onyx spheres had a white glint in them. She reached into a large woven crocodile bag, pulling out a pair of small envelopes. “You’ll be in the mood for a change, then.”
“Change?” I reached into the envelope.
Inside was a black American Express card with my name on it. In addition, there was a German and Japanese Passport, all in my name. Last, was a bundle of Euros, there had to be at least five or ten thousand in there, of varying denominations. Finally, was a set of SIM cards and a new phone.
The phone was pricy, I could tell for certain, trimmed in gold and had an odd mark on the back, was a high-end Samsung phone. I turned it over to see some gold inlay under the glass of the back.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“Tools,” Samantha explained, “Don’t worry about any finances, charge the card, there is nothing in the world you can buy that this won’t buy you, call wherever you want, find out anything you need from the contacts in those phones,” she sipped from her glass again, “while on your mission, live your best life, because Lord knows, when it’s all over, none of us will have a pleasant time.”
Immunda looked into his own envelope, and grinned, “Excellent, you’ve been most helpful,” and he left with that.
I moved to leave before Samantha grabbed me.
“Not so fast,” she advised.
I frowned, “what-”
“I can see your true desire, Bella.” Her black eyes locked on to mine, “Do you truly think it’s possible?”
I smiled smugly to her, holding my hand up, a small flame appearing within. “I already have power given by them, why wouldn’t they oblige my deepest desire for my loyalty?”
“Your desire to become a demon, while I understand it, is lofty.” Samantha warned, “if you fail…”
“I lose everything,” I explained, “I’m aware. You may also be aware: I have nothing. So what do I have to lose?”
Samantha was silent for a moment or two, “they really took everything from you, didn’t they?”
“I returned the favor,” I glared at her, “as you did.”
“It’s that obvious?”
“Yes,” I pointed out, “The way you explained his death,” I grinned, “Your parents, your brother, you killed them.”
Samantha nodded, “Yes, I did. My parents weren’t something I meant to do, my Master acted through me. I learned quickly, as my father and mother’s hearts stopped in front of me, that someone without a soul is at the mercy of their Master’s will.”
I nodded, “It’s the only reason I haven’t offered my free will.”
“Needless to say,” Samantha said as she took a sip of champagne, “I took my time with my brother. I was free after my parents died, and we were to inherit the fortune he sold my soul for equally.”
“And I’m sure you weren’t in the sharing mood at the time?” I suggested.
“No, I wasn’t,” she finished her champagne, “nor have I been since.”
“You and I aren’t so different you know,” I pointed out.
Samantha was silent for a moment or two before she faced me again, her black eyes scanning me, “It isn’t entirely too late. You’re young, there is a path to forgiveness, but if you walk this path now, there isn’t any going back for you.”
“You think I want to go to God?” I asked, offended.
“Want? No. But your goals are too lofty. You hope to become a demon, with what? Favors? Demons are not the generous sort to share their power with a mere human woman,” Samantha warned.
I shook my head, “It’s about proving loyalty, and showing them how vicious I can be. That I’m willing to do anything, to suffer any sin, and push past any moral barrier in their service.” I grinned, “Then, someday, I’ll be the one offering deals and bargains with desperate mortals.”
Samantha sighed, “Maybe you will reach your ultimate desire. You’d be a terrifying demon.”
I smiled, “Thank you.”
“But, if you don’t mind me asking,” she began, placing her sunglasses back on, “why do you travel with that want-to-be summoner?”
“He’s my decoy,” I explained, “as long as I’m with him, everyone will focus on him.”
Samantha sneered, “then get him clothed in something proper, and get him not smelling like a damp cellar.”
I nodded, and stood up, heading after him. Once I had done so, Immunda turned to me, “We have tickets, according to these,” he pointed to his phone, showing a flight that left in about five hours to Boston, in the US, of all places.
The phone that Samantha gave me soon buzzed and a message appeared on the screen: “Live your best life.” On it was an appointment at a store, the name displayed on my phone was: “GAITO.”

I walked into a very pricey looking store; the racks had dresses from high-end designers, and shoes to match. They lined the racks with high-end brands, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Carolina Herrera, Akris, Valentino, Prada, I was in paradise!
Prices were nowhere on the products, as this was not the average clothing store.
An assistant walked out quickly, heading from the back as soon as I walked in.
“May I help you?” he asked. He was a thin man and wore a very well fitted three-piece suit. The fabric shimmered in the light as he moved.
“Yes, I was told to come here,” I explained.
“By whom?” he asked, looking down his nose at me, something I was used to.
“Samantha Waldroop,” I informed.
His expression immediately shifted, “ah, you must be Bella!” He extended his hand, “A pleasure. I was told to spare no expense for your attire. Please, follow me.”
I followed, and he brought me behind a curtain, bringing out a tailor’s tape.
“Sizing?” I asked, smiling.
He nods, taking my measurements, “Ms. Waldroop has already selected a wardrobe for you. I’m told to send it to your new apartment in Boston.”
I smiled, “Oh?”
“Yes,” he chuckled, “she’s very discerning.”
“I would say so,” I grinned to him.
“I have one dress I’ll size for you right away, it should not take long. In the meantime, while you wait, I’ll give you a voucher for the closest salon and spa,” he finished jotting down my measurements, and fixed me with a sly grin, “I must say, Bella, you live up to your name. I truly cannot wait to see what a lovely gem like you will look like with some proper polish.”
“You flirt,” I laughed.
He smiled at me, “Perhaps the next time I’m in Boston, we can get together.”
“Certainly,” I lied as he handed me a voucher and his business card.
A few hours later I was sauntering into the airport wearing a dress that costs more than most people’s houses and a pair of heels that likely cost the same as some poor bastard’s car.
I was grinning ear to ear. After the salon, even Immunda cleaned up well.
We had to go to the airport soon, but I needed supplies. I turned to Immunda, “I’ll need some regents,” I explained.
“More shopping?“ Immunda grumbled, “You have that feather, isn’t it enough?”
I rolled my eyes, “I’m feeling too naked since the damn priest captured me.”
“Naked?” he frowned, “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Just wait here,” I stopped by a pet shop, “I need to get a few things.”
I popped inside and purchased a set of feeding mice. Feeding mice are interesting little creatures. If you think they don’t know their fate, you don’t know body language. They know exactly what their destiny is.
I walked over to Immunda, “I’ll need a minute or two,” I then slipped behind an alleyway.
Immunda just shrugged and waited. He just leaned against the wall In his suit. An expensive one and while he refused to have his beard cut, it was at least now looking manageable. The stench was, lesser, masked by a cologne.
Regardless the alleyway was a welcome break from his stench.
I set the box of mice down and opened it up. The mice clustered together in the corner, fearful, worried a snake’s belly would soon be their fate.
A weak fire wrapped around my hand, flashing over the little creatures, “I was like you once,” I explained to them. As I spoke, my intentions flowed from my spirit into theirs, and they stopped their cowering. “They preyed upon me, like you. I now call on you to be a predator, with me. Give up your bodies, lend me your spirits, allow me to empower you.”
One brave little mouse snuck towards me.
I grinned and grabbed him with my flaming hand.
The mouse squeaked at first, its fur turning from bright white to black, and its body withered in my hand.
Soon the flame turned black, and the mouse’s mouth opened. A black spirit slid out, and coiled sweetly around my hand, coiling up to my arm.
“So much better than being fed to a snake, yes?” I asked it.
The spirit, which now appeared more snake-like than mouse-like, nuzzled itself against my shoulder.
I looked down to the other four or five mice, “Who’s next?”
I had emerged now with a series of little corrupted spirits coiled about my person. Some around my waist, others around my wrists and one felt rather comfortable around my throat.
I would use these spirits to empower my spells. Creatures that know their end is near have little qualms about becoming something more. Even these corrupted spirits would live on as something far more powerful than had they merely returned to the earth. Now they were far more than they ever could have hoped to be and loyal to me for it.
Immunda grumbled, “Are you quite finished?”
I nodded, “Yes. Thoughts?” I said, running my finger along with the spirit that coiled sweetly around my neck.
Immunda shrugged, “You look the same as you did before.”
The idiot can’t even see the spirits? I thought. How has he gotten this far?
When we finally arrived at the gate, I displayed my ticket, first-class, the first time I had ever flown in such a style.
The woman at the gate looked over my ticket and beamed happily to us, “Oh welcome! You've got the best seats on the plane!” she assured.
I was unsure why Boston was the destination, but I didn’t concern myself with where we were going. I assumed Samantha’s master has pointed us in the proper direction, so with my fate cast forth, I relished the experience.
I had spent so much time stealing, seducing, and scraping my life together, it was a thrill to be privy to the royal treatment
“Oh, Miss DelAvana, you’re just in time for priority seating,” the woman at the gate said, as she ushered Immunda and I passed the gate and through the jet-way.
Soon I sat in a luxurious leather seat, Immunda sat at the window.
A stewardess walked over to me, “Miss, would you like something to drink we take off?”
“Absolutely,” I smiled, “whatever is your finest liquor.”
She beamed, “right away,” she turned to Immunda, “You sir?”
Immunda was nervous, looking out the window, he waved her off, “no, that’s fine.”
The stewardess, to her credit, asked “would you like something to help you sleep, sir? If you’re nervous about flying.”
Immunda nodded, “Yes. Thank you.”
A moment or two later, I had my drink, and Immunda had some water and pills to take.
I leaned back, watching as people passed my seats by. Lesser people, I had always felt this, but now it felt even more contrasted. None could know the power I had, not just the money recently given to me by Samantha, but the authority that it brought with it.
A deep and contented sigh filled me with elation as I enjoyed the luxury of everything around me. Even the little darkened spirits snuggled closer to me, pleased at my contentment.
Then they began to react, not in fear, dark spirits have little to fear. They reacted as if something tasty was nearby.
“Shush pretties,” I whispered, but as I looked up, I spotted him.
He was wearing a rather simple and drab outfit, almost dirty and unkempt blonde hair. He had tanned skin and vibrant green eyes. Frozen in place, he appeared as a deer stuck in headlights. He was a short man, maybe a hair over 165cm, but not unattractive.
My beauty and expensive clothing didn’t stun him. Rather, I could tell he wasn’t the average person.
His eyes were green, so was his aura. Like me, he had companion spirits, but his spirits were all little earthen spirits. They cowered before the dark spirits which surrounded me.
I smiled, “Oh my,” I gave him a sly grin, “what do we have here?”
He gathered himself up and attempted to push past me.
With a quick motion, I grabbed him with my free hand, “not so fast there,” I gazed at him, the spirit around my neck caressed my lips as I spoke, “what’s your hurry?”
“Get away from me, witch,” the short man insulted.
His little outburst barely phased me, “What was it you called me?” I said as I concentrated on burning one of his little earth spirits off his shoulder. The spirit around my neck readied itself to leap out and attack on my whim.
“Release me,” he threatened, his earth spirits now rallying around him, how brave! “Or I’ll turn the silver and gold in your dress into needles.”
It was nice to know the gold and silver trim in my dress was real, real enough for the earth mage before me to know and even consider manipulating it. Granted his little magics would need to get past my own darkened servants to do anything. Unlikely, all things considered.
But I did not know this mage, he could do so if he had enough report with them. The imagery of my skin being pierced, and me burning the boy to cinders before everyone on the plane played back in my mind. If I did that, I wouldn’t be able to get to Boston as I was being directed.
“Playful,” I teased, “I like that,” I tried to think of an insult to befit him, after him calling me a witch, “flower boy.”
Before we could finish our conversation, the first-class stewardess was there to interrupt us.
“Excuse me, Madam, is this man bothering you?” she gave the mage a stern glare.
I grinned, amused by someone pushed away from me as if they weren’t worth my time. Better yet, she did so without my request; the world assumed that he was lesser than me, just by our clothing.
“S-sorry,” he squeaked as they ushered him past me.
I called back to him before he vanished into the coach section, “Be careful in the air young man,” I taunted, “we’re a long way from your terra firma.”
