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Bad Mom/New Mom Stories

I gave a friend of mine a jar full of "Bad Mom/New Mom" stories for her to look at whenever she feels like she's a terrible mom, so she knows she's not alone and she's perfectly normal. Some are stories off the internet, celebrities, and my own friends/family. So I thought I'd share them on here as well!
submitted by KaleyJo to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

Bad Mom/New Mom Stories

I gave a friend of mine a jar full of "Bad Mom/New Mom" stories for her to look at whenever she feels like she's a terrible mom, so she knows she's not alone and she's perfectly normal. Some are stories off the internet, celebrities, and my own friends/family. So I thought I'd share them on here as well!
submitted by KaleyJo to Mommit [link] [comments]

Semax nasal drops - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

Pharmacological group: Nootropics.
Synonyms: Minisem.
Active substance: Methionyl-glutamyl-histidyl-phenylalanyl-prolyl-glycyl-proline.
Country of manufacturer: Russia.
Semax is a drug produced and prescribed mostly in Russia and Ukraine for a broad range of conditions but predominantly for its purported nootropic, neuroprotective, and neurogenic/neurorestorative properties. It is a heptapeptide, synthetic analog of a fragment of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), ACTH (4-10), of the following structure: Met-Glu-His-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro. Semax has not been evaluated by the U.S. FDA.
Semax has undergone extensive study in Russia and is on the Russian List of Vital & Essential Drugs approved by the Russian Federation government on December 7, 2011. Medical uses for Semax include treatment of stroke, transient ischemic attack, memory and cognitive disorders, peptic ulcers, optic nerve disease, and to boost the immune system.
In animals, Semax rapidly elevates the levels and expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its signaling receptor TrkB in the hippocampus, and rapidly activates serotonergic and dopaminergic brain systems. In accordance, it has been found to produce antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like effects, attenuate the behavioral effects of exposure to chronic stress, and potentiate the locomotor activity produced by D-amphetamine. As such, it has been suggested that Semax may be effective in the treatment of depression,as well as in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Though the exact mechanism of action of Semax is unclear, there is evidence that it may act through melanocortin receptors. Specifically, there is a report of Semax competitively antagonizing the action of the melanocortin receptor full agonist α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) at the MC4 and MC5 receptors in both in vitro and in vivo experimental conditions, indicating that it may act as an antagonist or partial agonist of these receptors.[14] Semax did not antagonize α-MSH at the MC3 receptor, though this receptor could still be a target of the drug.[14] As for the MC1 and MC2 receptors, they were not assayed. In addition to actions at receptors, Semax, as well as a related peptide drug, Selank, have been found to inhibit enzymes involved in the degradation of enkephalins and other endogenous regulatory peptides (IC50 = 10 μM), though the clinical significance of this property is uncertain.
Nosological classification (ICD–10)
F43 Reaction to severe stress and adjustment disorders;
F48.9 Neurotic disorder, unspecified;
F84.4 Overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements;
G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified;
H47.2 Optic nerve atrophy;
I64 Stroke, not specified as hemorrhage or infarction;
M79.2 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified;
R41.8.0 * Disorders Intellectual mnestic;
T66 Unspecified effects of radiation;
T90.5 Effects of intracranial injury;
Z100 * Chapter XXII Surgical Practice;
Z60.0 Problems related to adaptation to changes in lifestyle.
Synthetic heptapeptide - analogue fragment ACTH 4–10 (methionyl-glutamyl-histidyl-phenylalanyl-prolyl-glycyl-proline), devoid of hormonal activity. All amino acids are L-shaped.
Pharmacological action
Cerebroprotective, antihypoxia, nootropic and antioxidant.
Semax has an original mechanism of action on the CNS neurospecific.
Semax has a pronounced neurometabolic effect exerted even when administered in very small doses. Higher doses Semax, keeping neurometabolic properties of small doses, have anti-oxidant, antihypoxia, angioprotective and neurotrophic effect. When administered intranasally Semax 4 minutes penetrate the BBB, and the therapeutic effect of a single injection lasts 20–24 hours, due to its consistent degradation in which most of the effects of neuropeptide is stored in fragments.
Neurometabolic of Semax
The drug affects the processes associated with the formation of memory and learning. Semax enhances attention to the training and analysis of information, improves the memory trace consolidation, improves the body’s adaptation to hypoxia, cerebral ischemia, anesthesia and other damaging influences.
