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A good story of using Kindle Fire Kids Edition with 4 year olds

There are lots of problems posted to this subreddit, I thought I would share some of my success with the Kindle Fire 7 and my 4 year old twin girls. Hopefully some here can share their experiences.
My girls love the tablets, but I've had to curate the content with an iron fist.
Here's how they're set up:
What do my girls do with the tablets?
What I would like to do
I strongly suspect I'll be replacing these with iPads when they get older, that will have its own challenges, although at least books will work... but until then, the girls love the tablets and the content is mostly positive and helpful.
submitted by _mgjk_ to kindlefire [link] [comments]

WordPress e GDPR

Salve a tutti, dopo un po' di tempo mi sono deciso ad aprire un semplice blog su WordPress (.org). Per il momento non ha nulla solo un post di benvenuto, la pagina dei contatti (un banalissimo inviaci una e-mail). Le mie domande riguardano soprattutto il GDPR, perché ci tengo molto a fare le cose per bene.
  1. È possibile che, con una installazione "vanilla", WordPress non abbia, da lato utenti (non dal mio che faccio il login), neanche un cookie? Pare di sì. Se premo sul lucchetto verde (scusate sono nabbo) non vi sono cookies. Nel dubbio ho fatto una scansione con Cookiebot. Nulla.
  2. Sulla pagina di WordPress c'è scritto che saranno salvati cookies quando un utente commenta un post. In questo caso sono 2 (+1 facoltativo) e cioè (1) commentauthor{HASH} e (2) commentauthor_email{HASH}. Vi sarebbe il terzo, facoltativo e cioè commentauthor_url{HASH}. Gravicon lo tolgo.
Ergo, il mio sito ha 2 cookies. Per scrupolo ho installato anche il plugin GDPR di Trew Knowledge, il quale ha 2 cookies: (1) gdpr[allowed cookies]. (2) gdpr[consent_types].
Tutti questi sono cookies necessari o tecnici, giusto?
Ultime due domande, e poi me ne vado.
  1. Nel plugin, sopramenzionato, vi è la possibilità di inserire il classico banner. Come faccio ad inserire un link alla mia pagina Privacy Policy?
  2. Ho notato che il mio tema usa Google Font. Orrore! Come faccio a toglierlo e metterci, che so Open Font Library, ho caricarne uno mio?
Scusate il Wall of Text. Se vi sono suggerimenti e dettagli che mi sono sfuggiti, vi pregherei di dirmelo.
[Edit #1] Nel mio blog io non uso Analytics. Uso solo i commenti di WP predefiniti. Quindi se ho capito dovrei solamente avere un Cookies Policy. Ma non necessita del banner perché sono tecnici? Ancora mi è oscura la roba dell'IP e user_agent. Scusate il casino, detto proprio così, alla carlona.
[Edit #2] Per tagliare la testa al toro, niente commenti.
[Edit #3] Stavo pensando: non sarebbe utile anche per i nuovi arrivati fare tipo una wiki su come muoversi (Per ora io dico WP) tra Privacy Policy e Cookie Policy? Del tipo vuoi sapere quanti peli sotto le ascelle hanno i tuoi visitatori => XYZ o roba simile? Ovviamente prima di farla dovremmo chiedere ad un povero Cristo di avvocato.
submitted by philologusgraecus to ItalyInformatica [link] [comments]

Mise à jour Coronavirus 18-03-2020

Le post d’hier est ici.
Le bilan chiffré et les cartes d’hier sont ici
Merci pour tous les messages hier, et aujourd’hui !
Si vous connaissez des liens pour proposer des services d’aides aux personnes âgées et fragiles, aux soignants, aux personnes qui travaillent, est-ce que vous pourriez les poster en lien que je fasse une liste?
Il y a actuellement 199 000 cas dans le monde. Le nouvel épicentre de l’épidémie est l’Europe, et notamment la vieille Europe. Edit: il est 14 heures et il y a maintenant plus de 204 000 cas. Edit: il est 22h30, et il y a maintenant 217 000 cas recensés.
Hier, la Belgique a aussi décidé de son confinement. D’après les rumeurs, New York sera confinée d’ici 48 heures. Les casinos ont fermé à Las Vegas.
En Italie, les chiffres sont toujours très impressionnants: 31 506 cas (+3526) et 2503 décès (+345). La situation est catastrophique à Bergamo, où les hôpitaux sont saturés. Il y a pourtant une bonne nouvelle: dans les régions où le confinement a été mis en place de manière précoce, le nombre de nouveaux cas diminue. Au niveau national, même si c’est occulté par l’énormité des chiffres, on peut voir que cela commence à se tasser aussi. L’Italie est en bonne voie. Il faut savoir qu’ils publient plein de données, et aident vraiment à comprendre le phénomène, donnent plein d’infos précieuses aux autres pays. J’espère que personne ne l’oubliera.
En Espagne, la situation est aussi difficile. Il y avait hier 11178 cas (+1236) et 491 décès (+149).
En France, la situation est catastrophique dans le Haut-Rhin. Des patients commencent à être évacués vers d’autres hôpitaux. Il semble qu’un tri ait été mis en place. Depuis hier la réa est saturée.
Il y a plus de cas détectés en Île de France que dans le Grand Est. Hier, l’exode des parisiens (et dans d’autres métropoles) a continué. Les gares ont été prises d’assaut.
Chez moi, le confinement, c’est pas gagné : il y a un jardin non visible depuis la rue, je n’y ai jamais vu autant de monde (gamins, famille qui joue au badminton, gars qui font des étirements, petites vieilles qui lisent sur les bancs...) qu’hier après-midi. Si les images des hôpitaux du Haut-Rhin fuitent, les gens prendront peut-être conscience de ce qui se passe. Incroyable ces comportements alors qu’on a conscience de ce qu’il se passe en Italie!
Niveau traitement, beaucoup de buzz autour de la chloroquine. Des infos que j’ai, le traitement marche et est utilisé avec succès en Chine, où il a bien fait chuter le taux de mortalité. Il y a cependant des ajustements à faire sur les dosages, à cause des effets secondaires chez certains patients.
De nouveaux députés ont été testés positifs. Je laisse cet article de la Provence ici, je conseille à chacun de le lire afin de se rendre compte de l’égalité des chances à la française.
Vous pouvez avoir des infos sur l’étude sur laquelle s’est appuyé le conseil scientifique pour rendre son avis ici .
Concernant la durée du confinement, personne ne croit aux 15 jours. Les optimistes parlent de 45 jours, les pessimistes jusqu’à l’été. De mon côté, l’info que j’ai est un pic prévu dans trois semaines si aucune mesure de confinement n’était mise en place. La donne a changé en positif avec la mise en place du confinement, en négatif après les débilités des citadins de ce week-end suivi de leur exode. Edit : la donne a changé sur le taux de mortalité, pas sur la durée du confinement comme on me l’a fait remarquer. Je m’égare à vouloir que ça dure le moins longtemps possible...
Au Royaume-Uni, Boris Johnson a annoncé que s’il y avait 20 000 morts ou moins, ce serait un bon résultat.
Partout dans le monde, des plans de soutien massifs à l’économie sont lancés. Il faut dire qu’entre les usines fermées, les gens au chômage, les compagnies aériennes qui menacent de faire faillite en mai, les inquiétudes sont grandes.
Au Japon, ils s’acharnent encore à vouloir organiser les JO (voir le communiqué ici ).
Aujourd’hui :
— Important et à communiquer à tous les inconscients qui laissent leurs gamins jouer en pensant qu’ils ne craignent rien: une nouvelle étude montre que 6% des enfants développent des symptômes sévères.
— Le DGS dit que la situation s’aggrave rapidement. 4000 tests aujourd’hui, 42 500 tests depuis le début de l’épidémie. 9134 cas (+1404), 3600 personnes hospitalisées , 931 cas graves. 264 (+89) décès - don’t 7% touché des personnes de -de 65 ans. Le bilan par région est ici . Il y a maintenant 2693 cas en Île de France, 2163 dans le Grand Est. Les autres régions sont sous les 1000 cas. La moitié des patients en réa ont moins de 60 ans.
— Il y a un projet de loi d’Etat d’Urgence Sanitaire . D’après l’AFP: « Le projet de loi d'urgence pour faire face au #covid_19 prévoit d'autoriser la déclaration d'un "état d'urgence sanitaire", permettant notamment de restreindre certaines libertés, selon ce texte obtenu par l' #AFP de source parlementaire. L'état d’urgence sanitaire "donne pouvoir au Premier ministre de prendre par décret pris sur le rapport du ministre chargé de la santé, les mesures générales limitant la liberté d’aller et venir, la liberté d’entreprendre et la liberté de réunion et permettant de procéder aux réquisitions de tout bien et services nécessaires afin de lutter contre la catastrophe sanitaire", détaille le texte. »
— Castaner au 20h de TF1.
— La Chine nous envoie un million de masques et du matériel médical (source)
— Je pense qu’on peut dire adieu aux marchés en plein air sous peu vu ce qu’il se passe à Barbès.
— Au niveau confinement : y’a pas plein de monde, mais il y a quand même des gens dans la rue (ca en fait beaucoup pour jogging/je vais bosseje vais faire les courses).Je vois passer les flics régulièrement. C’est simple: mis à part une voiture qu’ils ont contrôlée ce matin, je ne les vois contrôler personne. Je sais pas si chest spécifique à mon quartier, où bien ils ne contrôlent que quand il y a attroupement.
— Olivier Veran déclare qu’on peut espérer un ralentissement dans une douzaine de jours.
— Jean-Paul Hamon, le président de la fédération des médecins de France , est contaminé. Il explique la situation difficile dans son cabinet, car il n’est pas le seul à avoir été testé positif.
— Ricard va fournir de l’alcool pour produire les gels hydro alcooliques. LVMH a effectué ses premières livraisons aux hôpitaux.
— comme dans d’autres pays, il commence à y avoir des mutineries dans les prisons. Il y a eu un début à Grasse hier. . La situation est inquiétante à Fresnes, qui est surpeuplée et où cinq cas ont été détectés. En Italie, il y a eu des morts et des fugitifs. En Iran, pour éviter la propagation, 85 000 prisonniers ont été relâchés.
Études: voici l’avis de Nassim Nicholas Taleb sur l’étude utilisée par le conseil scientifique pour conseiller le gouvernement.
Voici un lien vers une discussion reddit intéressante sur la chloroquine. Tout n’est pas pertinent mais il y a pas mal d’infos et d’arguments.
Un autre traitement, le favipiravir, est considéré comme prometteur. . Ça ne marche que sur les cas sévères par contre.
Pour les traitements, je manque malheureusement de connaissances médicales...quand il y a pas mal de sources d’infos et un peu de recul je peux dire un peu ce qu’il en est, mais pas pour le reste désolée...
Article avec les chiffres sur les différences entre les régions mise en quarantaine très tôt en Italie et les régions avoisinantes non mise en quarantaine.
Edit: ceci est un fake , c’est d’un goût douteux, mais j’ai pas pu m’empêcher de me marrer.
submitted by Knowonething to france [link] [comments]