I glimpsed something strange as he departed. A powerful earth spirit was being carted behind him, and I glared at what could contain such a thing.
Behind him was a rather large rose in a glass case and a flower pot. The rose wasn’t a normal flower, pulsing within it was a powerful life force! Some kind of empowered earth spirit with incredible potential.
A smile grew over my lips, I wondered: I could corrupt a spirit that powerful? Did it have a will of its own? What could I do with a spirit that strong?
He was on the same plane we were in, so all I had to do was spot him come out. Catching the little thing shouldn’t be hard.
I put it out of my mind, for now, considering how I’d take that rose from him, and see about corrupting it for my own purposes.

I still recall waiting for him to come off the plane at the terminal, Immunda impatiently waiting behind me.
“We should pursue my demon, she must be here,” Immunda grumbled.
I did my best to stop myself from slapping the shit out of him for referring to her as his demon again, “We’ll get to tracking her soon enough. I want to grab that Mage’s little flower.”
“Tracking her, right,” Immunda trailed off.
I snapped to him, “Master,” I began, “you can track her yes? You’ve had enough rest?”
Immunda turned to me, “She’s cloaked,” he explained.
Immunda nods, “Yes. I cannot sense her. I felt her power briefly but the little minx is likely posing as a human and doing so very well.”
I could feel my blood pressure rise and I considered burning Immunda on the spot.
Suddenly I heard a familiar voice scream, “Allahu Akbar!” at the top of her lungs.
The entire terminal turned into an absolute mad-house! People panicked, some dove to the floor, others scurried out of emergency exits where they could.
I spotted a woman in black robes being tackled by several officers, and recognized her from the Vatican, “That’s the nun!” I shouted.
Immunda nodded, “she must be-oof!” he coughed as someone knocked him to the ground.
I looked around, frantic to find her, but in a sea of faces, I saw no one familiar. My search wasn’t in vain, however, as I spotted the mage rushing out a side emergency exit.
I pushed my way past a few people and forced my way out the same exit, hoping I could find the little bastard. This proved difficult in my stylish heels, and I tumbled to the side a few times as I struggled through the crowd.
What I came across wasn’t something I expected to see from the boy.
A police officer of some sort had tried to stop him, why I wasn’t sure.
But wrapped around the officer’s shoulders were roots jutting out of the ground. I tucked myself behind a pillar and peeked from behind the wall to spy on what was happening.
The officer screamed in pain as the roots dislocated his arms, pulling him down into the ground.
But beneath the officer wasn’t soft ground, but hard concrete!
I flinched as I watched the man’s knee-caps burst and his legs folded at an unnatural angle.
Despite the spectacle of blood and gore before me, however, I was more interested with the plant the mage has. The rose that accompanied the Mage was conscious!
It moved inside of the glass as if it were an animal, and I swear I could make out a face at the base of its flower! How powerful a mage was he?
More screaming from his victim brought my attention back to the man who was now being dragged into the earth below him.
I could see the roots empowered by incredible spiritual energy, flowing from the Mage directly into them. They swelled in strength and force, and ripped the man’s flesh down beneath the ground, his screams stopping only as he slipped under the soil.
The mage appeared shocked, though I was less surprised. Earth spirits, as with most spirits outside of holy and dark, are neutral. They don’t care about the life of the man, to them his flesh hasn’t changed state whether he’s alive or dead. An earth spirit might find a dead corpse a better place to grow a fruitful plant.
As if on cue, a sapling sprouted from the ground where the guard once stood. It appeared to be an oak tree, and as it grew, I heard a snapping noise I was rather familiar with. The sound of a jaw as it dislocated.
As the snap occurred, The Mage removed a ring from his finger, and its power was clear. The spirits calmed almost immediately, but I could sense power pulsing from the ring. That power vanished as he placed it into some kind of bag. What was that ring? Some kind of philosopher stone? Something that could empower magic so drastically, I had to have it! This mage was someone I needed to exploit to the fullest, that was clear to me.
I pressed my back to the wall, and I looked down at my dress. The threat of turning the borders of my dress into needles wasn’t just idle chatter. Was the Mage caught off-guard by my presence? Did he spare me merely because there were others around us? Should I be following him instead of Immunda?
“Oh my God,” the Mage’s voice said in despair.
His reaction added doubt to whether he’d be keen on making me into potting soil as he did the guard he had just mulched. He didn’t know his own strength, that was certain, yet he knew enough to be wary of me.
I heard a muffled scream, and glanced upwards to see the mage running off with his potted plant, “damn it!” I growled.
But the muffled scream continued. It was coming from the small sapling.
I approached the tree tentatively and watched as the leaves shook slightly. The muffled screams came from the soil below, and as I looked down, I saw the horrified eyes of the police officer that the Mage had cast his magic on.
“Oh dear,” I bent over, looking into his eyes, “you’re in a bit of a spot, aren’t you?”
He blinked, his eyes, now more bloodshot, darting back and forth.
I flicked the small trunk of the sapling, eliciting a groan from the soil. A thought came to me, and I snapped one of the smaller branches of the tree. Blood dripped from the small broken branch and the man screamed in pain. “My my, seems you and this little tree are one,” I looked down at him, a devious grin coming over me, “I doubt you wish to be down there forever… unable to die, unable to move, yes?”
His eyes blinked a few times.
“Blink twice for yes and once for no,” I smiled, pacing around him, “understand?”
His eyes darted back and forth and blinked twice.
“Good,” I smirked, getting down onto my haunches over him, “now… how’s about you allow my dark magic inside of you? I might get you walking again.”
His eyes narrowed, and he blinked once.
I shrugged, standing, “I wasn’t offering out of benevolence,” I began to walk away, ignoring his fading cries, “I’ll ‘leaf’ you alone then.” I grinned wide, I wondered if I came back to him in a few days, if he’d be more agreeable?
Part 5
submitted by Zithero to nosleep [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (8/28/16)

· 1. First U.S. Olympic rhythmic-gymnastics team trained in Deerfield (Chicago Tribune)
· 2. Skokie woman chosen to be part of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump's National Hispanic Advisory Council (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 3. New addition to Glenbard West High School in Glen Ellyn sets stage for school's future (Daily Herald)
· 4. Cicero man killed in shooting in Cicero (CBS 2)
· 5. Person tackles Plainfield man who robbed Bolingbrook Bingo hall of $4,000 at knifepoint before robber gets away (ABC 7)
· 6. Lansing: Little Calumet River levee-improvement project stalled because 11 residents haven't signed off on easement agreements (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 7. Cancer Resource Centre in Munster offers healing garden for meditation, reflection(Northwest Indiana Times)
· 8. Merrillville looking into partnership with Gary Public Transportation Corp. that would provide shuttles to connect town's residents with existing bus routes (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 9. Man fatally shot after fight that started at Hammond bar (CBS 2)
· 10. Gary Redevelopment Commission selects East Chicago native to paint mural with the theme of 'resurgence' (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
· 11. Munster resident pens book in hopes of saving elephants (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 12. Former Gary mayoral candidate sues city, Redevelopment Commission over deal with MaiaCo LLC (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 13. Municipalities, including Michigan City, call for citizen panel to draw legislative district lines (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 14. U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk says President Obama 'acting like drug-dealer-in-chief' in response to question about money paid to Iran, release of hostages (NBC 5)
· 15. Glenview police search for man who tried to lure several children into his car (FOX 32)
· 16. Alleged victim files medical-malpractice lawsuit against Wilmette doctor whom she claims provided prescription medications in exchange for sex while she was 17-years-old (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 17. Skokie police arrest four people in connection with several car burglaries that took place Sunday, Aug. 21 (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 18. 18-year-old charged with stabbing man at Woodstock house party (FOX 32)
· 19. Arlington Heights Elementary School District 25 to spend about $600,000 to buy laptops for all of its middle-school students (Daily Herald)
· 20. Bartlett village administrator to retire next January after 35 years on the job (Daily Herald)
· 21. Driver of SUV seriously injured when semi truck runs red light on Route 176 in Crystal Lake (Daily Herald)
· 22. Des Plaines Subway restaurant robbed of more than $400 at 3 a.m. Sunday (Daily Herald)
· 23. Fire at Oakbrook Terrace motel causes evacuation; one person injured (CBS 2)
· 24. Rosemont swears in original 'Incredible Hulk' actor Lou Ferrigno as honorary public-safety officer during Wizard World Chicago (ABC 7)
· 25. Car lands 200 feet off road following crash in Batavia; driver extricated from vehicle (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 26. Dow Furniture in North Aurora closing (Daily Herald)
· 27. Fox Valley Wildlife Center reports goose recovering after group of Batavia High School students attacked it (Daily Herald)
· 28. Soldier from Maywood dies in Food Hood, Texas, barracks (CBS 2/Associated Press)
· 29. DuPage Public Safety Communications (DuComm) may move to DuPage County Complex in 2018 (Daily Herald)
· 30. 14 people taken to hospital after gas leak at Sugar Grove chemical distributor (Daily Herald)
· 31. New Jersey-based Strategic Properties of North America buys Briarbrook Village apartments in Wheaton for $50 million (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 32. Cyclist critically injured after being hit by car in Chicago Ridge; driver being questioned (CBS 2)
· 33. Pregnant Florida woman moves in with mother in Orland Park to avoid Zika virus (CBS 2)
· 34. 28-year-old Crest Hill man convicted of possession of child pornography, given three years probation, must register as sex offender for life (Chicago Tribune)
· 35. Police, SWAT team engage in 8-hour standoff on Monday at Park Forest home where they thought burglary suspects were; suspects remain at large (CBS 2)
· 36. Airports across Northwest Indiana fighting economic head winds, drop in licensed pilots (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 37. Lake County deputy rescues dog from burning car in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 38. Crete man arrested in Dyer after high-speed chase that followed attempted traffic stop in Cedar Lake (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 39. Michigan City-based NW Indiana Gay Straight Coalition aims to improve relations with LGBT community, reduce gun violence (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 40. Northwest Indiana communities witness decrease in homicide rate (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
· 41. East Chicago police seek hit-and-run driver who injured ArcelorMittal worker on his way to work (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 42. Libertyville-Vernon Hills Area High School District 128 to look for places to cut after board approves $98.3 million budget (Daily Herald)
· 43. Fourth-grade teacher at Skokie school uses rap video to introduce himself to his students (NBC 5)
· 44. Would-be smash-and-grab burglary of Libertyville gun shop thwarted by weapons not being on sales floor (Chicago Tribune/Libertyville Review)
· 45. Manager of Northbrook beauty salon, daughter narrowly missed being hit by car that crashed into salon's front door (Chicago Tribune/Northbrook Star)
· 46. Armed robber gets away cash, cigarettes during robbery at Libertyville gas station (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 47. West Dundee approves downtown special taxing district despite business owners' objections (Daily Herald)
· 48. 87-year-old Arlington Heights man charged with battery for using pepper spray on officers sent to check on his well-being (Chicago Tribune/Arlington Heights Post)
· 49. Carpentersville launches interactive shopping/marketing tool on village website (Daily Herald)
· 50. Sears Holdings reopens Des Plaines Kmart (Daily Herald)
· 51. Special census to be conducted in North Aurora beginning Sept. 1 (Daily Herald)
· 52. Wheaton City Council reducing plans for downtown improvements, while debating bond sales (Daily Herald)
· 53. Darien man struck and killed by train on Metra BNSF line in Hinsdale (Chicago Tribune/The Doings)
· 54. Man robs Addison bank (ABC 7)