Semax has a stimulating effect on the population of cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain nuclei.
Directed action Semax on cholinergic neurons is accompanied by a significant increase in activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase specific brain structures, which correlates with improved learning and memory formation.
Neuroprotection of Semax
Semax affects the processes of delayed neuronal death, including local inflammation, nitric oxide, oxidative stress and dysfunction of trophic factors. Powerful comparable with the effect of NGF, trophotropic Semax action on cholinergic neurons of the group in complete medium and in difficult conditions, due to deprivation of oxygen and glucose. Semax at the gene level involves the synthesis of neurotrophins - regulators of growth and differentiation of neural tissue (factor BDNF).
Semax has a direct effect on the molecular trigger mechanisms for the normalization of cytokine balance and raise the level of anti-inflammatory factors, reducing the formation of nitric oxide, causing inhibition of lipid peroxidation (LPO), superoxide dismutase activation synthesis (ODS) and the reduction of cyclic guazinmonofosfata (cGMP).
Antioxidant, antihypoxia
Semax has a positive effect on the body’s adaptation to hypoxia. The ability of the drug to stop post hyper ventilation EEG effects caused by a compensatory decrease in cerebral blood flow.
The drug is practically non-toxic in single and prolonged administration. Shows no allergic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic properties. Has no local irritating action. Pharmacokinetics
Absorbed from mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, wherein the absorbed to 60–70% based on the active substance. Semax is rapidly distributed to all organs and tissues, penetrate the BBB. When injected into the blood Semax exposed sufficiently rapid degradation and excretion of urine.
Indications drug Semax
Semax nasal drops 0.1%
intellectual-mental disorders in vascular lesions of the brain;
state after TBI, neurosurgery and anesthesia;
transient ischemic attacks, and neurotic disorders of various origins, including after ionizing radiation;
recovery period after a stroke;
increase adaptive capacity of the human body in extreme situations;
prevention of mental fatigue during monotonic operator activity in the most intense periods of work in a stressful environment;
atrophy of the optic nerve;
inflammatory neuritis, toxic-allergic etiology;
as nootropic agents in children aged 5 years in the treatment of minimal brain dysfunction (including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
Semax nasal drops 1%
Ischemic stroke (acute phase).
Contraindications to Semax
Semax nasal drops 0.1%
hypersensitivity to the drug;
acute psychosis;
disorders accompanied by anxiety;
seizures in history;
Children up to age 5 years.
Semax nasal drops 1%
hypersensitivity to the drug;
acute psychosis;
disorders accompanied by anxiety;
a history of seizures.
Semax Side effects
With long-term use may be slight irritation of the nasal mucosa.
Interaction of Semax with other Drugs
Pharmaceutical. Based on the chemical structure of the drug availability chemically incompatible combinations not expected: the drug is rapidly degraded in the gastrointestinal tract and does not act.
Pharmacokinetic. Given the chemical structure of the drug (heptapeptide - a synthetic analogue of ACTH completely devoid of hormonal activity), quickness and speed of absorption into the blood, and intranasal administration, the effect of other drugs on the pharmacokinetic parameters Semax is not assumed. Given the route of administration Semax (intranasal) undesirably intranasal means having a local vasoconstrictive action.
Semax Dosing and Administration
Intranasally using a bottle, a sealed plastic stopper pipette.
Method of using the dropper bottle: 1. Cut off the tip of the pipette in the specified location. 2. pipette closed cap. 3. Method of use of the solution: turn the bottle and easily by tapping your finger on the bottoms, wait to fluid filled the entire space of the pipette. 4. Method instillation solution. Remove the cap and light pressure on the wide part of the pipette to squeeze out the required amount of drops of the drug in the nasal passage (the mucous membrane).
Store this medication with cap tightly closed.
Semax nasal drops 0.1%
One drop of the standard solution contains 50 mg of active substance. Pipette solution of the drug in an amount of not more than 2–3 drops injected into each nostril. The need to increase the dosage administration is in several stages at intervals of 10–15 min.
A single dose of 200–2000 mg (calculated as 3–30 mg/kg).
The daily dose - 500–5000 mcg (calculated as 7–70 mg/kg).
The drug is administered daily for 3–5 days, if necessary, treatment extend to 14 days.
In diseases of the optic nerve preparation dug 2–3 drops in each nostril 2–3 times a day. Daily dose - 600–900 mg. The course of treatment - 7–10 days.