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.
To preface, this post is meant to elucidate some of the properties of magic: how it exists and functions in the world of Runeterra. For the purposes of this post, I will not go into much depth regarding the complex magics, and will instead primarily refer to the main 3 “streams”. Points will be backed up using reliable sources, Scathlocke being the Head of all things Narrative and Worldbuilding-wise in Lore. That being said, until Riot releases information on Universe or Nexus, (while unlikely) things are liable to change regarding information provided by Rioters in twitter and boards replies, thus should be taken with a grain of salt.


The Origins of Magic:

As Runeterra, an amalgamation of the Spiritual and Material/Physical realms, was created by an unknown race of Celestials using the World Runes, all magic can be said to have roots in the Celestial Realm. While that might make it seem superior, being the originator, think of it more like it fostered the growth of the realms to becoming their own distinct units.

In the League of Legends Universe (main), magic exists in three distinct forms: Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. From there, you have multiple blends and combinations.
N.B. The energy produced by those of the Void is NOT magic.


Fundamentally, each main stream encompasses specific concepts, one is not inherently better than the other and, to varying extents, each is able to mimic some of the effects of the other:

  • - Celestial Magic deals with creation and pure ideals, thus can also include maintenance, change and destruction.
  • - Spirit Magic deals with mental and emotional concepts, life as well as reality and the perception of it.
  • - Elemental Magic deals with the manipulation of the physical world and the physical laws and rules of reality (Physics).

Magic exists ambiently; flowing as metaphysical rivers and streams throughout the world similar in concept to ley lines. Areas where magic is high in concentration will commonly produce the most number of natural born mages, to the point where it is less likely for one to not possess the ability to use/do magic. The reverse is true for those born in an area where ambient magic is low in concentration. This is evidenced with Ionia and Ixtal, being fonts of Elemental and Spiritual magic respectively, whereas a region like Demacia; surrounded and founded upon magic nullifying petricite, very few mages are produced.

Each stream of magic flows from an origin source: Celestial magic flows from the Celestial Realm as well as the World Runes, Spiritual Magic originates from the Spiritual Realm, and Elemental Magic from the Physical realm, all suffusing into the material plane.
Regions where the barriers between realms are weakest and the magic flows strongest are known as “fonts” of magic. Ionia is an example of this in regards to spirit magic. To varying extents, use of each main branch can mirror the other and produce similar effects, even if not strictly the same source/magic type (e.g. all can produce fire).
As said before, Ionia is a font of spirit magic. The barriers between the mortal and spirit realm are less distinct, thereby allowing the two to interact in strange, exotic manners. As a result, spirit magic suffuses and saturates the lands of Ionia. However, raw concentrated spirit magic has chaotic, unpredictable effects upon reality, making the environment a dangerous place. As such, humans erected Quinlons in Ionia to restrict and filter the flow of magic from the fonts. Quinlons being man-made magical filters that limit the amount of magic flowing from the spirit realm into Ionia... they also filter out the more chaotic/negative energy, concentrating it into a liquid-like substance (IchoTears). When tattooed upon the skin or consumed, this concentrated negative magic enables the use and manipulation of shadow magic (used to great effect by Zed and his Order). Currently, the agreement between humans and Vastaya has been shattered: The Quinlons are restricting too much magic, and Zed’s Order actively alters some to fuel their shadow magic. The vastaya, requiring magic to live similarly to how we need air to live, are understandably not too ecstatic.

Theoretically, Targon would serve as a font of Celestial magic seeing as the barriers between the mortal and Celestial Realm are thinnest near the peak, thereby allowing the easiest interaction and allowing the magic to suffuse onto the physical plane.
A region serving as a font of magic doesn't necessarily mean only that type of magic is present. It just acts as a source.
One doesn't have to be on a ley line/stream to do magic... the effects and efficiency just increase with proximity, similar to a wifi/cell signal. As they encompass the entirety of Runeterra, you are almost always guaranteed to have some signal (barring specific scenarios/anomalies.)


How Magic is Used:

Anyone and everyone can learn to harness magic, however, not everyone is born with the talent. These lucky individuals are known as mages.
From what we’ve seen, mages don't quite generate magic per se, they access what is naturally present, interacting with the ambient magic in the environment rather than directly producing it. More akin to vessels than generators, their strength and aptitude likely depends on how much they can store, channel, shape and emit (as well as restore) at any given time. But, as said by Ryze in “From the Ashes” magic likes to be used, not stored… similar to the air we hold in our lungs… a quite apt comparison that will be explained further below in theory crafting. This is the trend for most mortals.
Those born of magic, those with magic WITHIN them, as part of them, often referred to as "magical" beings, are far more attuned to the magic out there in the world, able to interact and shape magic in ways most can’t even begin to fathom due to their intrinsic link. An example being the Vastaya, who are more innately connected to magic, requiring it to live (like how we need to breathe oxygen to survive). Their use of magic still follows the same principle of not being innately generated, yet their connection allows them to perceive and interact with the worlds in exotic ways. The Vastayashai’rei, the ancient ancestors of our modern Vastaya further demonstrate this: Originally mortals, they learnt how to be completely 1:1 between the material and spirit realms, taking in the spirit realm and becoming deathless, manipulating the magics of each realm… effectively becoming “super mages”.