· 55. Clarendon Hills cyclist struck and killed in Hinsdale (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 56. Aurora man dies as result of rollover accident in Virgil Township (Kane County) (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 57. Glen Ellyn Elementary School District 41 has busing problems on first day of school (Daily Herald)
· 58. Elk Grove Village gives Marino's Wood Fire Restaurant permission for outdoor dining (Daily Herald)
· 59. Kane County Sheriff's Office reinstates school-resource officers in Kaneland, Burlington Central high schools (Daily Herald)
· 60. Head of Choose DuPage urges better use of public transit, bicycles as way to boost county's job market (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 61. Woman reunited with doctors, nurses who saved her life 10 years ago at Oak Lawn hospital, where she now also works (NBC 5)
· 62. Taltree Arboretum & Gardens in Valparaiso euthanizes 4-year-old 16-pound Giant Chinchilla rabbit after it gets sick (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 63. Woman from East Chicago, man from Hammond charged with child endangerment after leaving infants in car while they were gambling at casino (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 64. Crown Point considers pay hikes for non-elected employees, incentives for police officers to live in city (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 65. Split decision forces choice of new Portage Township School member to courts (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 66. Hobart may create program to encourage businesses to invest in green infrastructure (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 67. NIPSCO plans to shutter coal-fired generation station in Chesterton by 2018, much of Wheatfield facility by 2023 (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 68. Porter County Board rejects wheel tax to generate money for road/bridge projects; moves $5.5 million into rainy-day fund (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 69. Fugitive from LaPorte County leads officers on chase; found in cubby hole underneath plywood door in his home (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 70. Indiana shore drawing Chicago-area commuters away from the big city (Chicago Tribune)
· 71. Morton Grove, Wheeling men plead guilty to defrauding schools of $33 million of tutoring funds (CBS 2)
· 72. Highland Park extends contract with embattled red-light-camera firm Redflex Traffic Systems to give police time to find a replacement (Chicago Tribune/Highland Park News)
· 73. Two people arrested after drug lab discovered in Waukegan apartment during eviction (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 74. Lincolnshire-Prairie View School District 103 OKs budget, which includes additions at two schools (Daily Herald)
· 75. Island Lake Village Board to consider raising mayor's salary to $25,000, tops in Lake County (Daily Herald)
· 76. Former Crystal Lake resident pleads guilty to drug-induced homicide in death of McHenry mother (Chicago Tribune)
· 77. Streamwood teen accused of running over his father three times with a car during fight with relatives in Chicago (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 78. Law going into effect in 2017 would allow Elgin Area Unit School District U-46 CEO to also serve as district's superintendent (Daily Herald)
· 79. Illinois Department of Transportation agrees to $4 million in funding for proposed U.S. 14 underpass beneath Canadian National Railroad tracks in Barrington (Daily Herald)
· 80. Forest Park-based Nadeau's Ice Sculptures turns ice into works of art (WGN TV)
· 81. Engineering firm: Batavia needs larger stormwater pipes, to invest more in culvert maintenance to resolve flooding problems on city's southeast side (Daily Herald)
· 82. Naperville launches program to help police officers, firefighters, members of the military, reservists, veterans, health-care and EMS workers, teachers with real-estate financing (Daily Herald)
· 83. One person killed in car crash in Maywood (NBC 5)
· 84. DuPage judge orders release of dash-cam video related to Lisle man's claim Naperville police tried to run him over during a protest (Chicago Tribune)
· 85. Bloomingdale to reduce telecommunications tax from 5 percent to 3 percent (Daily Herald)
· 86. Aurora activists upset about using non-local artists for blues mural, which they say doesn't represent the city or its connection to the style of music (Daily Herald)
· 87. Atlanta-based T5 Data Centers acquires former Forsythe Technologies building in Elk Grove Village for new data center (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 88. Actor Nick Offerman to visit Minooka High School on Oct. 23 as part of book tour (Chicago Tribune)
· 89. Man shot outside house in Flossmoor (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 90. Child struck by car in Merrionette Park (FOX 32)
· 91. Thieves steal more than $1,000 worth of razor blades in less than four minutes at Chesterton CVS store (NBC 5)
· 92. Northwest Indiana's unemployment rate drops to 5.8 percent in July (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 93. Highland town officials want new municipal building, citing numerous condition issues with current facilty (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 94. East Chicago man accused of stealing cologne from Hobart's Southlake Mall, attempted to carjack a woman leaving the mall (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 95. Gary police seek man in connection with bank robbery (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 96. Illinois legislator introduces bill to protect parks, sensitive properties from Pokémon GO players (ABC 7)
· 97. Northwestern University unearths 1954 time capsule inside institution's library (CBS 2)
· 98. Lake County coroner appeals removal from ballot to Illinois Supreme Court (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 99. Zion man charged with multiple felonies in fatal May 13 car crash in Graylake (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 100. Woman convicted of Deerfield toddler's death at Lincolnshire daycare facility to get new trial (Chicago Tribune)
· 101. Wheeling man charged with criminal aggravated sexual assault, predatory criminal sexual assault of two children from his neighborhood (Daily Herald)
· 102. Fox Waterway Agency struggling to deal with sediment in Chain of Lakes, Fox River (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 103. Prairie Grove police officer on trial for DUI following crash that wrecked village-owned vehicle (Chicago Tribune)
· 104. Mundelein Parks & Recreation District to borrow $4 million to replace Chalet at Keith Mione Community Park with larger multi-use facility (Daily Herald)
· 105. Former Rosati's Pizza building on Route 31 in Carpentersville to be torn down; village hopes it will spur further redevelopment (Daily Herald)
· 106. Imam of Elgin Islamic center pleads guilty to sexual abuse of student, must register as a sex offender (CBS 2)
· 107. Bartlett family battles Canadian National Railroad over fallen trees, branches that damaged their fence (NBC 5)
· 108. Pennsylvania woman charged with filing false rape/battery report in Schaumburg; Rolling Meadows man charged with trespassing in same incident (FOX 32)
· 109. Executive director of Schaumburg Township District Library to retire at year's end (Daily Herald)
· 110. Rivers Casino donates $5,000 to help bring traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall to Des Plaines (Daily Herald)
· 111. Environmental activists claim Cicero-based Tough Cuts Inc. is allowing construction rubble to creep into Chicago Sanitary and Shipping Canal, threatening wildlife (CBS 2)
· 112. Pizza-delivery driver robbed at gunpoint in Willowbrook (CBS 2)
· 113. Terror suspect from Hillside deemed unfit to stand trial; sent to psychiatric facility for treatment (CBS 2/Chicago Sun-Times)
· 114. Aurora mayor to step down from post in October due to cancer, treatment (ABC 7)
· 115. Gas leak closes South Finley Road in Lombard (ABC 7)
· 116. DuPage judge rules against Hinsdale in attempt to remove sculpture from couple's yard (ABC 7)
· 117. Batavia aldermen indicate willingness to demolish historic First Baptist Church to make way for redevelopment (Daily Herald)
· 118. Tickets go on sale for Freaky Deaky 2016 Halloween festival at Toyota Park in Bridgeview (CBS 2)
· 119. Homeless man wanted for fatal shooting in Harvey arrested in Virginia (CBS 2)
· 120. Hammond man believed to have robbed Lansing Goodwill store dies in car crash on Ridge Road (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 121. 20-year-old man shot to death in Flossmoor (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 122. Midlothian bank robbed (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 123. Man killed by semi trailer on I-80/94 near Lake Station after exiting his pickup, which was involved in a crash with another vehicle (FOX 32)
· 124. Vote on East Chicago homeless shelter postponed after city planner says dry-cleaning business was located on proposed site (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 125. Portage Rotary Club looking to rebuild after membership dwindles to one person (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 126. Waukegan man charged with drug-induced homicide in Antioch man's death (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 127. U-Haul pulls out of Lake Zurich; Life Storage Inc. has eye on same property (Daily Herald)
· 128. Fox Lake pension board to await outcome of Melody Gliniewicz's criminal trial before making decision on late husband's pension (Daily Herald)
· 129. Two carjackings reported overnight in Evanston (CBS 2)
· 130. Waukegan School District 60 to replace pipes, water fountains in areas serving preschoolers, kindergarteners (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 131. Lemonade Brigade raising money for McHenry County girl who crawled into a hot car and passed out, suffering heat injuries (CBS 2)
· 132. Schaumburg woman convicted of killing her severely-disabled daughter granted bond, could be freed (Chicago Tribune)
· 133. Elgin councilman objects to city's sale of parking lots to St. Joseph Catholic Church without putting the properties on the market first (Daily Herald)
· 134. St. Louis-based Capstone Development Group buys The Tower Building in Elgin after two years of negotiations (Daily Herald)
· 135. Two men jailed for crimes in Woodstock now charged with burglary in Union (CBS 2)
· 136. Elgin-based Nick's Pizza & Pub plans expansion into Chicago (NBC 5)
· 137. Referendum on ballot to decide fate of proposed early-learning center in Mount Prospect-based River Trails School District 26 (Daily Herald)
· 138. Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211 schedules parent open houses for Thursday, Sept. 1 (Daily Herald)
· 139. Elgin Community College lays off 15 employees, considers other cuts in face of state funding shortfalls (Daily Herald)
· 140. Taxpayers question referendum seeking $130 million for construction put forward by Palatine Elementary School District 15 (Daily Herald)
· 141. Naperville 'salt spa' shuts down suddenly, leaving cystic-fibrosis patients out money and nowhere to go(CBS 2)
· 142. Fenton High School District 100 board, teachers reach pact, holding off on cost-of-living increases for two years, but giving them raises based on experience, education (Daily Herald)
· 143. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar discusses social action during book-promotion appearance at North Central College in Naperville (Daily Herald)
· 144. Residents raise concerns about intersection of Oak Street and Ravine Road following cyclist's death (ABC 7)
· 145. Batavia police: Investigation shows teens didn't attack goose at Batavia High School corn boil (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 146. No injuries reported when bus rolls over on Roosevelt Road in West Chicago (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 147. Elk Grove Park District demolishes buildings at Community Athletic Fields to make way for new facilities (Daily Herald)
· 148. Lockport man pleads guilty to domestic abuse, sentenced to 9 years in prison (FOX 32)
· 149. Darien woman become first DuPage County person with West Nile virus in 2016 (Daily Herald)
· 150. Car struck by bullets on I-57 in Matteson (CBS 2)
· 151. Dolton man in custody in Lansing now charged with multiple armed robberies in Hammond (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 152. Semi-truck driver from LaPorte killed in crash with three other vehicles on I-80/94 near Hammond (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 153. Security guard in Gary hit with hammer, robbed of bag containing gun (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 154. Lowell, Tri-Creek School Corp. to partner on school resource officer (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 155. Cook County assessor refunds $6.1 million to municipalities collected because of 'erroneous' exemptions (NBC 5)
· 156. Woman killed in high-speed, head-on crash on Golf Road in Morton Grove (WGN TV)
· 157. Firefighters rescue group of teens from Deerfield water tower (WGN TV)
· 158. North Chicago police arrest suspect in Waukegan home invasion that left disabled man injured (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 159. Extensive restoration work under way at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Gurnee (Daily Herald)
· 160. Governor signs into law bill spawned by fight over Crystal Lake South High School bleachers (Chicago Tribune)