Furthermore, the drug can be administered by intranasal electrophoresis. The drug is injected from the anode. Current - 1 mA, duration of exposure - 12/08/15 min.
Daily dose - 400–600 mg. The course of treatment - 7–10 days.
In pediatrics: with minimal brain dysfunction drug instilled 1–2 drops in each nostril 2 times a day (morning and afternoon). Daily dose - 200–400 mg. The course of treatment - 30 days.
Semax nasal drops 1%
The volume of one drop is 0.05 ml (50 ul). One drop of the standard solution contains 500 mg of active substance.
At moderate stroke at a time is introduced by 2–3 drops into each nostril, that is 2000 mg (four drops or 0.2 ml) - 3000 mcg (6 drops or 0.3 ml.) Digging is performed 3–4 times per day, with an interval between 3–4 hours daily instillation, the dose is 6000 mg (12 drops or 0.6 ml) - 12 000 mg (24 drops or 1.2 ml.)
In severe stroke at once entered 3–4 drops in each nostril, which is 3000 micrograms (6 drops or 0.3 ml) - 4000 mg (8 drops or 0.4 ml). Instill spend 4–5 times a day with an interval between instillation of 2.5–3 hours daily dose is 12,000 mg (24 drops or 1.2 ml) - 20000 mg (40 drops or 2.0 ml).
The drug is administered daily for 10 days.
Semax for Healthy people
Healthy people "Semax 0,1%" effectively helps to improve memory, concentration, improve mental performance. Especially effective under stress, mental fatigue and chronic fatigue.
Allows people in old age deliberately fight to preserve brain health to save the intellectual capacity to a great age.
Semax at Neurology Semax restores processes in the brain that have been discontinued or greatly weakened by disease or environmental factors. Semax is natural for the body's synthesis of new regulatory compounds restoring damaged nerve cells and increasing the bond between them. It is used for the initial and progressive disorders of the brain, asthenic-neurotic disorders, traumatic brain injuries, anesthesia and neurosurgical operations.
Semax at Pediatrics "Semax 0,1%" improves concentration, perseverance, learning new information, stress resistance, facilitating the learning process. It allows you to cope with the symptoms of attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, and in violation of the harmonious development of the individual functions of the higher nervous activity, leading to minimal brain dysfunction in children.
Semax at Ophthalmology " Semax 0.1%" is effective in ophthalmology, since the structure of the human eye tissues identical brain tissues. It is used for atrophy of the optic nerve and glaucoma. Semax in ophthalmology.
Semax at Stroke " Semax 1%" - a special dosage of the drug, created by scientists and developers for the treatment of stroke. The concentration of active substances - 10 times greater than in the " Semax 0.1%."
Semax Created to help The unique preparation "Semax", which is a regulatory neuropeptide, has a complex stimulating and healing effect on the brain and central nervous system. Semax has proven itself in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and organs of vision. As a result, research has been recognized Semax effective means to maintain the activity of healthy people - "vitamin for the brain." Semax is completely safe even for small children - the drug included in the standard of specialized medical care of premature infants.
Checked! Semax successfully used for the treatment and prevention of diseases and to maintain healthy 1994 year. The product has passed pre-clinical and clinical trials, its efficacy and safety is confirmed by a large volume of scientific publications.
Studies have shown that a side effect of long-term use Semax may be mild irritation of the nasal mucosa.
When using Semax missing: dependence, addiction and withdrawal; negative interaction with alcohol; suppression cardiovascular, respiratory and excretory systems; interactions with other drugs.
Full safety Semax due to its structure and mechanism of action. Semax neuropeptide is completely analogous to those that are formed in the human body, and in the exchange is converted into amino acids, natural for the body. All metabolic processes involving Semax are absolutely natural. Interaction with other drugs
Semax molecule is a peptide, which comes rapidly into target cells within 2-5 minutes after intranasal administration. Such a method of administration in the body almost completely eliminates the interaction with other drugs and their effect on each other. Use in children
Application Semax childhood remains at the discretion of the physician. Semax officially included in the standard of care in retinopathy of prematurity. In clinical studies Semax used in children between the ages of one month (Samson T. Russian Gazette Perinatology and Pediatrics, № 5, 2013), and its safety and efficacy have been confirmed.
Contraindications Individual hypersensitivity to the drug. Children up to 5 years. Pregnancy, lactation, acute mental condition, disorder, accompanied by anxiety, seizures in history.