The Axiomata is a system solely related to Elemental Magic and its manipulations to varying effects. It serves as a formulaic/diagrammatic system of understanding and manipulating elemental magic inspired by the flow of the natural “currents” of magic but itself isn't one of the flows, merely one understanding. It's a system of teaching and learning elemental magic, akin to studying strict formulas (or Axioms) based on rules. The benefit to it is that anyone can learn it, Ryze's critique of it would be that it limits and restricts magic's potential.

In The Axiomata (Short Story), a ley line was "tapped" and “swum” through, enabling Aliay to interact with the world in a broader, more encompassing fashion thereby allowing him to see and experience the outside world and glimpse ongoing events outside of Ixtal.

In terms of those who seem to directly challenge the established "magic isn't produced innately" principle, in a sense, they don't. Looking at the Aspects (the hosts more so than the actual Celestial Aspects) and the Ascended, they are directly (and indirectly for the Ascended) rigged to the Aspects, thereby serving as conduits and as such, are able to channel their power. Using Leona’s color story, "The Light Bringer" as an example:
“Leona let the fire into her blood, feeling the ancient creature merge its essence with hers more completely, becoming one with her senses and gifting her with perceptions not of this world.”
“She reached deep inside herself, drawing on the awesome power from beyond the mountain. The sun emerged from behind its highest peaks as Leona thrust her hand to the light.”
On the other hand, we have Syndra who seemingly produces magic. To an extent this is true, what she presumably does still falls in line with the fundamental concept of mages. While not officially shown on the League Universe, if we go by the original version of "The Dreaming Pool", "The Dreaming Cave" (which was edited for clarity and to cut down on length) Instead of being relegated to only using the ambient natural magics of the physical world, Syndra is able to rip magic directly from the Spiritual Realm.
“Syndra conjured another dark sphere—all of her bitterness, resentment and anger made manifest. Torn from the spirit realm across the threshold into reality, it hovered above her hand, slowly spinning.”

It's something that is unique to her and can be quite dangerous to the natural lands (as we know that pure, concentrated spirit magic flowing can have adverse, chaotic effects.)

Her magic leaches the lands of the natural, ambient magic, thereby causing something akin to "magical fallout" and irradiating the environment. This implies her magic is flooding and washing out the natural magics of the land… replacing it with hers: Raw, concentrated Spirit magic.
We know, from the information about Quinlons, that spirit magic in high concentrations is dangerous and adversely affects the physical realm, particularly when negative. Something further suggested in Syndra’s Biography:
”Such negativity had a strange, unpredictable effect on reality, and Syndra had grown far beyond his ability as a mentor.”
And further falls in line with information given to us about Fae’lor in “The Dreaming Pool” and Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds regarding the quality of the lands of the island before and after Syndra’s first and second rampages.
The fact that Syndra's mood state mirrors the effect of the Quinlons further substantiates this.

In regards to the specifics of how mages utilize magic (theory work that falls in line with everything we know):

This is a graph detailing the process of breathing, specifically as it relates to the volume of air present in the lungs at any given time. Tidal Volume is the range of normal, unconscious breathing: The volume inhaled and exhaled normally.
As shown in the graph, after breathing out at Tidal Volume (the decline at that level), there's still more air present in your lungs due to them not having fully deflated. Thus, even after breathing out at normal levels)more air may be expelled: Expiratory Reserve Volume.
The reverse is true for the process of inhalation: Inhalation at Tidal Volume, then continuing to inhale to reach the Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
(Deep breath in-> inspiratory reserve volume, deep breath out-> Expiratory reserve volume)... inhaling and exhaling a lot more air than you will in normal breathing... with the normal breathing level being tidal volume.
Big breaths In and Out usually require conscious intent, whereas the Tidal Volume is usually unconsciously regulated. After reaching the Expiratory Reserve Volume, more air still remains in the lungs, known as the Residual Volume. This is almost never accessed and exhaled, requires rigorous intent, and is dangerous to attempt. The total span of these is the Total Lung Capacity.

Now, to apply this concept to mages:
Most mages seemingly don’t consciously draw upon magic, rather they passively draw in and absorb magic, similar to the tidal volume of breathing. Following this logic, there would remain a base level of magic that "exists" within the mage... This doesn’t mean it is innately produced, it is just a sink that's partially filled. (For comparison, relate it to the Expiratory Reserve Volume.)
As such, most mages will only know about emitting magic... not absorbing it, because most of the time, they're just consciously pushing out and manipulating magic, instead of consciously drawing it in.
More adept mages know how to consciously draw in more magic than they'd normally have access to, and know how to regulate the intake, use and emission: Ryze in From the Ashes is an example of this, displayed when trying to teach Kegan:
“You do not create the air you breathe,” the sorcerer said. “You draw it inside you, letting it sustain you. You use it as your body requires, and then release it as you exhale. It is never yours. You are just a vessel for it. You breathe in, you breathe out. You are a channel through which air flows.”
Kegan made to release his breath, though his master shook his head.
“No. Not yet. Feel the air in your lungs, Kegan. Feel it pushing at the cage of your body. Feel it straining to escape.”
“Therein lies the problem,” his master observed, reading his posture. “I told you the air was not yours, yet you are thrilled with yourself for how long you kept it inside you. It is the same with magic. You want it, believing it can be owned. You cling to it, forgetting that you are merely a channel through which it passes. You choke it in your heart, and in your hands. And so the magic is strangled in your grip, because you see it as something to bind to your will. It is not, and never will be. It is like air. You must draw in what exists around you, use it for a moment, then let it free.”

Lissandra, in Legend of the Frozen Watchers, is another example:
“Summoning every last iota of the ancient magic around her, including that of her allies, she sacrificed everything to seal the rift-between-realms with True Ice, entombing the Watchers within it.”

When you try to take a deep breath in, the air eventually starts fighting to get out... the balloon is strained; you can't retain that level and, inevitably, the air escapes. Similarly to Ryze's explanation of why Kegan was failing at storing the magic.

From this, I posit what happens with mages around petricite is similar to what happens when you enter a vacuum: Those unaware and not consciously regulating the level of air will have their breath stolen. However, if you are aware, and know about the base concepts of consciously breathing, you will be able to store your air for a period of time before it gets taken. And with training, the level you are able to store, and the duration of which the breath may be held, increases. (You can relate this to holding your breath underwater, you know not to exhale... and if prepared, you know to inhale more than normal and hold your breath.)

Petricite nullifies magic by absorbing it, effectively sapping and stealing the mage’s reserves. For those aware of its properties, and adept at manipulating magic, they would be able to “hold their breath” i.e. hold their magic tightly for a short while, enabling them to continue controlled usage of it. An example of this is seen in the Ryze Cinematic, "Call of Power", when Ryze performs magic in the Petricite Forest.

It should be noted this isn't a literal 1:1 transition of concepts, it’d likely be much harder to recognize and consciously regulate the levels of magic (as displayed by Kegan), but the fundamental concept would remain the same.
To be clear though, this does not speak to the shaping of magic and how it manifests for each mage. How each mage manifests the phenomenon is tied to their ideals and the cultural influences shaping it and to an extent, is ultimately personal: e.g. Lux being tied to "light", and those in The Freljord being more inclined to ice and shamanistic magics etc.
As said before, each person's approach to magic is pretty unique... Even within the Yun Tal, there are proficiencies and unique understandings/perspectives of shaping magic, this is what enables them to keep making new axioms and experiment further).
To use an example that ties back to the theory proposed, Sylas' innate approach is to be able to see/sense it and copy/take that "template"... Akin to a copiecheater in class who takes someone's homework. If he learned, he likely would have the capacity to do his own crafting of spells/magic.
You can consider it the reverse of Lissandra/Ryze... in a sense (theory-wise), he's currently only able to inhale consciously and exhale passively (tidal volume-> Inspiratory Reserve Volume) but not quite able to do it passively. His "tidal volume" is negligible, but his "lungs" are very elastic so can inhale a lot, however, similarly to an untied balloon, would be forced to expel most of the magic once it's not being consciously drawn in. Added to this, there is likely a limit to how much he can take in at any given time, less he risks being overloaded.
The Petricite would therefore act as the containeoxygen tank for the magic absorbed... allowing him to access it whenever needed.. whereas without it, he's constantly been shown to immediately use the magic upon absorbing (can't hold it for long...if at all).
In regards to why he can't consciously absorb ambient magic, it's likely too diffuse and "unconcentrated"/""unstable", whereas the magic stored in petricite and other mages etc already has a stable template... concentrated in once place, thereby enabling to have a firmer "grasp". Sorta like how u can pick up a block of ice, but doing the same with water or vapor is much harder.... it "slips" out. Relating back to if his base volume is low, but the "elastic potential" of his "vessel" is high, the diffuse magic absorbed wouldn't be much in the first place, plus he hasn't innately adapted an application to shaping the magic himself, so he naturally does what he's best suited to: Inflating his proverbial balloon by filling with the concentrated, stabilized templates of others and emitting it (or storing in the petricite).
TLDR on mages, and Scath’s thoughts on the theory:

Relevant Reads on Universe:


Flavor of life information regarding entities seemingly comprised of magic: Spirits and Celestials.