· 161. Aurora to review liquor license for Latin American Club where man died in Aug. 1 shooting (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 162. Naperville opens $24 million Fort Hill Activity Center (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 163. Oak Lawn mothers/teachers create one-of-a-kind books that teach kids acceptance, confidence, kindness, respect (ABC 7)
· 164. Joliet man charged with grooming Mokena boy for sex via e-mail (CBS 2)
· 165. Cook County State's Attorney's Office investigating case where lawyer who posed as judge at Markham courthouse (Chicago Tribune)
· 166. Lowell girl who found abandoned baby in family's back yard to appear on 'The Steve Harvey Show' on Oct. 4 (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 167. South Haven man charged with molesting a child now facing child-porn charges (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 168. St. John swears in first female police officer (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 169. Merrillville warns residents to lock Dumpsters after Waste Management threatens to cut off garbage collection because of illegal dumping (Northwest Indiana Times)
submitted by emememaker73 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (6/26/16)

·1. Teen shot in the chest near intersection of Lyons Street, Ashland Avenue in Evanston (Chicago Tribune)
·2. While on domestic-battery call, Waukegan police sworn, shot at; three men in custody (CBS 2)
·3. Waukegan Yacht Club celebrates 50th anniversary of Junior Sail Program (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·4. Woodland Elementary School District 50 foundation to put on golf outing July 22 at Lake Geneva, Wis., to raise funds for schools (Daily Herald)
·5. Diamond Lake Elementary School District 76 providing breakfast for students Monday through Thursday throughout the summer at West Oak Middle School, Gurnee (Daily Herald)
·6. Father, owner of Bartlett-based Sebert Landscaping, and son, field supervisor for Marengo-based Bluestem Ecological Services, team up to bring more native plants to landscaping (ABC 7)
·7. Statue of Donald E. Stephens unveiled in Rosemont (ABC 7)
·8. Online survey drums up 'The Bradley,' ROSY, The Black Pearl, Runaway as possible names for new hotel in Rosemont (Daily Herald)
·9. Mount Prospect promotes senior village planner to assistant to village manager (Daily Herald)
·10. Couples celebrating 60th wedding anniversaries serve as grand marshals in Elk Grove Village's annual Hometown Parade on June 18 (Daily Herald)
·11. West Chicago Elementary School District 33 program encourages fathers to read with their children every day (Daily Herald)
·12. Geneva's Swedish Day celebrates Midsummer, Swedish heritage (Daily Herald)
·13. Republican U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, of Channahon, says he wouldn't vote for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, were the election held today (Chicago Sun-Times)
·14. Former Cubs great Andre Dawson gives advice to Joliet Slammers players, signs autographs for fans (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·15. Calumet City bank robbed (Chicago Sun-Times)
·16. Family of man living in Hobart group home sues over alleged assault by employee from Chesterton (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·17. Chicago woman killed in car crash near Horseshoe Casino in Hammond (Chicago Sun-Times)
·18. Judge dismisses manslaughter charge again LaPorte County man, saying police, prosecutors bungled case of wife's shooting death (Chicago Sun-Times)
·19. Cook County Jail locked down after hundreds of workers call in sick on Father's Day (NBC 5)
·20. McHenry County woman, Mount Prospect truck driver taken to hospital after car-vs-tractor-trailer crash on Route 173 in Newport Township, Lake County (Chicago Sun-Times)
·21. 85-year-old Deerfield woman killed, man and infant injured when woman tried to make a left-hand turn onto 137 from U.S. 45 off ramp into oncoming traffic (Chicago Sun-Times)
·22. Construction begins on 18-store Kildeer Village Square mall on Rand Road; opening expected in 2017 (Daily Herald)
·23. Two armed robberies in Waukegan happen four hours apart on Sunday; police uncertain whether they were related (Chicago Sun-Times)
·24. Chicago restaurateur, partners plan Mediterranean-style restaurant for downtown Libertyville (Daily Herald)
·25. Evanston police probe shooting that wounded three teens (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
·26. Arlington Heights Memorial Library ties together summer reading program, Fan Con comic convention (Daily Herald)
·27. Chicago man wounded in shootout with Palatine police on June 16 charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, unlawful delivery of cannibis (CBS 2)
·28. SUV driven by minor crashes into front entrance of IHOP at Norridge Commons, sending one person to the hospital, injuring six others (Chicago Tribune/Norridge-Harwood Heights News)
·29. Chicago Aviation Department submits 9-month 'Fly Quiet' plan to FAA; proposal would to rotate takeoffs and landings at O'Hare International Airport, designed to reduce noise issues (WGN TV)
·30. Wheeling Township Elementary School District 25 board member among 1,000 school officials that lobbied Congress on equity in education (Daily Herald)
·31. Streamwood-based Elgin Toyota pitches plan for repaidetail shop along Lake Street in Bartlett (Daily Herald)
·32. 4-year-old girl drowns at Downers Grove Swim and Racquet Club; facility closed during investigation (ABC 7)
·33. 48-year-old man dies after car he was riding in during driving lesson flips over into Aurora retention pond; driver still hospitalized (FOX 32)
·34. nursing homes from Naperville, Westmont sue rival company over plans for facilities in Aurora and Lisle (Chicago Tribune)
·35. Oak Park police look into drive-by shooting between vehicles on Sunday night on Austin Boulevard at Interstate 290; driver of a vehicle not targeted suffered minor injuries (Chicago Tribune/Oak Leaves)
·36. 78-year-old man struck, killed in Elmhurst by Metra train on Union Pacific-West line (Chicago Sun-Times)
·37. Lombard fire chief to retire on 30th anniversary of his full-time employment with department (Daily Herald)
·38. Morton Arboretum launches $63 million conservation program to preserve and improve 1,700-acre property (Crain's Chicago Business)
·39. Pew Research: High school and college students finding less summertime work available (Chicago Tribune/Buffalo Grove Countryside)
·40. Gas station, car wash pulled from proposed development at Route 22 and Quentin Road in Hawthorn Woods (Daily Herald)
·41. Lake County Sheriff's Gangs Task Force arrest two men after stop in Waukegan; one was wanted on a warrant for a long list of felonies (Chicago Sun-Times)
·42. Woodstock woman who helped fight legal battle with Rohm and Haas chemical company over cancer clusters in McHenry County succumbs to brain cancer (Chicago Tribune)
·43. Metra Union Pacific Northwest Line train strikes pedestrian near Woodstock (Chicago Sun-Times)
·44. Hoffman Estate board hires consultant to look into TIF refund for 185-acre development, provided the developer reimburses the village for the $28,500 cost (Daily Herald)
·45. Superintendent of Schaumburg Township Elementary School District 54 to get 10 percent pay raise, two years after DUI incident (Daily Herald)
·46. Arlington Heights Village Board approves 15-house development on former Robert J. and Lorraine Henry family estate near downtown (Daily Herald)
·47. Elgin Water Department combats musty, moldy smell in water following algae bloom in Fox River (WBBM AM 780)
·48. Officials at Hersey High School in Arlington Heights warn parents about companies offering fee-based financial aid and college scholarships (Chicago Tribune/Arlington Heights Post)
·49. Palatine woman sentenced for five years in prison for DUI-related crash that killed one person and seriously injured another; her BAC level was 0.24 (Chicago Tribune)
·50. 25-year-old Pingree Grove man charged with sexual abuse of a teen (Chicago Sun-Times)
·51. Des Plaines Elementary School District 62 appoints new board member (Daily Herald)
·52. Sleepy Hollow Village Board creates trust fund to address lack of affordable housing stock (Daily Herald)
·53. TFC Bank branch in River Forest robbed at gunpoint by three people (Chicago Sun-Times)
·54. St. Charles changes massage-business ordinance to reduce likelihood of more problems with illegal activities in massage parlors, following a number of busts for prostitution (Daily Herald)
·55. Engineers: Expect a lot of noise during construction of pedestrian tunnel along Glen Ellyn's Taylor Avenue (Daily Herald)
·56. Berwyn uses billboard campaign to try to draw young adults to the suburb; target is Chicago's River North population (CBS 2)
·57. Downers Grove village officials concerned about pension obligation and its effects on property taxes (Chicago Tribune)
·58. Bolingbrook restaurant owner urges wider celebration of Juneteenth (Daily Herald)
·59. Illinois Toll Highway Authority approves Lee Street exit off I-90 in Rosemont (Daily Herald)
·60. Naperville man who taught at Wilmington High School pleads guilty to sexual abuse of student, child pornography charge (Daily Herald)
·61. 17-month-old boy found unresponsive in Homer Glen pool (Chicago Tribune)
·62. Lincoln-Way High School District 210 removes plaques dedicated to embattled ex-superintendent Lawrence Wyllie (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·63. Judge gives Calumet City man to two consecutive life sentences for 2009 double murder during confrontation at bar (Chicago Sun-Times)
·64. Diocese of Gary to shut down St. Mark's Catholic Church rather than spend money to renovate 95-year-old building (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·65. Cook County Health and Hospitals executive director: Gun violence 'a public health crisis' (WBBM AM 780)
·66. Waukegan School District 60 to provide breakfast, lunch to children ages 2 to 18 at five locations (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·67. North Shore School District 112 delays planned school closures, giving citizens committee time to work out solution to prevent closures (Chicago Tribune/Highland Park News)
·68. Glenview Park District investigating 65-year-old woman's claim that she got hit by a golf ball that sailed through open car window from nearby golf course (Chicago Tribune/Glenview Announcements)
·69. Man tried to lure 12-year-old girl into car near Oakton Street and Western Avenue in Park Ridge (Chicago Sun-Times)
·70. Barrington Area Unit School District 220 plan would shift middle-school boundaries, probably move 160 students from one building to the other; plan is part of potential change in start times (Daily Herald)
·71. Wauconda officials consider reinstalling red-light camera at intersection of Bonner Road, U.S. 12, citing safety concerns (Daily Herald)
·72. Bartlett resident starts group pushing to allow chickens in residential areas of the village (Daily Herald)
·73. Elk Grove Village to spend $1 million over next five years replacing trees felled by emerald ash borer (Daily Herald)
·74. Wheaton resident creates online petition to lower Wheaton's citywide speed limit on residential streets to 20 mph in wake of 6-year-old's death after being hit by a van (Daily Herald)
·75. Naperville City Council approves placing two non-binding referendum questions on November ballot which would ask about futures of Naperville Township, road district (Daily Herald)
·76. Proposed Longview Parkway tolls in Kane County expected to be between 50 and 75 cents (Daily Herald)
·77. Two boys report being robbed of iPhone by two teenagers in LaGrange (ABC 7)
·78. Schiller Park woman pleads guilty to aggravated battery to a child for 2015 incident in which she forced her two children to drink apple juice mixed with an antianxolytic medication to try to kill them, then tried to commit suicide (Chicago Tribune)
·79. Oak Brook couple that owned First Mutual Bancorp of Illinois in Harvey indicted on charges of concealing millions of dollars in cash, assets after defaulting on $40 million personal loan (Chicago Tribune/The Doings (Oak Brook))
·80. Aurora man charged in Tuesday-afternoon shooting of two people following argument on city's southeast side (Chicago Sun-Times)
·81. Northlake woman charged with reckless homicide, DUI, driving without insurance in death of 46-year-old man in Melrose Park (Chicago Sun-Times)
·82. Donkey gets party for 50th birthday at Field of Dreams in Maple Park (Daily Herald)
·83. 23-year-old Yorkville man charged with sexual assault of juvenile at Newark motel (Chicago Sun-Times)
·84. Clerk at Park Forest gas station shot, wounded during robbery (Chicago Sun-Times)
·85. Lake, Porter sheriffs displeased with U.S. Congress's failure to pass any gun-control legislation (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·86. Police arrest 20-year-old in connection with drug ring operating at Crown Point High School (Northwest Indiana Times)
·87. Truck with trailing carrying cars overturns on I-80/94 at Indianapolis Boulevard in Hammond (Northwest Indiana Times)
·88. Chicago man found guilty of reckless homicide in crash of Gary church bus in Indianapolis while he was high on cocaine (Northwest Indiana Times)
·89. Lack of regulations means individual towns can charge whatever they want for liquor licenses and that cost is passed on to the customers (Daily Herald)
·90. Illinois signals intent to move ahead with Chicago-to-Quad-Cities high-speed rail line as deadline for federal funds draws to close (Crain's Chicago Business)
·90. Deerfield teen sings duet with her Broadway idol at Chicago Symphony Orchestra performance (Chicago Tribune/Deerfield Review)