" Semax " for everyone We are all individual
Each person is unique. Our physical features and capabilities are unique, and therefore the possible reaction of the body to receive the same medicines vary.
This is because many drugs are "programmed" to run certain reactions, and which can be directed at both the sick and healthy cells, of course, without taking into account characteristics of the patient.
The complexity of the task of the doctor is to choose from the list of possible drugs is one that is best suited to the patient on set criteria of "efficiency, safety." And not always possible to solve it right the first time. And it is not always an acceptable level of safety for the patient.
But what can not be achieved with the help of drugs past generations, can be implemented using a universal drug on the basis of its own regulatory neuropeptides person. Universal key
Regulatory Peptides - own substance of the human body, affecting all internal processes. A special place in their number of occupied neuropeptides responsible for "debugging" functions of the nervous system. It refers to neuropeptides unique preparation "Semax."
How Semax works? Action regulatory neuropeptides are inextricably linked to the existence of a continuum of peptide and peptide cascade. These effects were first described by the outstanding Soviet scientist Academician IP Ashmarin one " Semax " of the leading developers of the drug.
Neuropeptide Semax acts as a catalyst of natural reactions in the body that have been discontinued or greatly weakened due to illness or adverse external factors. The principle of action of the drug - re-launch in the body, these reactions and cope with the disease. The unique mechanism of action
Neuropeptide Semax begin to work at the cellular level, extending its effect on the entire body. Semax is natural for the body's synthesis of new and emerging regulatory compounds restoring damaged nerve cells and causing an increase in connections between our brain cells. And it updates the main principle of the nervous system - the number of nerve cells can not grow, however, some cells may take on other functions, compensating thus loss of nervous tissue. And they do this by increasing the number of connections with other nerve cells.
" Semax " effect on the body as its own neuropeptide: High efficiency; Full analog peptides own body, thus not causing rejection, adverse effects and allergic reactions; Absolutely naturally it affects the body as its "native" neuropeptides, causing precisely the effect which is necessary in a particular situation - prevention, treatment and rehabilitation; A comprehensive long-term effects on the body due to starting chain of natural regulatory processes at the cellular level; Long term health effects due to the recovery of the natural cycle regulation of central nervous system and the normalization of its work.
Semax Intranasal - right on target The most important goal of modern medicine is to increase the duration of a person's life while maintaining high parameters of physical and mental performance. Its solution is impossible without significant progress in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and, above all, cerebrovascular and degenerative brain damage, traumatic brain injury and neuroinfections.
At the same time, despite the presence in the arsenal of a neurologist multiple drugs, it advances in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system can not meet any medical practitioner or a sick person. Until now, there is a prohibitively high level of mortality and disability in patients. One of the main reasons for the low efficiency of drug therapy in the clinic of nervous diseases - problem of drug delivery to the brain injury.
Formulations tropic only brain tissue are still unknown. This proved that due to certain physico-chemical properties of drugs through the blood-brain barrier penetrating only lipophilic agents (5-10% of the administered dose). By reducing the degree of lipophilicity and falls acting drug concentration in the brain tissue. Since the drugs are delivered to the brain through the blood, the blood clot (or any other reason that prevents normal blood flow) in the system will prevent the cerebral arteries and their penetration into the affected area. Obviously, in this case the active substance may be exposed to the field of brain injury collateral flow through only in very low concentrations. Extremely low concentrations of active substance in the affected area, and do not give the expected as shown in the studies (typically tissue) the therapeutic effect, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of therapy.
Exit - intranasal route of administration of drugs Theoretical and practical bases of intranasal administration of drugs being developed for more than 20 years. It has been found that for intranasal use of drugs most of it is absorbed into the blood, reduced - by means of transport by perineural sensory nerves goes directly into the brain through the olfactory tract neurons and further extends over the cerebral structures through mechanisms unrelated to blood flow.
This is especially important for diseases of the central nervous system vascular genesis: in spite of the presence of thrombus was possible non-invasive delivery of drugs for therapeutic purposes directly to the brain cells, and not later than 2-10 minutes after administration. This allows us to consider the intranasal route of administration of drugs as a kind of analogue of intracerebral administration of drugs in humans.