Spirits are the natural denizens of the Spirit Realm, everything that exists upon the physical realm is said to have a spiritual reflection, as learned in Riven's color story, "Seams and Scars".

“I’m a mender,” she said as she held the pottery out to a wide-eyed Riven. “No need to replace anything.”
Riven took the plate and examined it. “How does it work?” she asked, running a finger down a thick black seam.
"Everything has a spirit, and every spirit wants to be whole. I ask them what they need to mend, and give it to them.”
The concept of “time” exists differently from how it does in the physical realm… if it exists at all (Evidenced by Bandle City, as well as the Vastaya Forests). Many spirits seemingly start as something primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient before being tied to varying concepts, fundamentally shaping their interaction with the world, as somewhat evidenced by Evelynn and the nature of the Spirit Gods (Spirit gods, if completely forgotten, revert to the state described). It is not known if this is true for all residents of the spirit realm. Yordles are fundamentally different from other spirits encountered. I.e. they are much more physical and “substantial”.
The Spirit Realm itself is also comprised of “pocket dimensions” that do not have a physical realm correlation. The Glade is an example of this, the dimension of the Fae (of which Lulu’s companion, Pix, is a part of). It is theorized that Bandle City may be an offshoot of The Glade.
When mortals die, their souls are transported to the Spirit Realm, upon whence they’ll be placed in the Afterlife/world. Many "afterlife/afterworld" pocket dimensions exist, Mitna Rachnum (Mordekaiser's death realm) is one of them. Rarely (relatively speaking) do souls make their way into Mordekaiser's realm however. The Shadow Isles deserves mention as the catastrophe that occured warped the rules of the natural worlds, as well as life and death. The raw necromantic (spiritual) magic that suffuses the lands has warped reality and stilled the passage of time. It has become a region of undeath as a result of the trapped souls being unable to truly pass on.

Aside from Yordles, the Fae and souls, other spirits exist, those standing out being Demons and Spirit Gods:

All demons are spirits, not all spirits are demons. I.e. Demons are a specific type of spirit. (This is for actual demons, not entities that have been labelled demonic despite being of human/physical or even celestial origin.) They subsist and feed on emotions, specifically those that are negative or overabundant to the point of negativity/overindulgence. They also perpetuate these feelings either directly, or indirectly in mortals. E.g. Evelynn feeds on agony and pain, and will seduce then torture people, feeding off of their pain. Tahm Kench on the other hand, subsists on misery resulting from greed, gluttony and addiction. He will tempt the person, and when they fall prey to that, will feed off of them. Demons can feed incrementally or devour the person wholly... sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically. Generally it ultimately results in the person's death.

Spirit Gods are best described as “spiritual embodiments of concepts and cultural ideals”. They are ancient beings granted relevance aeons prior to common mortal existence. They hearken back to when the barriers between realms were ephemeral, thus could gain footholds in the physical plane and mortal cultures. It is theorized that they were originally spirits of certain concepts that managed to link themselves to the culture of mortals, gaining power, form and true sapience due to the increasing worship and cultural attention. Others hypothesize that they themselves were completely “born” of the combined perceptions of a staunch faith. Whatever they may be, it has been noted to be incredibly unlikely for a new Spirit God to form as the conditions of the current worlds do not favor it. Instead it’ll be more likely for an already established entity to fill that attention.
Points to note regarding Spirits:
  • To an extent, every spirit so far has a basis on perception... Not everything is literally "I need you to believe in me for me to live." For demons, their source of "attention" or gaining sustenance is based on the emotion/mental energy that they are draining and perpetuating. Not necessarily a need for belief. Though many do have their own cults of worship, so it's likely that some of that energy can be fed upon too... but ultimately, it's the energy of the emotion/feeling/concept that needs to be there, not a belief.
  • A demon will take shape based on the desired appeal of the person perceiving them. To a lusty, heterosexual man, Eve will appear as an incredibly sexy, sultry lady, thereby tempting him to pursue her. Tahm Kench will appear as a seller or peddler of goods and fortunes, an auctioneer… perhaps even a Casino roulette. Whatever will appeal to and best exploit that person's inner weakness and temptations.
  • Spirits can physically take form by animating and using physical materials nearby, scrapping them together to achieve the desired form (As we see with Fiddlesticks and Volibear)... they can also materialize as condensed raw magic given form. There are rules and limitations guiding how they manifest of which we haven't been privy to. However, we can assume it's based on their current strength, abundance of magic around and the context of the situation. They can choose a form, but often will appear based on the perceptions and inherent beliefs and moods of the surrounding mortals. But yes, they can shapeshift and are the reason why the Vastayashai'rei and their descendants, the Vastaya, have such fluid form.

*Nagakabouros has been confirmed to be a Spirit God, born of the Spirit Realm. The true scope of her being is not known beyond being linked with Life, Chaos and Motion. Other examples of Spirit Gods include Kindred, the Freljordian Demigods and Janna. Demons include Fiddlesticks, Raum, Nocturne, Tahm Kench and Evelynn.

Those of the Celestial Realm are known as Celestials. The antithesis of the Void and its denizens, The Watchers. The Celestial Realm and its inhabitants are heavily centered around creation and maintenance. Not much is known about these timeless entities however they played a key role in the creation of the cosmos as well as Runeterra and its development as a whole. Fate and the celestial machinations guiding mortal existence can be interpreted by looking to the heavens however, to the ire of some, Mortals are not beholden to these preset destinies, and instead often create their own.
The Celestials that we know of are Aurelion Sol, his kin, The Aspects, Bard, and Soraka.
Aspects are the pure ideals/celestial concepts made “personified”, and will occasionally bind with a mortal host and traverse Runeterra to do whatever work is needed.
*(Edited in for clarity:) The Ascended are indirectly rigged to Aspects (celestial concepts). Ascension doesn't necessarily grant them celestial magic, it dramatically magnifies all of their previous traits.
I see you’ve reached the end, my weary traveler. Feast on some cookies and recoup. In regards to any questions and theories, happy to discuss in the comments. If in relation to the various creatures and their more specific interactions with Magic, The Great Chronicler, Sharjo, is doing a TL;DR on the Races of Runeterra which will likely touch on many of those aspects. So I'll leave that to him. For awesome, quick questions or more in depth conversations with fans of the Lore of League, join the discord server :D
Thanks for bearing with me! Hope this explained things in a clear manner.
submitted by Psyr1x to loreofleague [link] [comments]

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.
To preface, this post is meant to elucidate some of the properties of magic in lore: how it exists and functions in the world of Runeterra. For the purposes of this post, I will not go into much depth regarding the complex magics, and will instead primarily refer to the main 3 “streams”. Points will be backed up using reliable sources, Scathlocke being the Head of all things Narrative and Worldbuilding-wise in Lore. That being said, until Riot releases information on Universe or Nexus, (while unlikely) things are liable to change regarding information provided by Rioters in twitter and boards replies, thus should be taken with a grain of salt.


The Origins of Magic:

As Runeterra, an amalgamation of the Spiritual and Material/Physical realms, was created by an unknown race of Celestials using the World Runes, all magic can be said to have roots in the Celestial Realm. While that might make it seem superior, being the originator, think of it more like it fostered the growth of the realms to becoming their own distinct units.