·91. Doctors from Highland Park (with office in Buffalo Grove) and Skokie among 301 people caught in federal Medicare-fraud sweep (Chicago Sun-Times)
·92. Ela Township buys 10-acre property for $490,000 with plans for athletic fields just outside Lake Zurich village limits (Daily Herald)
·93. Camp I Am Me lets burn survivors enjoy summer camp, therapy at Camp Duncan near Fox Lake (WGN TV)
·94. Lake County Sheriff's police catch Kenosha man who carjacked a vehicle with a child inside it, after stopping the vehicle on I-294 near Des Plaines (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·95. Federal Securities and Exchange Commission accuses Lake Forest-based The Ticket Reserve Inc. of Ponzi scheme that defrauded professional athletes out of $30 million (Daily Herald)
·96. Village of Lincolnshire sues Skokie-based North Capital, saying the owner of the former Purple Hotel property hasn't cleaned up the site following demolition a month ago (Crain's Chicago Business)
·97. Woman accused of drug-fueled crash that killed Woodstock nurse is arrested in Las Vegas, Nev. (Chicago Tribune)
·98. Flash floods inundate Arlington Heights businesses, streets during Wednesday night storms (Chicago Tribune/Arlington Heights Post)
·99. Palatine Township Elementary School District 15, park district considering Osage Park property as location for new school, abandon plans for Falcon Park (Daily Herald)
·100. Harper College officials sign off on agreement to build health-and-wellness center with Palatine Park District that would mean indoor pool for residents, students (Daily Herald)
·101. Alan Bombeck, architect and member of Arlington Heights Design Commission since its formation in 1995, dies from cancer (Daily Herald)
·102. Guitar virtuoso Fareed Haque to headline Jazz It Up Glen Ellyn festival on July 16 (Daily Herald)
·103. Elk Grove Village mayor 'offended' by 'inappropriate' comments by residents opposed to proposed Islamic prayemeeting center (Daily Herald)
·104. Neighbors of new Naperville Mariano's complain about all the noise caused by refrigerated trucks brought in to store excess commidities (Daily Herald)
·105. Aurora officials: Water safe to drink despite strange taste, odor linked to Fox River (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
·106. Two teen boys charged with burglarizing vehicles on South 19th Street in St. Charles (Chicago Sun-Times)
·107. Enthusiasts of antique bicycles to have event on July 8 on Prairie Path and in downtown Wheaton (Daily Herald)
·108. Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigating death of man pulled through machinery at Coilplus Inc. in Plainfield (CBS 2)
·109. Ohio man killed after falling from under-construction asphalt tank at International Tank Services in Willow Springs (Chicago Sun-Times)
·110. Sunnybrook Elementary School District 171 raises lunch, activity and technology fees (Northwest Indiana Times)
·111. 14-year-old boy shot in back while in a car stopped at Rose Plaza in Matteson; alleged shooter had followed their vehicle on Lincoln Highway (NBC 5)
·112. Gary unveils new handicapped-accessible boat/kayak launch at Marquette Park (Northwest Indiana Times)
·113. 'Visions of Sand and Steel: Visions of Our Indiana Shore' show runs through Aug. 28 at Southshore Arts Centre in Munster (Northwest Indiana Times)
·114. Chicago Cubs extend contract with Class-A affiliate South Bend Cubs through 2020 (CBS 2)
·115. 76-year-old Porter woman dies after being struck by train in Chesterton (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·116. Dallas, Texas-based Which Wich to open first store in northwest Indiana with sandwich shop in Schererville (Northwest Indiana Times)
·117. Atlanta, Ga.-based Turnstone Group puts 3,000 residential lots, 581 acres undeveloped land in the suburbs on the market (Crain's Chicago Business)
·118. Author of 'New Suburbanism: Sustainable Tall Building Development': Arlington Heights, Evanston provide models for what Chicago's suburbs should look like (Crain's Chicago Business)
·119. Storms touch off fire in Evanston, topple gas-station canopy in Mount Prospect, flood Taco Bell in Palatine (WGN TV)
·120. Island Lake trustee creates 'Irises of Island Lake' project to decorate, add color to village (Daily Herald)
·121. Pharmaceutical company Abbvie, volunteers fix up North Chicago buildings to make homes for veterans (WGN TV)
·122. 9-year-old Norridge boy left at Hanover Park water park while on field trip from Norridge camp; parents learned about situation when he called from a lifeguard's cell phone (CBS 2)
·123. Chicago to renovate O'Hare Hilton, add two new hotels, including one along Mannheim Road (ABC 7)
·124. Harvard man charged with sexual abuse of a minor in Antioch (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·125. Palatine Village Hall to reopen Monday, June 27, following renovations (Daily Herald)
·126. British press blaming meeting at O'Hare pizzeria for BRexit referendum (Chicago Tribune)
·127. One man dead following five-vehicle crash at Dempster Street and Harlem Avenue on Morton Grove/Niles border; victim likely suffered medical issue that led to crash (FOX 32)
·128. Des Plaines Park District works on acquiring vacant lots at Center Street and Oakwood Avenue for new park (Daily Herald)
·129. 17-year-old Kianna Gavin of South Elgin still missing; police still investigating disappearance (Daily Herald)
·130. Teenage Rolling Meadows girl charged with molesting female friend who slept over at her house (Daily Herald)
·131. Bartlett High School to get new stadium scoreboard after receiving grant from Bartlett Rotary Club (Daily Herald)
·132. College of DuPage board votes for budget that keeps tuition and property taxes at same level as previous year (Daily Herald)
·133. Elderly Bellwood woman dies from carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke inhalation in house fire (Chicago Sun-Times)
·134. St. Charles Community School District 303 board decides against middle-school referendum this fall, after $12,000 poll shows only 40 percent support (Daily Herald)
·135. Bolingbrook police end probe into murder-suicide of sometime-business partners from Aurora, Naperville, with no motive behind the crime (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
·136. Matteson man with the surname Gambles wins lottery second time with same numbers (WGN TV)
·137. Park Forest nail technician/caterer finds getting bumped from 'MasterChef' leads to many new opportunities in culinary world (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·138. Crete man sentenced to four months in jail, 30 months intensive probation for 'revenge porn' incident involving his ex-girlfriend (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·139. Schererville buys former Illiana Speedway; town president says its racing days are over (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·140. Chesterton, Portage, Valparaiso fire departments combine to hire, test firefighter applicants (Northwest Indiana Times)
·141. Munster residents object to Town Council's adoption of wheel tax, but president says state law won't allow the town to make exceptions for anyone (Northwest Indiana Times)
·142. 36-year-old Lake Station grandmother, 17-year-old East Chicago father charged in armed kidnapping of 15-month-old boy from foster home (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·143. South Dakota woman with outstanding warrant arrested after being found asleep in the back seat of a stolen car parked behind an abandoned gas station near I-65 and State Route 2 in Hebron (Chicago Sun-Times)
·144. One East Chicago Public Works employee fired in April, another resigned in May as city undertook investigation into alleged thefts of oil, tires (Northwest Indiana Times)
·145. Illinois Secretary of State's Office rakes in $5 million in late fees for license-plate renewals after it stopped sending out reminders to motorists (Chicago Sun-Times)
·146. Divers find body of teenage boy who swam into harbor channel next to Waukegan Municipal Beach and disappeared under water (CBS 2)
·147. Leaders of Long Grove, Hawthorn Woods ask governor, Illinois State Toll Highway Authority to abandon proposed Route 53 environmental-impact study (Daily Herald)
·148. Island Lake officials have eye on 2-acre site inside Converse Park for village's first dog park (Daily Herald)
·149. Lake Zurich issues proclamation joining National Wildlife Federation's efforts to save the monarch butterfly (Daily Herald)
·150. 10 Round Lake Beach police officers sue village over body cameras that continued to record after they were turned off, including while officers were using the bathroom (WGN TV)
·151. Illinois Attorney General's Office settles ethics-violation/workplace-retaliation lawsuit stemming from incident while U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth led the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (NBC 5)
·152. Shakou Asian restaurant to open new location on Prospect Avenue in Park Ridge on Monday, June 27 (ABC 7)
·153. Shots reported fired on Route 53 near Jane Addams Tollway (I-90); Illinois State police investigating incident (WGN TV)
·154. Elgin police officers to get 2.5 percent pay increase following relatively short negotiations with the city (Daily Herald)
·155. Woodstock police searching for three men accused of armed robbery of Shell gas station (Daily Herald)
·156. Des Plaines aldermanic committee favors adopting 'City of Destiny' slogan, interlocking 'dP' logo (Daily Herald)
·157. McHenry County Sheriff's Office charge Kane County Sheriff's deputy with possession of controlled substances after finding Modafinil, Zolpidem, Tapentadol during search of her Woodstock home (NBC 5)
·158. Downers Grove man accused of raping two Indiana University students gets plea deal, one year of probation (Chicago Tribune)
·159. South suburbs see large increase in subsidized housing in wake of Chicago Housing Authority's move to demolish high-rise housing projects (Chicago Sun-Times)
·160. Munster police seek information on man believed to have stolen cartons of cigarettes from a Speedway gas station at knifepoint twice (Northwest Indiana Times)
·161. Hobart residents concerned about flooding related to proposed development at 83rd Avenue and Grand Boulevard (Northwest Indiana Times)
·162. Marketing company SERA Solutions Inc.'s move to Michigan City a boon for staff, from LaPorte County, helps poise organization for growth (Northwest Indiana Times)
·163. South Haven woman's push for safe passage along McCool Road north of U.S. 6 leads Porter County to install new path along roadway (Northwest Indiana Times)
·164. Hobart firefighters called twice to Southlake Mall for fire in Wet Seal store, Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant (Northwest Indiana Times)
·165. Owner of Hill's Haunted Hospital, City of Portage reach agreement allowing him to move haunted house to former U.S. Steel Training Center near Portage Lakefront and Riverwalk (Northwest Indiana Times)
submitted by emememaker73 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (12/18/16)

∙ 1. Complaint prompts removal of apparent racist, pro-Trump banner in Libertyville (Chicago Tribune)
∙ 2. Warren Township High School's O'Plaine campus to host 'hackathon' in January (Daily Herald)
∙ 3. Lake Zurich drama club's production 'Love/Sick' chosen for Illinois High School Theater Festival, running Jan. 5-7 at UIUC (Daily Herald)
∙ 4. Lake Zurich reports sales-tax receipts running ahead of projections (Daily Herald)
∙ 5. Elgin man identified as third suspect in shooting outside Hoffman Estates sport bar (Daily Herald)
∙ 6. Paragon Theaters to get new vertical sign along Arlington Heights Road to increase its visibility (Daily Herald)
∙ 7. Mount Prospect to hike water rates by 4 percent (Daily Herald)
∙ 8. Calumet City alderman sues mayor, five other aldermen, alleging his civil rights were violated because he can't run for mayor in face of voter-approved term-limits referendum (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 9. One Center Township teen killed, another injured in single-vehicle crash along CR 600 West (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 10. Chairman of LaPorte County Republican Party chosen to fill LaPorte County Board vacancy (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 11. Lake Station Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 153 takes 40 needy kids shopping for Christmas (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 12. Lake Station seeks $2.5 million in tax-anticipation warrants to meet operating expenses (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 13. Analysis of Illinois Lottery shows grand prizes for 23 scratch-off games weren't awarded since 2011 (FOX 32)
∙ 14. Family drops lawsuit against Mundelein High School after officials acknowledge failing to comply with state law requiring schools to have suicide-awareness/prevention plan (ABC 7)
∙ 15. Waukegan middle school put on lockdown after false report of person with a gun (FOX 32)
∙ 16. Altered Snapchat photo prompts investigation into apparently false threat at Skokie Elementary School District 73½ building (WBBM AM 780)
∙ 17. Chicago Department of Aviation grants Lincolnwood a noise monitor to determine if air-traffic sounds are loud enough to qualify the village for noise-mitigation programs (Chicago Tribune/Lincolnwood Review)
∙ 18. Cary-Grove High School junior scores perfect score on ACT (ABC 7)
∙ 19. Cardinal Blase Cupich delivers Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Plaines (NBC 5)
∙ 20. Off-duty Hoffman Estates firefighter spots house fire in Elgin, rescues occupant (FOX 32)