Intranasal administration has several advantages: convenience for the medical staff, so for the patient (if conscious) and his relatives not require sterile conditions, supplies, trained personnel; safety: the absence of first-pass metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract and liver intranasal formulations can be used in any combination therapy; rapid achievement of therapeutic effect in an emergency.
Thus, the possibility of direct entry of drugs into the brain directly into the affected area, bypassing the blood-brain barrier, opens up new prospects for the effective treatment of cerebrovascular, neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system and brain tumors.
Nota bene! The mucous membrane of the nose - a border fabric with the environment, so there are located enzyme systems (20), preventing the absorption of xenobiotics. Formulations for intranasal use are developed based on this phenomenon, and drugs they are subjected to pharmacokinetic studies showing the presence in the brain tissues of the current concentration.
For example, Semax - the first in the world peptide preparation for treatment of cerebrovascular disease brain. From the nose cavity Semax quickly penetrates into the brain and begins to act 2-5 minutes after administration.
Moreover, the effects of its action even when a single application is stored up to 24 hours. Semax Pharmacokinetic studies indicate that different brain structures after 3 minutes after nasal administration its concentration relative to the concentration in the blood (taken as 1.0) is as follows: the olfactory bulb - 9.3; midbrain - 2.0; bark - 0.6; cerebellum - 1.1. The distribution Semax in the brain clearly indicates its "entrance gate" into the central nervous system - it is the olfactory bulb, where the drug can only be transported along the olfactory nerves. Moreover, their ability to penetrate into the brain tissue and therapeutic efficacy of intranasal route of administration intravenous Semax significantly effective.
Semax - Natural Cure Suitable for all of us Semax is a neuropeptide that is completely the same neuropeptides own person, and therefore acts on the body as its own neuropeptide. Semax activates the processes of maintenance and restoration of normal functioning of the central nervous system. Semax simultaneously universal - it fits all and specific - to solve specific problems of each patient. The impact Semax proportional development of the disease.
The main pharmacological effects of Semax The neuroprotective effect is provided by the action of Semax on neurons - maintaining their functionality and viability. Semax combines the properties of primary and secondary neuroprotective agents, which increases its effectiveness in the event of disease and adverse effects of external factors, and provides:
Reducing the level of glutamate excitotoxicity, thus stops the development of the pathological process; The high antioxidant activity - activating the synthesis of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase, inhibition of lipid peroxidation (LPO), reducing the formation of free radicals; Reducing the intensity of inflammation and local edema by normalizing cytokine balance - increasing concentrations of anti-inflammatory factors (IL-10 and others) and decreased concentrations of inflammatory mediators (IL-1β, IL-6, and others); Suppression of apoptosis by inhibiting the synthesis of regulators of apoptosis (tumor necrosis factor TNFα, TNFβ) and reduced activity of intracellular enzymes caspases.
Neuro-metabolic effects of Semax: Effect on glucose metabolism in the body - Semax accelerates the process of transfer of glucose through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and increases the degree of assimilation of brain cells; Maintaining a high level of ATP synthesis in the cells even under conditions of oxygen deficiency, which prevents the disruption of energy processes in the cells; Maintaining the viability of nerve cells in a shortage of oxygen in the tissues.
Neurotrophic action Semax Semax eliminates metabolic disorders, providing proper nutrition of nerve cells and provides:
Increased synthesis levels of neurotrophins - regulators of growth and differentiation of nerve tissue: nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; Restoration of connections between neurons.
Semax protects against stress One of the most important additional properties Semax is its stressoprotective activity. The drug helps the body cope with stress of any nature. Semax suppresses the development of dis-stress damage to the target tissue - the nervous, cardiovascular and immune system, preventing the development of their adverse morphological and biochemical changes. Positive impact on cellular metabolism
Semax helps normalize the energy metabolism and the synthesis of proteins in the nerve cells, which prevents disruption of the autonomic centers of the brain functions and as a consequence, normalize the functioning of peripheral tissues. All this helps the body to endure the stress without loss.
Adaptogenic effect Semax Clinical studies have shown that Semax retains the physical and mental capacity of man in uncomfortable environments, for example, with a decrease in ambient temperature or in the rarefied atmosphere of high mountains. This effect is caused by equalizing fluctuations in the neurotransmitter systems of the brain and suppress lipid peroxidation (LP).
Protection at disadvantaged environment Semax inhibits processes that develop under the influence of environmental factors. When used Semax and patients and healthy people optimizes the nerve centers and nerve pathways, improves energy metabolism in nerve cells, enhanced cognitive function. All this leads to an increase in mental and physical performance, which is particularly evident in human patients. Semax thus has no negative effects on the cardiovascular system.