In the League of Legends Universe (main), magic exists in three distinct forms: Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. From there, you have multiple blends and combinations.
N.B. The energy produced by those of the Void is NOT magic.


Fundamentally, each main stream encompasses specific concepts, one is not inherently better than the other and, to varying extents, each is able to mimic some of the effects of the other:

  • Celestial Magic deals with creation and pure ideals, thus can also include maintenance, change and destruction.
  • Spirit Magic deals with mental and emotional concepts, life as well as reality and the perception of it.
  • Elemental Magic deals with the manipulation of the physical world and the physical laws and rules of reality (Physics).

Magic exists ambiently; flowing as metaphysical rivers and streams throughout the world similar in concept to ley lines. Areas where magic is high in concentration will commonly produce the most number of natural born mages, to the point where it is less likely for one to not possess the ability to use/do magic. The reverse is true for those born in an area where ambient magic is low in concentration. This is evidenced with Ionia and Ixtal, being fonts of Elemental and Spiritual magic respectively, whereas a region like Demacia; surrounded and founded upon magic nullifying petricite, very few mages are produced.

Each stream of magic flows from an origin source: Celestial magic flows from the Celestial Realm as well as the World Runes, Spiritual Magic originates from the Spiritual Realm, and Elemental Magic from the Physical realm, all suffusing into the material plane.
Regions where the barriers between realms are weakest and the magic flows strongest are known as “fonts” of magic. Ionia is an example of this in regards to spirit magic. To varying extents, use of each main branch can mirror the other and produce similar effects, even if not strictly the same source/magic type (e.g. all can produce fire).

As said before, Ionia is a font of spirit magic. The barriers between the mortal and spirit realm are less distinct, thereby allowing the two to interact in strange, exotic manners. As a result, spirit magic suffuses and saturates the lands of Ionia. However, raw concentrated spirit magic has chaotic, unpredictable effects upon reality, making the environment a dangerous place. As such, humans erected Quinlons in Ionia to restrict and filter the flow of magic from the fonts. Quinlons being man-made magical filters that limit the amount of magic flowing from the spirit realm into Ionia... they also filter out the more chaotic/negative energy, concentrating it into a liquid-like substance (IchoTears). When tattooed upon the skin or consumed, this concentrated negative magic enables the use and manipulation of shadow magic (used to great effect by Zed and his Order). Currently, the agreement between humans and Vastaya has been shattered: The Quinlons are restricting too much magic, and Zed’s Order actively alters some to fuel their shadow magic. The vastaya, requiring magic to live similarly to how we need air to live, are understandably not too ecstatic.

Theoretically, Targon would serve as a font of Celestial magic seeing as the barriers between the mortal and Celestial Realm are thinnest near the peak, thereby allowing the easiest interaction and allowing the magic to suffuse onto the physical plane.
A region serving as a font of magic doesn't necessarily mean only that type of magic is present. It just acts as a source.
One doesn't have to be on a ley line/stream to do magic... the effects and efficiency just increase with proximity, similar to a wifi/cell signal. As they encompass the entirety of Runeterra, you are almost always guaranteed to have some signal (barring specific scenarios/anomalies.)


How Magic is Used:

Anyone and everyone can learn to harness magic, however, not everyone is born with the talent. These lucky individuals are known as mages.
From what we’ve seen, mages don't quite generate magic per se, they access what is naturally present, interacting with the ambient magic in the environment rather than directly producing it. More akin to vessels than generators, their strength and aptitude likely depends on how much they can store, channel, shape and emit (as well as restore) at any given time. But, as said by Ryze in “From the Ashes” magic likes to be used, not stored… similar to the air we hold in our lungs… a quite apt comparison that will be explained further below in theory crafting. This is the trend for most mortals.
Those born of magic, those with magic WITHIN them, as part of them, often referred to as "magical" beings, are far more attuned to the magic out there in the world, able to interact and shape magic in ways most can’t even begin to fathom due to their intrinsic link. An example being the Vastaya, who are more innately connected to magic, requiring it to live (like how we need to breathe oxygen to survive). Their use of magic still follows the same principle of not being innately generated, yet their connection allows them to perceive and interact with the worlds in exotic ways. The Vastayashai’rei, the ancient ancestors of our modern Vastaya further demonstrate this: Originally mortals, they learnt how to be completely 1:1 between the material and spirit realms, taking in the spirit realm and becoming deathless, manipulating the magics of each realm… effectively becoming “super mages”.

The Axiomata is a system solely related to Elemental Magic and its manipulations to varying effects. It serves as a formulaic/diagrammatic system of understanding and manipulating elemental magic inspired by the flow of the natural “currents” of magic but itself isn't one of the flows, merely one understanding. It's a system of teaching and learning elemental magic, akin to studying strict formulas (or Axioms) based on rules. The benefit to it is that anyone can learn it, Ryze's critique of it would be that it limits and restricts magic's potential.

In The Axiomata (Short Story), a ley line was "tapped" and “swum” through, enabling Aliay to interact with the world in a broader, more encompassing fashion thereby allowing him to see and experience the outside world and glimpse ongoing events outside of Ixtal.

In terms of those who seem to directly challenge the established "magic isn't produced innately" principle, in a sense, they don't. Looking at the Aspects (the hosts more so than the actual Celestial Aspects) and the Ascended, they are directly (and indirectly for the Ascended) rigged to the Aspects, thereby serving as conduits and as such, are able to channel their power. Using Leona’s color story, "The Light Bringer" as an example:
“Leona let the fire into her blood, feeling the ancient creature merge its essence with hers more completely, becoming one with her senses and gifting her with perceptions not of this world.”
“She reached deep inside herself, drawing on the awesome power from beyond the mountain. The sun emerged from behind its highest peaks as Leona thrust her hand to the light.”
On the other hand, we have Syndra who seemingly produces magic. To an extent this is true, what she presumably does still falls in line with the fundamental concept of mages. While not officially shown on the League Universe, if we go by the original version of "The Dreaming Pool", "The Dreaming Cave" (which was edited for clarity and to cut down on length) Instead of being relegated to only using the ambient natural magics of the physical world, Syndra is able to rip magic directly from the Spiritual Realm.
“Syndra conjured another dark sphere—all of her bitterness, resentment and anger made manifest. Torn from the spirit realm across the threshold into reality, it hovered above her hand, slowly spinning.”

It's something that is unique to her and can be quite dangerous to the natural lands (as we know that pure, concentrated spirit magic flowing can have adverse, chaotic effects.)

Her magic leaches the lands of the natural, ambient magic, thereby causing something akin to "magical fallout" and irradiating the environment. This implies her magic is flooding and washing out the natural magics of the land… replacing it with hers: Raw, concentrated Spirit magic.
We know, from the information about Quinlons, that spirit magic in high concentrations is dangerous and adversely affects the physical realm, particularly when negative. Something further suggested in Syndra’s Biography:
”Such negativity had a strange, unpredictable effect on reality, and Syndra had grown far beyond his ability as a mentor.”
And further falls in line with information given to us about Fae’lor in “The Dreaming Pool” and Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds regarding the quality of the lands of the island before and after Syndra’s first and second rampages.
The fact that Syndra's mood state mirrors the effect of the Quinlons further substantiates this.

In regards to the specifics of how mages utilize magic (theory work that falls in line with everything we know):

This is a graph detailing the process of breathing, specifically as it relates to the volume of air present in the lungs at any given time. Tidal Volume is the range of normal, unconscious breathing: The volume inhaled and exhaled normally.
As shown in the graph, after breathing out at Tidal Volume (the decline at that level), there's still more air present in your lungs due to them not having fully deflated. Thus, even after breathing out at normal levels)more air may be expelled: Expiratory Reserve Volume.
The reverse is true for the process of inhalation: Inhalation at Tidal Volume, then continuing to inhale to reach the Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
(Deep breath in-> inspiratory reserve volume, deep breath out-> Expiratory reserve volume)... inhaling and exhaling a lot more air than you will in normal breathing... with the normal breathing level being tidal volume.
Big breaths In and Out usually require conscious intent, whereas the Tidal Volume is usually unconsciously regulated. After reaching the Expiratory Reserve Volume, more air still remains in the lungs, known as the Residual Volume. This is almost never accessed and exhaled, requires rigorous intent, and is dangerous to attempt. The total span of these is the Total Lung Capacity.