∙ 21. Lake in the Hills woman indicted on charges of stealing at least $20,000 from Huntley senior-living community where she used to work (FOX 32)
∙ 22. Prospect High School football team donates $15,000 to Shriners Hospital in memory of teammate's twin who died in 2008 (ABC 7)
∙ 23. Cook County Board president Toni Preckwinkle to be keynote speaker at Martin Luther King Jr. Remembrance and Celebration Dinner on Jan. 12 in Hoffman Estates (Daily Herald)
∙ 24. Buffalo Grove Public Works Department re-accredited by American Public Works Association (Daily Herald)
∙ 25. Woman, dog rescued after falling through ice into pond on Aurora's west side (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
∙ 26. Batavia's mayor to run for 10th term in office (Daily Herald)
∙ 27. Tinley Park doctor convicted of Medicare fraud, sentenced to 40 months in prison, must pay $1.5 million in restitution (CBS 2)
∙ 28. Spring Grove man killed at Chicago Deep Tunnel project in Summit (ABC 7)
∙ 29. Judge puts stop to Harvey mayor's attempt to kick four alderman off the city council, saying the move violates state's Open Meetings Act (Chicago Tribune)
∙ 30. Indiana State Trooper uses CPR, Nalaxone to save Crown Point man injured in single-vehicle crash along I-80 (CBS 2)
∙ 31. State Representative's car reported stolen from the Glen theater in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 32. Chicago woman arrested in Alaska for allegedly stealing $357,000 from Niles company where she used to work (Chicago Tribune/Niles Herald-Spectator)
∙ 33. Libertyville considers liquor license for jazz/acoustic-music venue in village's downtown (Daily Herald)
∙ 34. Armed robber arrested after heist at First Bank and Trust in Skokie (FOX 32)
∙ 35. Developers eye properties at Route 60/83 and Midlothian Road, Route 60/83 and Route 176 for commercial, mixed-use developments (Daily Herald)
∙ 36. Hoffman Estates Village Board recommends Cook County tax incentive to help Ace Hardware open store at Golf and Higgins roads (Daily Herald)
∙ 37. McGrath Automotive Group buys Barrington Volvo, to rename dealership McGrath Volvo Cars of Barrington (Daily Herald)
∙ 38. Former Arlington Park president Steve Sexton dies in Texas at age 57 after brief illness (Daily Herald)
∙ 39. Killdeer man arrested for burglarizing car in Arlington Heights (CBS 2)
∙ 40. Woman robs Huntley Jimmy John's at gunpoint (CBS 2)
∙ 41. Former rector at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Plaines who was removed for 'inappropriate' relationship with another man moves back to Mexico (NBC 5)
∙ 42. Elgin man sentenced to six years in prison for sexually assaulting girl at Elgin park (FOX 32)
∙ 43. Rejected $130 million referendum likely to be issue in race for Palatine Township Elementary School District 15 school board (Daily Herald)
∙ 44. Naperville man convicted of 1995 arson and murder seeks new trial, claiming that fire-science engineers disproved his claim on how fire started (Daily Herald)
∙ 45. California-based 24 Hour Fitness withdraws proposal for 24-hour gym at former Dominick's site in Carol Stream (Daily Herald)
∙ 46. Mid-America Raceway hopes to revive interest in slot-car racing at Ogden Mall in Naperville (Daily Herald)
∙ 47. Endangered red-flanked duiker born at Brookfield Zoo (ABC 7)
∙ 48. DuPage County Sheriff's Office seeks Addison man for series of burglaries (CBS 2)
∙ 49. Broadview police find man shot after report of shots fired; victim pronounced dead at Maywood hospital (NBC 5)
∙ 50. Cousin pleads guilty to assisting man, girlfriend murder Oak Park woman in Bali (FOX 32)
∙ 51. Hinsdale man arrested for second time in a month after attempt to rob Hinsdale convenience store (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 52. Geneva City Council reverses decision, will allow liquor-license holders to run for office (Daily Herald)
∙ 53. Indiana Prairie Unit School District 204 board agrees to seek bids to sell 25 acres of land previously set aside for new middle school (Daily Herald)
∙ 54. Former Aurora woman sends clay angels to thank Central DuPage Hospital staff for caring for her after losing three fetuses during pregnancy (Daily Herald)
∙ 55. Joliet man dies after being shot Dec. 9 in downtown Joliet (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 56. Worker killed at 'Deep Tunnel' project site in Summit was struck by all-terrain vehicle during snow-plowing operations (CBS 2)
∙ 57. Norovirus suspected in 50 people sickened at Orland Park banquet hall (ABC 7)
∙ 58. Worth man arrested for burglarizing car and stealing credit cards in Oak Lawn (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 59. Greek diner Zorba's Restaurant in Highland closes after nearly 40 years in business (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 60. Munster native starts T-shirt-design company that highlights Northwest Indiana region (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 61. Nonviolent drug offender from Highland granted clemency by President Obama after 18 years in prison (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 62. Judge says Gary man 'tortured' 5-year-old son, sentences father to 40 years in prison for child's death (Chicago Tribune/Post-Tribune)
∙ 63. Casino association report claims new Pokegon gaming facility in South Bend will cost Indiana $350 million (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 64. East Chicago police seek leads in theft of tires, rims from an SUV parked in a South Shore Line parking lot (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 65. Crash on I-80/94 near Burr Street in Gary slows traffic (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 66. Grayslake gives tentative approval to Okabe Co. for office/manufacturing building to lure company away from Vernon Hills (Daily Herald)
∙ 67. Driver safe after pickup crashes into icy Pike River in Kenosha (WGN TV)
∙ 68. Chicago-based Blackstone Group acquiring Plaza del Prado in Glenview as part of $1.8 billion purchase of Swedish pension fund's U.S. real-estate portfolio (Crain's Chicago Business)
∙ 69. Round Lake house destroyed after fire started in garage; firefighters save Christmas presents (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
∙ 70. Fox Lake roommates plead guilty: one to possession of child pornography, the other to possession of controlled substances (Daily Herald)
∙ 71. Eight-screen Cinemark movie theater opens at Spring Hill Mall in West Dundee (Daily Herald)
∙ 72. Man wearing construction vest robs Bank of America in Mount Prospect (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 73. Lake in the Hills man accused of defrauding church friends of money given to him to refinance mortgage (Daily Herald)
∙ 74. Transportation union for Elgin Area Unit School District U-46 asks board not to outsource jobs to private transportation company (Daily Herald)
∙ 75. Inverness woman wins federal court case in Kansas, allowing her to keep bag used to collect lunar samples that she bought at auction for $995 (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 76. Centre of Elgin fitness facility sees nearly 24 percent rise in memberships after renovations; city to raise user fees (Daily Herald)
∙ 77. Prospect Heights approves 24-hour gas station next to Arlington Heights neighborhood concerned about traffic (Daily Herald)
∙ 78. Gino's East opens restaurant in Rosemont Village Hall, after 12-year absence from community (Daily Herald)
∙ 79. Glen Ellyn Park District board approves $250,000 budget for installation of lights at Newton Park, despite neighbors' objections (Daily Herald)
∙ 80. Aurora alderman convicted of shoplifting won't run for second term (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
∙ 81. Aurora man caught stealing packages from porches near his home (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 82. Aurora, state officials say new U.S. 34 bridge over Canadian National railroad improves safety at long-deadly crossing (Daily Herald)
∙ 83. Kane County Board approves settlement for former Kane County sheriff's deputy who claimed he was fired to prevent him from challenging former sheriff in 2012 election (Daily Herald)
∙ 84. Suspect in fatal January 2016 shooting in Lockport captured in Georgia (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 85. Amerilodge Group LLC seeks to have residential lot on U.S. 20 in Portage rezoned to allow for new hotel next to Holiday Express Inn currently under construction (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 86. Three people found shot in front yard of home in 3600 block of Van Buren Street in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 87. Portage delays Airport Road stormwater-ditch enclosure project until U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issues permits (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 88. Police seek East Chicago man for Dec. 7 robbery of gas station (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 89. Man shot in leg after confronting another driver who'd been tailgating him in East Chicago (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 90. Highland employee charged with driving snow plow while drunk, resulting in crash with utility pole (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 91. Lake Zurich Middle School woodworking club creates 100 toy cars for less-fortunate kids (Daily Herald)
∙ 92. Driver of stolen car dies after car crashes into Round Lake Beach retention pond; two passengers taken to hospital (Daily Herald)
∙ 93. Deerfield-based Baxter to acquire India-based Claris Injectibles (Crain's Chicago Business)
∙ 94. Illinois Tollway budgets $10 million for study of Route 53 extension; former director calls for end to environmental study (Daily Herald)
∙ 95. Premature baby that weighted 14 ounces at birth is released after seven months at Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights (ABC 7)
∙ 96. Person dies three weeks after Des Plaines house fire (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 97. Carpentersville to spend $70,000 on entrance to Andres Bike Park (Daily Herald)
∙ 98. Former Lake in the Hills deputy police chief charged with sexual abuse of Crystal Lake girl (Daily Herald)
∙ 99. Man robs TCF Bank in Stickney (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 100. Rosemont opts out of Cook County's mandatory higher minimum wages, sick days (Daily Herald)
∙ 101. Elk Grove Village Board to rescind resolution supporting Gov. Rauner's 'Turnaround Agenda' as threat of lawsuit hangs over it (Daily Herald)
∙ 102. Westmont police: Man tried to lure 13-year-old girl into car near 55th Street and Wilmette Avenue (ABC 7)
∙ 103. Intersection of Madison Street, Route 53 and Hill Avenue bridge reopen in Lombard (Daily Herald)
∙ 104. Elk Grove Village promotes deputy fire chief to replace recently retired predecessor (Daily Herald)
∙ 105. Naperville officials may place referendum to combine Lisle Township, Naperville Township road districts (Daily Herald)
∙ 106. Lombard TGI Fridays to be demolished to make way for Sam's Club; Egg Harbor Café closes Yorktown Center location, open new restaurant in Oak Brook (Daily Herald)
∙ 107. Candidate for Naperville Township road commissioner withdraws from race as Naperville pushes plan to consolidate road commission with Lisle Township (Daily Herald)
∙ 108. Batavia native and NBA sideline reporter Craig Sager loses battle with leukemia (Chicago Tribune)
∙ 109. Joliet man arrested after leaving messages threatening to kill DuPage County judge, blow up Westmont police station and kill its chief (FOX 32)
∙ 110. Three people killed, two others injured after car crashes into parked vehicles in Posen (Chicago Tribune)
∙ 111. Zuni's House of Pizza in Highland, Rusted Oak Gentlemen's Boutique in Valparaiso to close (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 112. Lake County sheriff's sergeant put on desk duty after being found drunk at Crown Point restaurant (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 113. BP Whiting refinery completes one of largest maintenance projects in facility's 127-year history (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 114. Crown Point residents facing 19 to 25 percent increase in utility rates as city works toward wastewater-infrastructure plan (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 115. State extends rebate on Indiana State Toll Highway rates through Feb. 28; company that runs toll road hasn't decided what to do after that (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 116. Three gang members charged with murder of state witness at Gary restaurant in 2010 (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 117. Two suspects sought in armed robbery of a Walgreens in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 118. Prospective robbers flee LaPorte gas station after clerk activates alarm (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 119. Parents demand answers after racist graffiti found in boys' bathroom at Andrean High School in Merrillville (Chicago Tribune/Post-Tribune)
∙ 120. New Cook County state's attorney raises minimum limit for charging people with felonies in shoplifting cases to $1,000 or if offender has 10 previous individual felony convictions (Chicago Tribune)
∙ 121. Libertyville-Vernon Hills High School District 128 spending $201,000 on replacement of fire sprinklers that could have been replaced for free because of recall that expired years ago (Daily Herald)
∙ 122. Park Ridge pharmacy robbed of narcotics at gunpoint (FOX 32)
∙ 123. Waukegan man sentenced to 10 years in prison for beating and threatening relative, killing three dogs (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