Unlike many conventional psychostimulants, Semax not only increases stamina during heavy physical work, but also supports the "thin" business processes at a high level.
Way Semax in the body Pharmacokinetics - Section of Pharmacology, studying the processes of absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion of drugs from the body. The study of the pharmacokinetics of Semax - nose drops - is fundamentally different from the pharmacokinetics of injections and tablets, suggests a new vision for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the brain. Transformations explain everything
Semax studies were conducted at the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Lomonosov - the two leading organizations in the field of molecular biology. Scientists have studied in detail the main areas of pharmacokinetics and biotransformations Semax in the body.
As a result, data were obtained, due to the high activity, efficiency and versatility of action Semax: Proceeds directly to brain cells from the mucous lining of the brain by means of perineural transport on sensitive (olfactory) nerve, bypassing the blood-brain barrier (BBB); The high speed of action - Semax cells found in the brain within 5 minutes after administration, the maximum concentration is achieved after 30 minutes; Long-acting - acting Semax concentration in the brain is consistently high for 20-24 hours; No side effects from interaction with other drugs; Easy and painless introduction.
Semax fate of the body Under the action of the enzymes aminopeptidase peptide Semax disintegrates into its constituent parts - in particular the tetrapeptide Met-Glu-His-Phe tripeptide and Pro-Gly-Pro. The resulting conversion Semax molecules have their own therapeutic effect, as a catalyst for the body's natural processes. Later on the peptides are broken down into individual amino acids, which are included in the metabolic processes as absolutely natural to the body as its own.
FAQ about Semax
Question - Why Semax exists only in the form of nose drops? A - Product form Semax helps him get into the nervous tissue of the brain by the shortest route. Semax is delivered directly to the nerve cells of the brain through the bloodstream and olfactory nerves. Moreover, the drug is not dissolved in the stomach and liver. An additional advantage - the ease of administration, as nasal drops more convenient injection or tablets, which may be difficult to swallow without water.
Storage in not a refrigerator Q: How long can be stored in the refrigerator Semax not without compromising the effectiveness of the drug? The answer is included in the composition of Semax safe preservative that protects the drug. Therefore, it can be stored for several days at room temperature, for example, to take a trip without the risk that Semax deteriorate. Store in the refrigerator is recommended if you plan to use the drug not immediately, but after a long time.
Application Semax with other drugs Q - Can I take Semax simultaneously with other drugs? Answer - "Semax" does not violate the actions of other drugs, since it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the nasal mucosa and the olfactory nerve enters the nervous brain tissue. Therefore excluded drug interactions with other medications applied.
How can help Semax drop in head injury? Question - Do Semax really speed up recovery after TBI? Answer - Semax unique product created just for restoration of disturbed functions of the CNS. It prevents the destruction of damaged neurons, promoting their rehabilitation and inclusion in the work, allowing the surviving trauma cells take over the function of the victims. Semax intranasally injected: in this case, during the preparation of the olfactory nerves directly penetrates into the brain and rapidly exerts its therapeutic effect, thereby accelerating the recovery. Therefore, "Semax 0,1%" recommended for TBI to prevent complications.
Restore memory after anesthesia Question - Can Semax shorten the recovery of memory due to its deterioration after anesthesia? Answer - Applications Semax able to restore memory (especially short-term) and to enhance attention. It restores the functional activity of neurons impaired due to exposure to harmful factors (in this case, means for anesthesia), thus reducing the time of recovery of memory.
Now to drip Semax nasal drops - Instill evening Q - Is it possible to drip Semax the evening or at bedtime? Answer - The preparation "Semax" - neuropeptide, one of the effects of which - the regulation and normalization of the sleep cycle. Given the catalytic effect of the drug on the work of the nerve cells, it is recommended to drop to 17.00.
However, burying up to 17.00 is not binding recommendation, as there is an individual tolerability, and if there is no discomfort to sleep at a later instillation, can be taken in the evening.
Why Semax is nasal drops? Question - Why Semax exists only in the form of nose drops? The answer form Semax release helps him get into the nervous tissue of the brain by the shortest route. Semax is delivered directly to the nerve cells of the brain through the bloodstream and olfactory nerves. Moreover, the drug is not dissolved in the stomach and liver. An additional advantage - the ease of administration, as nasal drops more convenient injection or tablets, which may be difficult to swallow without water.