Now, to apply this concept to mages:
Most mages seemingly don’t consciously draw upon magic, rather they passively draw in and absorb magic, similar to the tidal volume of breathing. Following this logic, there would remain a base level of magic that "exists" within the mage... This doesn’t mean it is innately produced, it is just a sink that's partially filled. (For comparison, relate it to the Expiratory Reserve Volume.)
As such, most mages will only know about emitting magic... not absorbing it, because most of the time, they're just consciously pushing out and manipulating magic, instead of consciously drawing it in.
More adept mages know how to consciously draw in more magic than they'd normally have access to, and know how to regulate the intake, use and emission: Ryze in From the Ashes is an example of this, displayed when trying to teach Kegan:
“You do not create the air you breathe,” the sorcerer said. “You draw it inside you, letting it sustain you. You use it as your body requires, and then release it as you exhale. It is never yours. You are just a vessel for it. You breathe in, you breathe out. You are a channel through which air flows.”
Kegan made to release his breath, though his master shook his head.
“No. Not yet. Feel the air in your lungs, Kegan. Feel it pushing at the cage of your body. Feel it straining to escape.”
“Therein lies the problem,” his master observed, reading his posture. “I told you the air was not yours, yet you are thrilled with yourself for how long you kept it inside you. It is the same with magic. You want it, believing it can be owned. You cling to it, forgetting that you are merely a channel through which it passes. You choke it in your heart, and in your hands. And so the magic is strangled in your grip, because you see it as something to bind to your will. It is not, and never will be. It is like air. You must draw in what exists around you, use it for a moment, then let it free.”

Lissandra, in Legend of the Frozen Watchers, is another example:
“Summoning every last iota of the ancient magic around her, including that of her allies, she sacrificed everything to seal the rift-between-realms with True Ice, entombing the Watchers within it.”

When you try to take a deep breath in, the air eventually starts fighting to get out... the balloon is strained; you can't retain that level and, inevitably, the air escapes. Similarly to Ryze's explanation of why Kegan was failing at storing the magic.

From this, I posit what happens with mages around petricite is similar to what happens when you enter a vacuum: Those unaware and not consciously regulating the level of air will have their breath stolen. However, if you are aware, and know about the base concepts of consciously breathing, you will be able to store your air for a period of time before it gets taken. And with training, the level you are able to store, and the duration of which the breath may be held, increases. (You can relate this to holding your breath underwater, you know not to exhale... and if prepared, you know to inhale more than normal and hold your breath.)

Petricite nullifies magic by absorbing it, effectively sapping and stealing the mage’s reserves. For those aware of its properties, and adept at manipulating magic, they would be able to “hold their breath” i.e. hold their magic tightly for a short while, enabling them to continue controlled usage of it. An example of this is seen in the Ryze Cinematic, "Call of Power", when Ryze performs magic in the Petricite Forest.

It should be noted this isn't a literal 1:1 transition of concepts, it’d likely be much harder to recognize and consciously regulate the levels of magic (as displayed by Kegan), but the fundamental concept would remain the same. To be clear though, this does not speak to the shaping of magic and how it manifests for each mage. How each mage manifests the phenomenon is tied to their ideals and the cultural influences shaping it and to an extent, is ultimately personal: e.g. Lux being tied to "light", and those in The Freljord being more inclined to ice and shamanistic magics etc.
As said before, each person's approach to magic is pretty unique... Even within the Yun Tal, there are proficiencies and unique understandings/perspectives of shaping magic, this is what enables them to keep making new axioms and experiment further).
To use an example that ties back to the theory proposed, Sylas' innate approach is to be able to see/sense it and copy/take that "template"... Akin to a copiecheater in class who takes someone's homework. If he learned, he likely would have the capacity to do his own crafting of spells/magic.
You can consider it the reverse of Lissandra/Ryze... in a sense (theory-wise), he's currently only able to inhale consciously and exhale passively (tidal volume-> Inspiratory Reserve Volume) but not quite able to do it passively. His "tidal volume" is negligible, but his "lungs" are very elastic so can inhale a lot, however, similarly to an untied balloon, would be forced to expel most of the magic once it's not being consciously drawn in. Added to this, there is likely a limit to how much he can take in at any given time, less he risks being overloaded.
The Petricite would therefore act as the containeoxygen tank for the magic absorbed... allowing him to access it whenever needed.. whereas without it, he's constantly been shown to immediately use the magic upon absorbing (can't hold it for long...if at all).
In regards to why he can't consciously absorb ambient magic, it's likely too diffuse and "unconcentrated"/""unstable", whereas the magic stored in petricite and other mages etc already has a stable template... concentrated in once place, thereby enabling to have a firmer "grasp". Sorta like how u can pick up a block of ice, but doing the same with water or vapor is much harder.... it "slips" out. Relating back to if his base volume is low, but the "elastic potential" of his "vessel" is high, the diffuse magic absorbed wouldn't be much in the first place, plus he hasn't innately adapted an application to shaping the magic himself, so he naturally does what he's best suited to: Inflating his proverbial balloon by filling with the concentrated, stabilized templates of others and emitting it (or storing in the petricite).
TLDR on mages, and Scath’s thoughts on the theory:

Relevant Reads on Universe:


Flavor of life information regarding entities seemingly comprised of magic: Spirits and Celestials.

Spirits are the natural denizens of the Spirit Realm, everything that exists upon the physical realm is said to have a spiritual reflection, as learned in Riven's color story, "Seams and Scars".

“I’m a mender,” she said as she held the pottery out to a wide-eyed Riven. “No need to replace anything.”
Riven took the plate and examined it. “How does it work?” she asked, running a finger down a thick black seam.
"Everything has a spirit, and every spirit wants to be whole. I ask them what they need to mend, and give it to them.”
The concept of “time” exists differently from how it does in the physical realm… if it exists at all (Evidenced by Bandle City, as well as the Vastaya Forests). Many spirits seemingly start as something primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient before being tied to varying concepts, fundamentally shaping their interaction with the world, as somewhat evidenced by Evelynn and the nature of the Spirit Gods (Spirit gods, if completely forgotten, revert to the state described). It is not known if this is true for all residents of the spirit realm. Yordles are fundamentally different from other spirits encountered. I.e. they are much more physical and “substantial”.
The Spirit Realm itself is also comprised of “pocket dimensions” that do not have a physical realm correlation. The Glade is an example of this, the dimension of the Fae (of which Lulu’s companion, Pix, is a part of). It is theorized that Bandle City may be an offshoot of The Glade.
When mortals die, their souls are transported to the Spirit Realm, upon whence they’ll be placed in the Afterlife/world. Many "afterlife/afterworld" pocket dimensions exist, Mitna Rachnum (Mordekaiser's death realm) is one of them. Rarely (relatively speaking) do souls make their way into Mordekaiser's realm however. The Shadow Isles deserves mention as the catastrophe that occurred warped the rules of the natural worlds, as well as life and death. The raw necromantic (spiritual) magic that suffuses the lands has warped reality and stilled the passage of time. It has become a region of undeath as a result of the trapped souls being unable to truly pass on.

Aside from Yordles, the Fae and souls, other spirits exist, those standing out being Demons and Spirit Gods:

All demons are spirits, not all spirits are demons. I.e. Demons are a specific type of spirit. (This is for actual demons, not entities that have been labelled demonic despite being of human/physical or even celestial origin.) They subsist and feed on emotions, specifically those that are negative or overabundant to the point of negativity/overindulgence. They also perpetuate these feelings either directly, or indirectly in mortals. E.g. Evelynn feeds on agony and pain, and will seduce then torture people, feeding off of their pain. Tahm Kench on the other hand, subsists on misery resulting from greed, gluttony and addiction. He will tempt the person, and when they fall prey to that, will feed off of them. Demons can feed incrementally or devour the person wholly... sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically. Generally it ultimately results in the person's death.