∙ 124. Gurnee police seek information on vehicle possibly connected to home burglary on Dec. 10 (FOX 32)
∙ 125. Lake Zurich High School principal announces plan to retire at end of 2016-17 school year (Daily Herald)
∙ 126. Libertyville Elementary School District 70 working on project to add gym, classrooms and parking at Rockland Elementary School (Daily Herald)
∙ 127. Elgin pastor, wife, United Pentecostal Church International sued over sexual harassment by parishioner he excommunicated (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 128. Aurora mother donates to Elgin shelter in son's memory as she awaits trial of man accused of his murder in Elgin (Daily Herald)
∙ 129. NTSB: Rob Sherman may have been flying his experimental plane at night, against FAA regulations (Daily Herald)
∙ 130. Arlington Heights Elementary School District 25 to borrow $31.9 million to help pay for building projects, including work already under way (Daily Herald)
∙ 131. Algonquin approves $5.6 million property-tax levy for 2017, 2.3 percent lower than fiscal year 2016 (Daily Herald)
∙ 132. Documents added to case file show man who set activist's tent on fire in Naperville was formerly a Chicago police officer (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
∙ 133. Class at West Chicago elementary school uses technology to read books with students from Thai school (Daily Herald)
∙ 134. Man convicted of bludgeoning deaths of five Riverside housewives in 1960 at Starved Rock State Park to remain behind bars after request for parole denied (Chicago Tribune)
∙ 135. Winfield Elementary School District 34 hires Downers Grove Elementary School District 58 curriculum director as new superintendent (Daily Herald)
∙ 136. Student at Naperville middle school disciplined after bringing pocketknife onto bus (Daily Herald)
∙ 137. President of Lisle investment firm (a Warrenville resident) indicted on nine counts of securities fraud and one count of defrauding a client (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 138. River Forest branch of MB Financial robbed (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 139. Oak Brook mansion once owned by Chicago White Sox star Frank Thomas sells for $2.3 million (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 140. Gas line in Homer Glen repaired after house explosion, evacuation (ABC 7)
∙ 141. Three-vehicle crash at CR 400 South and U.S. 35 in LaPorte sends eight people to hospital (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 142. Winfield town marshal suspects reckless hunters in shotgun damage to vinyl fence, garage in Winfield (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 143. East Chicago police officer faces repercussions after allegedly Snapchatting about federal raid (NBC 5)
∙ 144. Gary man sentenced to 85 years in prison for murdering friend in 2014 (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 145. Portage initiates eminent-domain procedure to take ownership of Dombey Lake property for new park (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 146. Cook County clerk: Donald Trump received the fewest votes for any presidential candidate in county's history (Chicago Sun-Times)
∙ 147. Village of Antioch, St. Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church go to court over requirement for handicapped accessibility, drinking fountain at resale shop (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
∙ 148. Evanston election board meeting postponed after city clerk becomes ill (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
∙ 149. Elgin VFW Post 1307 considers selling building as attendance declines (Daily Herald)
∙ 150. 315 high-end apartments that features dog park to be built along Royce Boulevard near Oakbrook Terrace (Daily Herald)
∙ 151. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory co-founder Dr. Edwin Goldwasser passes away at age 97 (CBS 2)
∙ 152. Markham residents facing loss of homes as city targets 35 properties for redevelopment (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
∙ 153. Munster Police Department launches senior-welfare-check program (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 154. Man, woman charged in armed robbery and criminal confinement of State Representative from Gary, vehicle theft and fraud for using official's debit card (Chicago Tribune/Post-Tribune)
∙ 155. Merrillville-based Lakeshore Public Media ends run of Lakeshore Kids Channel as PBS prepares to roll out PBS Kids next month (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 156. Woman fatally shot on Saturday afternoon along 3600 block of Van Buren Street in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 157. Chicago man sentenced to 83 years in prison for killing pregnant girlfriend in Highland in 2011 (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 158. Man charged with shooting three people, one of whom died, on Dec. 2 in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 159. Winding Creek Cove Park in Michigan City to be converted into learning center for students with an eye on science careers (Northwest Indiana Times)
∙ 160. State Representative from Skokie calls for seat belts on school buses in wake of Chattanooga bus crash (Daily Herald)
∙ 161. Cook County Jail officials try to figure out how inmate was able to keep laptop in cell long enough to record homemade talk shows on it (CBS 2)
submitted by emememaker73 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (7/10/16)

·1. Beach Park man shot multiple times in parking lot of Evanston IHOP restaurant (NBC 5)
·2. Gov. Rauner appears at 5K run at Chicago Executive Airport in Wheeling (WGN TV)
·3. Three men sought in connection with robbery of Wadsworth gas station; may have robbed liquor store two weeks before (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·4. Mount Prospect man held on $500,000 bond for sexually, physically assaulting two teenage girls (Chicago Tribune)
·5. Motorcycle passenger killed on U.S. 20 when motorcyclist swerves to avoid a stopped vehicle, loses control of bike and crashes (Chicago Sun-Times)
·6. Backers of Schaumburg Convention Center, adjoining hotel pleased with businesses' 10 years of success (Daily Herald)
·7. Hanover Park seeks public input online on its policing services (Daily Herald)
·8. Rental truck gets stuck in ditch, causes fire on Cemetery Lake near Arlington Heights Road in Elk Grove Village (Daily Herald)
·9. Human Library of Fox Valley allows people to have conversations with interactive content provided by humans (Daily Herald)
·10. Morton Grove man arrested for sexual abuse of a co-worker at a home for people with disabilities in Berwyn (Chicago Tribune)
·11. 19-year-old Homewood woman killed in crash with tractor-trailer truck in Peotone Township, Will County (Chicago Sun-Times)
·12. Hazel Crest police: Shooting deaths of father, two daughters not a random act; police ask for information on what happened (WGN TV)
·13. Gary man arrested for stealing mail, packages from Gary home (Chicago Sun-Times)
·14. Ogden Dunes, Portage sign pact as non-federal sponsors to shore up beaches being eroded by rising Lake Michigan (Northwest Indiana Times)
·15. Lowell swimmer notches record time in 50-meter free swim for ages 15-16 during semi-finals for U.S. Olympic Team trials (Northwest Indiana Times)
·16. Motorcyclist killed on Indiana Toll Road in Portage when his bike collides with Indiana State Trooper patrol car making a U-turn (Northwest Indiana Times)
·17. Indiana Court of Appeals rules in favor of now-deceased woman in 25-year-old tax-sale case over Crowd Point properties that previous owner had failed to pay taxes on since 1984 (Northwest Indiana Times)
·18. Town of Munster's school head named president of Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents for 2016-17 (Northwest Indiana Times)
·19. 1989 Merrillville High School graduate who faked his own death to avoid prosecution features prominently in short film '$cammed: Investment Fraud Revealed' (Northwest Indiana Times)
·20. Object thrown through window of Hobart apartment building sparks fire, which remains under investigation (Northwest Indiana Times)
·21. Questions raised after tattoo parlor opens in East Chicago without Town Council's approval (Northwest Indiana Times)
·22. [Merrillville may be on verge of becoming broadband-ready community]( (Northwest Indiana Times)
·23. Morton Grove man arrested on charges of burglary of gas station, falsely reporting his vehicle stolen (Chicago Tribune)
·24. One person arrested in connection with June 29 drive-by shooting in Elgin (Chicago Tribune/Elgin Courier-News)
·25. Maine Township High School District 207 superintendent gets $50,000 merit bonus after completing goals set by the school board; his annual salary is $210,000 before bonuses (Daily Herald)
·26. Nazi banner on display causes flap at Kane County Flea Market in St. Charles; vendor removed it at staff's request after it appeared on facebook (Daily Herald)
·27. Body of elderly man found in retention pond in Downers Grove (WGN TV)
·28. Motorcyclist killed in late-night crash with another vehicle at intersection of 3rd Avenue and Richards Street in Joliet (Chicago Sun-Times)
·29. New Lenox man killed when motorcycle he was riding crashed near intersection of 179th Street and Spring Meadows Drive in Homer Glen (Chicago Sun-Times)
·30. Harvey woman shot to death, live-in 'companion' wounded on Sunday morning (Chicago Sun-Times)
·31. Ford Heights man with schizophrenia in jail for killing cousin who made made fun of him (Chicago Tribune)
·32. Man wounded in shooting at Pioneer Motel on Torrence Avenue in Lansing (Chicago Sun-Times)
·33. Blue Island teenager struck, killed by vehicle in 13600 block of South Western Avenue; coroner's office rules death an accident (Chicago Sun-Times)
·34. Westchester Township History Museum puts up exhibit on the wife, daughters and granddaughters of Joseph Bailly and their influence (Northwest Indiana Times)
·35. Michigan City-based Save the Dunes searching for new executive director after departure of Nicole Barker (Northwest Indiana Times)
·36. Former Chesterton swimmer the first from stories swim program lands place on U.S. Olympic Team (Northwest Indiana Times)
·37. Cedar Lake has timetable in place for restoration of town's namesake lake (Northwest Indiana Times)
·38. Roadside bomb discovered along Welnetz Road near Trail Creek, LaPorte County (Northwest Indiana Times)
·39. St. John police chief heading to Washington, D.C., to participate in conference on 21st-Century policing (Northwest Indiana Times)
·40. Lake County to join national Data-Driven Justice Initiative as way of diverting mentally-ill residents from repeated jailing (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·41. Lake County Finance & Administrative Committee meetings to be telecast on LCTV (Daily Herald)
·42. Bartlett Royals Little League team, undefeated in regular season, sweeps playoffs; eight players selected for Little League All-Star game (Daily Herald)
·43. Elgin-O'Hare Expressway now a cashless tollroad from I-290 to Lake Street (CBS 2)
·44. Park Ridge reports spending about $1,950 on Hillary Clinton's May 19 visit (Chicago Tribune/Park Ridge Herald-Advocate)
·45. Hampshire renames Memorial Park as Henpeck Park to recall village's history (Daily Herald)
·46. Senior-housing project proposed for 300 N. State St. in Elgin (Daily Herald)
·47. California man charged with battery after hitting man repeatedly at wedding reception in Streamwood (Daily Herald)
·48. Oak Park native uses KICS Cup soccer competition to promote global unity, teach about diversity and other cultures (Chicago Tribune/Forest Leaves)
·49. Man robs Fifth-Third Bank on North Neltnor Boulevard (Route 59) in West Chicago (WBBM AM 780)
·50. LaGrange police charge Maywood teen for June 21 robbery, recover iPhone (Chicago Tribune/The Doings)
·51. Kane County State's Attorney reports 7 percent increase in felony charges over same time last year (Daily Herald)
·52. Park Forest man arrested on attempted-murder charge after allegedly stabbing his housemate 18 times (Chicago Tribune)
·53. Two houses, several vehicles damaged in University Park blaze that might have been sparked by fireworks (CBS 2)
·54. Mysterious hero rescues partially paralyzed man from burning home in University Park (NBC 5)
·55. Peotone Junior High School basketball coach charged with grooming female student with 'inappropriate' texts (Chicago Tribune)
·56. Merrillville-based MonoSol launches water-soluble film product to deliver food color to food processors in Latin America (Northwest Indiana Times)
·57. Two men wounded in separate shootings in Hammond over the holiday weekend (Northwest Indiana Times)
·58. Merrillville man arrested in scheme that exchanged counterfeit money for prepaid debit cards (Northwest Indiana Times)
·59. Skyrocketing property tax bills enrage Cook County homeowners; County Board president promises not to consider property-tax hike (ABC 7)
·60. Divvy rolls out service in Evanston (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
·61. Chicago Blackhawks draft former Lake Forest Academy hockey star (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·62. Lake Zurich Village Board approves proposed Illinois Secretary of State drivers-license facility at Deerpath Commons on Rand Road (Daily Herald)
·63. Wauconda officials hold off on decision on red-light camera at Bonner Road and U.S. 12 (Daily Herald)
·64. Metra completes $328,000 renovation of 127-year-old Ravinia station in Highland Park (FOX 32)
·65. U.S. Department of Labor fines Lakemoor Dental $53,900 for failing to protect employees from risks of blood-borne pathogens (Daily Herald)