Storing open vials of Semax Question - How long can you keep an open bottle without losing the effectiveness of the drug in the future use? A - Open a bottle "Semax" can be stored for six months. It is necessary to comply with the storage conditions: close the bottle and started to put it in the fridge. The product will retain all its useful properties, and will serve you later.
Semax for healthy people Semax - addiction the body to the drug
Q - Is it possible to get used to "Semax" drug? And the brain can "lazy" to work without drugs? Answer - Semax advantage among the many products for the nervous system - is the lack of addiction and withdrawal symptoms, duration of admission and the number of treatments received. The mechanism of action of neuropeptide "Semax" helps run interrupted or disturbed cycle of own peptides in the nervous system. To maintain the effect, it is advisable to carry out the next course of a few (3-6) months.
The brain is not "lazy" because "Semax" does not substitute its own regulatory molecules of the body, and vice versa - stimulate their active education in the nerve cells.
Semax at Chronic fatigue Question - How to help Semax chronic fatigue syndrome? Answer - Semax has a powerful anti-asthenic effect and fatigue - is the main component of chronic fatigue syndrome. It appears rapid fatigue, difficulty in formulating thoughts, emotional lability, sleep disturbance, difficulty in waking up in the morning and others. Action Semax improves mental and physical performance, which is always reduced by chronic fatigue syndrome.
Semax for memory? Question - Why Semax appoint and stroke, glaucoma and other diseases, as well as recommend to improve memory? Answer - The secret Semax effectiveness lies in the fact that for all neurological diseases affects the nerve cells. Semax being a "helper" nerve cells helps with seemingly different diseases, as well as healthy people to improve brain function and health.
Duration of Semax course Q - Can I take a course Semax longer than 14 days? A - Reception Semax normalizes the functional performance of the CNS for 10-14 days on average, so this time and is receiving a course of Semax.The best addition to repeat the course in 2-6 months.
Semax for elderly to improve memory Q - Is it possible to receive help from Semax elderly man at the age deterioration of memory? Response - age memory loss may be associated with a fairly large number of causes and / or diseases. Semax has a positive effect on nerve cells, regardless of the disease process and starts restoration of their functions.
Semax at Intelligent load Question - Can Semax with intelligent load replace coffee? Once, and not a course? A - The main effect of Semax - improving mental performance. A single dose for a single performance increase is possible. To do this, "Semax 0,1%" drip 3 drops in each nostril 2 times in the morning with an interval of 15 minutes, additionally desirable 3rd day of receiving the drug.
Semax - Improving mental health in the student session Question - What is the best take Semax during the session, in what terms and in what dose? A - Unlike other nootropics Semax stimulates the formation of all three reactions memory trace formation: storing, structuring data (do it and other drugs) and her recollection (it is - only Semax). We would like to note Semax endogenously body, that is similar to a compound produced by the human body - hence the impossibility of overdose.
Begin to use "Semax 0,1%" is recommended for the 10 days prior to the session. The dosage regimen: for 3 drops in each nostril two times a day, 10 days a course.
Semax and alcohol Question - how to combine Semax and alcohol? Can I drink alcohol while taking Semax? Answer - Semax does not interact with alcohol, so the combination is allowed. Upon receipt of Semax drunkenness comes later and at higher doses of alcohol, as well as Semax reduces morning symptoms of alcohol intoxication.
Semax Reviews
Peter, 23 years old : I took Semax during the session, even more specifically a little earlier. As is the case with all the students, the test week, small blockages, lack of sleep and everything else. And if anyone still up and running, so in general gloom. All this greatly affects the many factors that: memory, attention, sleep. I went to the doctors, basically advised just vitamins and everything, but they are not particularly helpful. I understand that you need to sleep more elementary, reduce the load, and so on. Yes, I did, but not getting better. In just go to the doctor, he advised me to buy Semax, which is 0.1%. At first skeptical reacted a little bit too much praised him and that he helps by so many diseases at once. But after sitting, reading authoritative opinions, reviews, articles and so on, I decided to try and still has not lost, as it turned out.