Spirit Gods are best described as “spiritual embodiments of concepts and cultural ideals”. They are ancient beings granted relevance aeons prior to common mortal existence. They hearken back to when the barriers between realms were ephemeral, thus could gain footholds in the physical plane and mortal cultures. It is theorized that they were originally spirits of certain concepts that managed to link themselves to the culture of mortals, gaining power, form and true sapience due to the increasing worship and cultural attention. Others hypothesize that they themselves were completely “born” of the combined perceptions of a staunch faith. Whatever they may be, it has been noted to be incredibly unlikely for a new Spirit God to form as the conditions of the current worlds do not favor it. Instead it’ll be more likely for an already established entity to fill that attention.
Points to note regarding Spirits:
  • To an extent, every spirit so far has a basis on perception... Not everything is literally "I need you to believe in me for me to live." For demons, their source of "attention" or gaining sustenance is based on the emotion/mental energy that they are draining and perpetuating. Not necessarily a need for belief. Though many do have their own cults of worship, so it's likely that some of that energy can be fed upon too... but ultimately, it's the energy of the emotion/feeling/concept that needs to be there, not a belief.
  • A demon will take shape based on the desired appeal of the person perceiving them. To a lusty, heterosexual man, Eve will appear as an incredibly sexy, sultry lady, thereby tempting him to pursue her. Tahm Kench will appear as a seller or peddler of goods and fortunes, an auctioneer… perhaps even a Casino roulette. Whatever will appeal to and best exploit that person's inner weakness and temptations.
  • Spirits can physically take form by animating and using physical materials nearby, scrapping them together to achieve the desired form (As we see with Fiddlesticks and Volibear)... they can also materialize as condensed raw magic given form. There are rules and limitations guiding how they manifest of which we haven't been privy to. However, we can assume it's based on their current strength, abundance of magic around and the context of the situation. They can choose a form, but often will appear based on the perceptions and inherent beliefs and moods of the surrounding mortals. But yes, they can shapeshift and are the reason why the Vastayashai'rei and their descendants, the Vastaya, have such fluid form.

*Nagakabouros has been confirmed to be a Spirit God, born of the Spirit Realm. The true scope of her being is not known beyond being linked with Life, Chaos and Motion. Other examples of Spirit Gods include Kindred, the Freljordian Demigods and Janna. Demons include Fiddlesticks, Raum, Nocturne, Tahm Kench and Evelynn.

Those of the Celestial Realm are known as Celestials. The antithesis of the Void and its denizens, The Watchers. The Celestial Realm and its inhabitants are heavily centered around creation and maintenance. Not much is known about these timeless entities however they played a key role in the creation of the cosmos as well as Runeterra and its development as a whole. Fate and the celestial machinations guiding mortal existence can be interpreted by looking to the heavens however, to the ire of some, Mortals are not beholden to these preset destinies, and instead often create their own.
The Celestials that we know of are Aurelion Sol, his kin, The Aspects, Bard, and Soraka.
Aspects are the pure ideals/celestial concepts made “personified”, and will occasionally bind with a mortal host and traverse Runeterra to do whatever work is needed.
*(Edited in for clarity:) The Ascended are indirectly rigged to Aspects (celestial concepts). Ascension doesn't necessarily grant them celestial magic, it dramatically magnifies all of their previous traits.
I see you’ve reached the end, my weary traveler. Feast on some cookies and recoup. In regards to any questions and theories, happy to discuss in the comments. If in relation to the various creatures and their more specific interactions with Magic, The Great Chronicler, Sharjo, is doing a TL;DR on the Races of Runeterra which will likely touch on many of those aspects. So I'll leave that to him. For awesome, quick questions or more in depth conversations with fans of the Lore of League, join the discord server :D
Thanks for bearing with me! Hope this explained things in a clear manner.
submitted by Psyr1x to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.
To preface, this post is meant to elucidate some of the properties of magic in lore: how it exists and functions in the world of Runeterra. For the purposes of this post, I will not go into much depth regarding the complex magics, and will instead primarily refer to the main 3 “streams”. Points will be backed up using reliable sources, Scathlocke being the Head of all things Narrative and Worldbuilding-wise in Lore. That being said, until Riot releases information on Universe or Nexus, (while unlikely) things are liable to change regarding information provided by Rioters in twitter and boards replies, thus should be taken with a grain of salt.


The Origins of Magic:

As Runeterra, an amalgamation of the Spiritual and Material/Physical realms, was created by an unknown race of Celestials using the World Runes, all magic can be said to have roots in the Celestial Realm. While that might make it seem superior, being the originator, think of it more like it fostered the growth of the realms to becoming their own distinct units.
In the League of Legends Universe (main), magic exists in three distinct forms: Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. From there, you have multiple blends and combinations.
N.B. The energy produced by those of the Void is NOT magic.


Fundamentally, each main stream encompasses specific concepts, one is not inherently better than the other and, to varying extents, each is able to mimic some of the effects of the other:

  • Celestial Magic deals with creation and pure ideals, thus can also include maintenance, change and destruction.
  • Spirit Magic deals with mental and emotional concepts, life as well as reality and the perception of it.
  • Elemental Magic deals with the manipulation of the physical world and the physical laws and rules of reality (Physics).

Magic exists ambiently; flowing as metaphysical rivers and streams throughout the world similar in concept to ley lines. Areas where magic is high in concentration will commonly produce the most number of natural born mages, to the point where it is less likely for one to not possess the ability to use/do magic. The reverse is true for those born in an area where ambient magic is low in concentration. This is evidenced with Ionia and Ixtal, being fonts of Elemental and Spiritual magic respectively, whereas a region like Demacia; surrounded and founded upon magic nullifying petricite, very few mages are produced.

Each stream of magic flows from an origin source: Celestial magic flows from the Celestial Realm as well as the World Runes, Spiritual Magic originates from the Spiritual Realm, and Elemental Magic from the Physical realm, all suffusing into the material plane.

Regions where the barriers between realms are weakest and the magic flows strongest are known as “fonts” of magic. Ionia is an example of this in regards to spirit magic. To varying extents, use of each main branch can mirror the other and produce similar effects, even if not strictly the same source/magic type (e.g. all can produce fire).
As said before, Ionia is a font of spirit magic. The barriers between the mortal and spirit realm are less distinct, thereby allowing the two to interact in strange, exotic manners. As a result, spirit magic suffuses and saturates the lands of Ionia. However, raw concentrated spirit magic has chaotic, unpredictable effects upon reality, making the environment a dangerous place. As such, humans erected Quinlons in Ionia to restrict and filter the flow of magic from the fonts. Quinlons being man-made magical filters that limit the amount of magic flowing from the spirit realm into Ionia... they also filter out the more chaotic/negative energy, concentrating it into a liquid-like substance (IchoTears). When tattooed upon the skin or consumed, this concentrated negative magic enables the use and manipulation of shadow magic (used to great effect by Zed and his Order). Currently, the agreement between humans and Vastaya has been shattered: The Quinlons are restricting too much magic, and Zed’s Order actively alters some to fuel their shadow magic. The vastaya, requiring magic to live similarly to how we need air to live, are understandably not too ecstatic.
Theoretically, Targon would serve as a font of Celestial magic seeing as the barriers between the mortal and Celestial Realm are thinnest near the peak, thereby allowing the easiest interaction and allowing the magic to suffuse onto the physical plane.

A region serving as a font of magic doesn't necessarily mean only that type of magic is present. It just acts as a source.
One doesn't have to be on a ley line/stream to do magic... the effects and efficiency just increase with proximity, similar to a wifi/cell signal. As they encompass the entirety of Runeterra, you are almost always guaranteed to have some signal (barring specific scenarios/anomalies.)


How Magic is Used:

Anyone and everyone can learn to harness magic, however, not everyone is born with the talent. These lucky individuals are known as mages.
From what we’ve seen, mages don't quite generate magic per se, they access what is naturally present, interacting with the ambient magic in the environment rather than directly producing it. More akin to vessels than generators, their strength and aptitude likely depends on how much they can store, channel, shape and emit (as well as restore) at any given time. But, as said by Ryze in “From the Ashes” magic likes to be used, not stored… similar to the air we hold in our lungs… a quite apt comparison that will be explained further below in theory crafting. This is the trend for most mortals.