·66. First American Bank on Golf Road in Skokie robbed (Chicago Tribune/Skokie Review)
·67. Arlington Heights Park District to install 20-foot netting along Kirchoff Road as part of project that will bring in artificial turf to soccer, football fields at Sunset Meadows (Daily Herald)
·68. Des Plaines to keep 'City of Destiny' motto; decision on 'dP' logo yet to be made (Daily Herald)
·69. Sleepy Hollow considers prosecuting first-time DUI offenders locally rather than in state court (Daily Herald)
·70. Sleepy Hollow institutes ban on raising chickens in residential backyards (Daily Herald)
·71. Longtime Maine West High School girls basketball coach Derril Kipp loses battle with pancreatic cancer at age 71 (Chicago Tribune/Park Ridge Herald-Advocate)
·72. Park Ridge accountant pleads guilty to defrauding Chicago Cubs of $364,000, embezzling $358,208 from cancer patient (Chicago Sun-Times)
·73. Man, woman shot multiple times inside Westchester home (Chicago Tribune)
·74. Aurora Police: Five people shot during Fourth of July weekend (Chicago Sun-Times)
·75. Campton Hills Village Board discusses, but doesn't vote on, firing village administrator (Daily Herald)
·76. While preservationist prepare to fight DuPage Forest Preserve District's move to demolish McKee House at Churchill Woods, Sierra Club argues for building's removal (Daily Herald)
·78. Wheaton City Council approves contract with Lakeshore Recycling Systems that will bring radio-frequency-ID technology to city's garbage collection (Daily Herald)
·79. Chicago man shot multiple times outside Oak Park gas station (Chicago Tribune/Oak Leaves)
·80. Pair of men who carjacked a vehicle in Chicago now sought for fatal shooting of clerk at gas station on 5300 block of Harlem Avenue in Summit (CBS 2)
·81. Palos Park homeowner with valid concealed-carry license shoots two home invaders, leaving one dead, the other wounded (WBBM AM 780)
·82. Lincoln-Way High School District 210 superintendent claimed balanced budget in 2014, but private communication showed he expected $6 million deficit (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·83. Frankfort man killed when semi tractor-trailer collapses on him at Monee industrial facility (Chicago Sun-Times)
·84. Merrillville man shot to death inside his home (Chicago Tribune)
·85. Friday Night Cruise-In brings motorcycle enthusiasts to South Point business park in Valparaiso every Friday evening (Northwest Indiana Times)
·86. Valparaiso police pull drunk man off Rail America tracks two-and-a-half block in front of approaching train (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·87. Bishop Noll Catholic High School graduate Matt Pobereyko heads to Arizona League Diamondbacks after his Independent League contract is bought by MLB team (Northwest Indiana Times)
·88. East Chicago graffiti artists represent area at Indiana State Museum competition (Northwest Indiana Times)
·89. Lake County coroner's office identifies body in Merrillville retention pond as Munster man (Northwest Indiana Times)
·90. Indiana Court of Appeals refuses to reduce mentally-ill LaPorte County man's 60-year sentence in the murder of his brother with a samurai sword (Northwest Indiana Times)
·91. Cook County's slick new website and data portal goes live; site cost taxpayers $1.245 million (Crain's Chicago Business)
·92. Three men from Chicago, Lansing, Lowell appear in U.S. District court in Hammond on charges of trying to buy HUD homes with the intent to sell them for a profit (Northwest Indiana Times)
·93. Zion-area man pleads not guilty to charges he was driving recklessly before a crash that killed girl, her father in Lindenhurst in August 2015 (Daily Herald)
·94. Drone operator flying small, remote-controlled machine over Bangs Lake prompts Wauconda officials to draw up limitations on drone use over public, private properties (Daily Herald)
·95. Objection filed against incumbent Lake County coroner's run for re-election as independent (Daily Herald)
·96. Elgin police chief attends three-week program at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, learns how communities judge departments' success and how money is allocated (Daily Herald)
·97. Des Plaines City Council enacts restrictions on which flags can be flown on city property after Des Plaines Public Library puts up gay-pride flag following mass shooting in Orlando (WBBM AM 780)
·98. Algonquin man pens book inspired by his and his wife's adoption of a show dog (Daily Herald)
·99. Carpentersville suffers power outage after car-vs-semi crash downs power lines at Binnie and Randall roads (Daily Herald)
·100. Trustee who served for 13 years resigns from Arlington Heights Memorial Library board (Daily Herald)
·101. Less than half of requests for grants from Kane County riverboat-casino gambling fulfilled (Daily Herald)
·102. Glen Ellyn college student was found dead last year along Tiber River after traveling to Rome to study at John Cabot University, echoing death of Wisconsin student (NBC 5)
·103. Cicero police officer sustains minor injuries after vehicle he stopped sped away, running over the officer's foot; suspect escaped into Chicago (WBBM AM 780)
·104. Onetime owner of Hollywood Palms, Hollywood Boulevard theaters pleads guilty to tax-evasion and bank-fraud scheme; faces up to 15 years in prison and $6 million in payments (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
·105. West Chicago officials consider building band shell in Reed-Keppler Park; Park District to be responsible for planning and management, while the city will pay for rest (Daily Herald)
·106. Four suspects in attempted home burglary stand charged with death of fifth suspect after Palos Park homeowner with conceal-carry permit fatally shoots man (WBBM AM 780)
·107. Man found dead outside house on 200 block of Miami Street, Park Forest (Chicago Tribune)
·108. 15-year-old Hammond boy shot to death at 1:30 a.m. Thursday on block where he lived (Chicago Sun-Times)
·109. Film about East Chicago outsider artist Peter Anton set in Northwest Indiana to air on PBS, Lakeshore Public Television in September (Northwest Indiana Times)
·110. New state law allows former K-9 partner's cremains to be interred with late Michigan City police officer (Northwest Indiana Times)
·111. Ivy Tech Community College Northwest to restart welding program after 10-year hiatus (Northwest Indiana Times)
·112. Group of Munster residents call for changes or cancellation of St. Thomas More Fun Days following shooting that wounded woman across road at Jewel-Osco (Northwest Indiana Times)
·113. Griffith officials get OK to pursue referendum to secede from Calumet Township (Northwest Indiana Times)
·114. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency takes action to protect residents of East Chicago housing complex from effects of lead-contaminated soil (Northwest Indiana Times)
·115. Stepdaughter of ex-Lake Station mayor sentenced to 6 months home confinement, two years probation, fined $664 as result of her involvement in corruption scandal (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·116. Lakes of the Four Seasons man killed when his car slams into a tree on East 109th Avenue in Winfield; passenger from Crown Point declines medical attention (Northwest Indiana Times)
·117. Portage police arrest 10 people in connection with underage drinking party (Northwest Indiana Times)
·118. Gary man charged with arson after setting ex-girlfriend's car on fire while they talked about their relationship (Northwest Indiana Times)
·119. Northbrook homeowners association seeks to stop housing development on country club property that tests show has high levels of arsenic from century of herbicides, pesticides (Chicago Tribune/Northbrook Star)
·120. Target unveils plans for small-format store at Dempster Street and Bronx Avenue in Skokie; slated to open in 2017 (Crain's Chicago Business)
·121. Chicago man arrested on gun and drug charges after allegedly shooting a Beach Park man multiple times outside Evanston IHOP (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
·122. Lake County Municipal League board of directors chooses officers (Daily Herald)
·123. Arlington Heights 'Pastafarian' convinces Illinois Secretary of State's staff to allow her to wear colander on her head for driver-license photo (Chicago Tribune)
·124. Plainfield man dies three days after being pinned between two vehicles near O'Hare International Airport (Chicago Sun-Times)
·125. Man critically injured when boat crashes into dock on Fox River in Trout Valley (ABC 7)
·126. Motorcyclist killed after being struck by flatbed truck on Route 25 close to Kenyon Road near Bartlett/Elgin (Chicago Sun-Times)
·127. Elgin fire chief announces retirement set for Oct. 10 (Daily Herald)
·128. Illinois Attorney General sues owner of Berwyn apartment building over violation of 1978 Lead Poisoning Prevention Act (Chicago Sun-Times)
·129. 74-year-old woman killed in four-vehicle crash on Route 64 near St. Charles (Chicago Sun-Times)
·130. Carol Stream Public Library accepting applications for trustee position after Patricia Johnson resigns to care for family member; deadline is Sunday, July 17 (Daily Herald)
·131. Former CEO of Lisle-based Navistar fights federal lawsuit that he lied to investors about status of engine technology that was never developed (Crain's Chicago Business)
·132. Villa Park lifeguard saves boy's life on first day on job at Jefferson Pool (NBC 5)
·133. Campton Hills man convicted of choking a family member at Geneva hospital sentenced to 10 years in prison (Chicago Sun-Times)
·134. Man and woman shot in a parking lot early Friday morning in 700 block of North Lake Street in Aurora (Chicago Sun-Times)
·135. Geneva woman jailed for poisoning death of her husband attempts to kill herself again (Daily Herald)
·136. DuPage judge rejects Naperville Township road commissioner's lawsuit seeking full funding; trustees' decision to cut $500,000 from his budget stands (Daily Herald)
·137. Oswego man charged for third time with threatening, stalking Illinois Toll Highway Authority chairman Robert Schillerstrom (Daily Herald)
·138. Preservationists try to save run-down Joliet mansion owned by Civil War veteran who served in 13th Colored Infantry (WBBM AM 780)
·139. Plainfield police receive anonymous thank-you letter in wake of Dallas shooting (NBC 5)
·140. Evergreen Park woman charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly threatening police in a Facebook post (Chicago Tribune)
·141. Monee mayor has been accused of aggressive behavior four times since 2011, but no charges were ever filed (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·142. Teenager charged in Chicago carjacking that led to murder of gas station clerk in Summit (CBS 2)
·143. Coach at Thornridge High School in Dolton accused of having sex with student after mother catches them undressed in South Holland home (ABC 7)
·144. Crete woman rescues rabid bat from pool, gets bit on hand, neck (WBBM AM 780)
·145. Indianapolis man charged with molesting, incest of two girls in Merrillville (Northwest Indiana Times)
·146. Michigan City doctor develops app to help children eat healthy and fight obesity (Northwest Indiana Times)
·147. Gary parents of three children killed in 2014 Hammond fire caused by propane heater now charged with neglect in their deaths (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·148. Man charged with domestic battery, criminal confinement, battery causing great bodily harm after breaking car window with brick and beating woman in the face in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
·149. Man, woman from Gary arrested in charges of stealing $3 million from the Internal Revenue Service (Northwest Indiana Times)
·150. Chesterton native and Oklahoma City Thunder forward Mitch McGary suspended for violating NBA's anti-drug policy (Northwest Indiana Times)
·151. Four Portage Township YMCA day-care workers fired after 3-year-old boy was left unattended on a playground on June 30 (Northwest Indiana Times)
·152. Gurnee's Welton Village Plaza on Old Grand Avenue to be ready in time for annual Gurnee Days (Daily Herald)
·153. 47-year-old Cicero man dies from electrocution after making contact with Blue Line train in Oak Park (FOX 32)
·154. DuPage Forest District to post signs reminding users of horseback riders after Wheaton woman thrown from horse which was startled by a mountain bike (Daily Herald)
·155. Tickets for La Grange's Just Desserts Tour summer schedule sell out, but tickets for October now on sale (ABC 7)
·156. Warrenville man injured when motorized glider he was piloting crashes near Newark (Chicago Tribune)
·157. Al's Supermarket location in LaPorte Townsquare Mall closes (Northwest Indiana Times)
·158. Calumet Township assessor's employee to plead guilty to shaking down five businesses in exchange for reduced tax assessments (Northwest Indiana Times)
·159. Two people drown in Lake Michigan off Wells Street Beach in Gary during air show; three others rescued (ABC 7)
·160. Crown Point artist workshop Board & Brush to open new location in Valparaiso (Northwest Indiana Times)
·161. Food-and-nutrition director at East Chicago's St. Catherine Hospital named semi-finalist in Jenny-O How American Burgers contest (Northwest Indiana Times)
·162. Portion of Hammond's Lyman Avenue evacuated while police search chemical-smelling car driven by Valparaiso man (Northwest Indiana Times)
·163. Federal agency says Great Lakes Basin Transportation needs to outline alternate routes for proposed freight bypass (Northwest Indiana Times)
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