submitted by 19miller83 to nootropicsmeds [link] [comments]

how to give infant medicine dropper video

Infant Medication Basics (Baby Health Guru) How to Use Ear Drops Properly - YouTube Using a Syringe to Feed a Newborn Puppy - YouTube How to suction an infant's nose with Amy Seery, MD - YouTube How to give Baby medicine without Spilling a drop - YouTube Giving Medicine to Infants - Boys Town Pediatrics - YouTube How to Give Your Child Liquid Medicines / Comment donner ... Vitamin D Drops - Boys Town Pediatrics - YouTube  Giving Your Baby Vitamin D - YouTube LearningTools: Reading Syringes - YouTube

To do it correctly, slide the syringe or dropper along the cheek, toward the back of the mouth, and squeeze it slowly, recommends Christopher Tolcher, M.D., assistant clinical professor of ... How much medicine to give. How often to give it. How long to give it for. About infant drops: I nfa nt drops are stronger than syrup for toddlers. Parents may make the mistake of giving higher doses of infant drops to a toddler, thinking the drops are not as strong. Be sure the medicine you give your child is right for his or her weight and age. Squeeze one drop onto the inner corner of their eye (nearest their nose). From there, it will seep in between the eyelids. The baby will either open their eye, thereby circulating the medicine, or you can rub their closed eyelids gently. Check with your doctor to make sure this is an approved approach. Do not use a spoon or any other utensil to give it. For drops, it is best to use the dropper that comes with the medicine. Else, purchase a separate dropper that is sterile and use it only for that medicine. Do not use the same dropper for different syrups. Clean ways of administering have to be accompanied with clean hands as well. How to give a baby nose drops. Hold your baby as you would to administer ear drops. Tilt their head backwards slightly. Place the snub of the dropper gently inside a nostril and squeeze out the prescribed dosage of drops. Repeat this process in the other nostril. How to give a baby syrup or mouth drops Give medicine with dropper, wash with hot water and keep it separately. Close the bottle with the lid it comes with (not with dropper). Though cumbersome, I feel this method to be hygienic. And reg. reuse, it is always better to switch to new dropper alongwith the new bottle. The dampness in dropper might allow the growth of bacteria. Give your baby the medicine. Hold your baby the same way you do when you nurse or feed him. Put the syringe into your baby's mouth and gently squirt a small amount of the medicine between his tongue and the side of his mouth. This helps him swallow it easily. Chapter 38 Medication Administration and Safety for Infants and Children LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: • Describe different methods of administering medications to children. • List the advantages and disadvantages of each route of administering medication to children. • Describe the physiologic differences between children and adults that affect ... Get the medicine ready first. Wash your hands, shake up the bottle (if required), and draw up the exact amount of liquid medicine needed into a syringe-style dropper (if the bottle doesn't have a built-in dropper). Then wash your hands again. Do all this before you try to calm and secure your infant. Position the baby in your arms, face up. If you use a dropper and your baby tries to spit out his medicine, use your finger to pull his cheek open and try squeezing the medicine into one of his cheek pockets. Leave your finger in his mouth until he swallows the medicine — that way it will go down instead of out.

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Infant Medication Basics (Baby Health Guru)

Infant Medication Basics ... How to Give Your Child Liquid Medicines / Comment donner des médicaments liquides à votre enfant - Duration: ... Dreambaby's Medicine Dropper [306] - Duration: ... If a newborn puppy isn't able to nurse well enough because it's too small, too weak, or has too much competition from littermates, you can supplement with fo... Giving medicine to your infant is essential to keeping your baby healthy and happy. It also can be a very difficult thing to do. Dr. Heather Zimmerman, pedia... Vitamin D Drops are recommended for a baby who is only breastfed. Dr. Alexis Sawyer, pediatrician at Boys Town Pediatrics, offers an explanation of why it's ... After watching this video, sharpen your skills by completing the interactive practice activities found in this course: Amy Seery, MD, a Via Christi pediatrician, offers suggestions on how to suction an infant's nose when they are having difficulties breathing because of nasal... After many trials and errors, this is how I figured out how to dispense baby medicine without the baby spitting it out. I have to make sure she gets her enti... This video gives the reasons and how to give your baby vitamin D.Access this video and hundreds of articles on my blog at MEDICATION USAGE INSTRUCTIONS1. Wash your hands well with soap and water.2. Warm the eardrop bottle by holding it in the palm of your hand for a few minutes.... Giving #medicine to children, especially to babies, can be tricky. Watch this video for helpful tips to make things easier.Il peut être difficile de donner d...

how to give infant medicine dropper

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