Those born of magic, those with magic WITHIN them, as part of them, often referred to as "magical" beings, are far more attuned to the magic out there in the world, able to interact and shape magic in ways most can’t even begin to fathom due to their intrinsic link. An example being the Vastaya, who are more innately connected to magic, requiring it to live (like how we need to breathe oxygen to survive). Their use of magic still follows the same principle of not being innately generated, yet their connection allows them to perceive and interact with the worlds in exotic ways. The Vastayashai’rei, the ancient ancestors of our modern Vastaya further demonstrate this: Originally mortals, they learnt how to be completely 1:1 between the material and spirit realms, taking in the spirit realm and becoming deathless, manipulating the magics of each realm… effectively becoming “super mages”.

The Axiomata is a system solely related to Elemental Magic and its manipulations to varying effects. It serves as a formulaic/diagrammatic system of understanding and manipulating elemental magic inspired by the flow of the natural “currents” of magic but itself isn't one of the flows, merely one understanding. It's a system of teaching and learning elemental magic, akin to studying strict formulas (or Axioms) based on rules. The benefit to it is that anyone can learn it, Ryze's critique of it would be that it limits and restricts magic's potential.
In The Axiomata (Short Story), a ley line was "tapped" and “swum” through, enabling Aliay to interact with the world in a broader, more encompassing fashion thereby allowing him to see and experience the outside world and glimpse ongoing events outside of Ixtal.

In terms of those who seem to directly challenge the established "magic isn't produced innately" principle, in a sense, they don't. Looking at the Aspects (the hosts more so than the actual Celestial Aspects) and the Ascended, they are directly (and indirectly for the Ascended) rigged to the Aspects, thereby serving as conduits and as such, are able to channel their power. Using Leona’s color story, "The Light Bringer" as an example:
“Leona let the fire into her blood, feeling the ancient creature merge its essence with hers more completely, becoming one with her senses and gifting her with perceptions not of this world.”
“She reached deep inside herself, drawing on the awesome power from beyond the mountain. The sun emerged from behind its highest peaks as Leona thrust her hand to the light.”

On the other hand, we have Syndra who seemingly produces magic. To an extent this is true, what she presumably does still falls in line with the fundamental concept of mages. While not officially shown on the League Universe, if we go by the original version of "The Dreaming Pool", "The Dreaming Cave" (which was edited for clarity and to cut down on length) Instead of being relegated to only using the ambient natural magics of the physical world, Syndra is able to rip magic directly from the Spiritual Realm.
“Syndra conjured another dark sphere—all of her bitterness, resentment and anger made manifest. Torn from the spirit realm across the threshold into reality, it hovered above her hand, slowly spinning.”
It's something that is unique to her and can be quite dangerous to the natural lands (as we know that pure, concentrated spirit magic flowing can have adverse, chaotic effects.)
Her magic leaches the lands of the natural, ambient magic, thereby causing something akin to "magical fallout" and irradiating the environment. This implies her magic is flooding and washing out the natural magics of the land… replacing it with hers: Raw, concentrated Spirit magic.

We know, from the information about Quinlons, that spirit magic in high concentrations is dangerous and adversely affects the physical realm, particularly when negative. Something further suggested in Syndra’s Biography:
”Such negativity had a strange, unpredictable effect on reality, and Syndra had grown far beyond his ability as a mentor.”
And further falls in line with information given to us about Fae’lor in “The Dreaming Pool” and Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds regarding the quality of the lands of the island before and after Syndra’s first and second rampages.
The fact that Syndra's mood state mirrors the effect of the Quinlons further substantiates this.


In regards to the specifics of how mages utilize magic (theory work that falls in line with everything we know):

This is a graph detailing the process of breathing, specifically as it relates to the volume of air present in the lungs at any given time. Tidal Volume is the range of normal, unconscious breathing: The volume inhaled and exhaled normally.
As shown in the graph, after breathing out at Tidal Volume (the decline at that level), there's still more air present in your lungs due to them not having fully deflated. Thus, even after breathing out at normal levels)more air may be expelled: Expiratory Reserve Volume.
The reverse is true for the process of inhalation: Inhalation at Tidal Volume, then continuing to inhale to reach the Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
(Deep breath in-> inspiratory reserve volume, deep breath out-> Expiratory reserve volume)... Inhaling and exhaling a lot more air than you will in normal breathing... with the normal breathing level being tidal volume.
Big breaths In and Out usually require conscious intent, whereas the Tidal Volume is usually unconsciously regulated. After reaching the Expiratory Reserve Volume, more air still remains in the lungs, known as the Residual Volume. This is almost never accessed and exhaled, requires rigorous intent, and is dangerous to attempt. The total span of these is the Total Lung Capacity.

Now, to apply this concept to mages:
Most mages seemingly don’t consciously draw upon magic, rather they passively draw in and absorb magic, similar to the tidal volume of breathing. Following this logic, there would remain a base level of magic that "exists" within the mage... This doesn’t mean it is innately produced, it is just a sink that's partially filled. (For comparison, relate it to the Expiratory Reserve Volume.)
As such, most mages will only know about emitting magic... not absorbing it, because most of the time, they're just consciously pushing out and manipulating magic, instead of consciously drawing it in.
More adept mages know how to consciously draw in more magic than they'd normally have access to, and know how to regulate the intake, use and emission: Ryze in From the Ashes is an example of this, displayed when trying to teach Kegan:
“You do not create the air you breathe,” the sorcerer said. “You draw it inside you, letting it sustain you. You use it as your body requires, and then release it as you exhale. It is never yours. You are just a vessel for it. You breathe in, you breathe out. You are a channel through which air flows.”
Kegan made to release his breath, though his master shook his head.
“No. Not yet. Feel the air in your lungs, Kegan. Feel it pushing at the cage of your body. Feel it straining to escape.”
"Therein lies the problem,” his master observed, reading his posture. “I told you the air was not yours, yet you are thrilled with yourself for how long you kept it inside you. It is the same with magic. You want it, believing it can be owned. You cling to it, forgetting that you are merely a channel through which it passes. You choke it in your heart, and in your hands. And so the magic is strangled in your grip, because you see it as something to bind to your will. It is not, and never will be. It is like air. You must draw in what exists around you, use it for a moment, then let it free.”

Lissandra, in Legend of the Frozen Watchers, is another example:
“Summoning every last iota of the ancient magic around her, including that of her allies, she sacrificed everything to seal the rift-between-realms with True Ice, entombing the Watchers within it.”

When you try to take a deep breath in, the air eventually starts fighting to get out... the balloon is strained; you can't retain that level and, inevitably, the air escapes. Similarly to Ryze's explanation of why Kegan was failing at storing the magic.

From this, I posit what happens with mages around petricite is similar to what happens when you enter a vacuum: Those unaware and not consciously regulating the level of air will have their breath stolen. However, if you are aware, and know about the base concepts of consciously breathing, you will be able to store your air for a period of time before it gets taken. And with training, the level you are able to store, and the duration of which the breath may be held, increases. (You can relate this to holding your breath underwater, you know not to exhale... and if prepared, you know to inhale more than normal and hold your breath.)
Petricite nullifies magic by absorbing it, effectively sapping and stealing the mage’s reserves. For those aware of its properties, and adept at manipulating magic, they would be able to “hold their breath” i.e. hold their magic tightly for a short while, enabling them to continue controlled usage of it. An example of this is seen in the Ryze Cinematic, "Call of Power", when Ryze performs magic in the Petricite Forest.

It should be noted this isn't a literal 1:1 transition of concepts, it’d likely be much harder to recognize and consciously regulate the levels of magic (as displayed by Kegan), but the fundamental concept would remain the same. To be clear though, this does not speak to the shaping of magic and how it manifests for each mage. How each mage manifests the phenomenon is tied to their ideals and the cultural influences shaping it and to an extent, is ultimately personal: e.g. Lux being tied to "light", and those in The Freljord being more inclined to ice and shamanistic magics etc.
As said before, each person's approach to magic is pretty unique... Even within the Yun Tal, there are proficiencies and unique understandings/perspectives of shaping magic, this is what enables them to keep making new axioms and experiment further).
To use an example that ties back to the theory proposed, Sylas' innate approach is to be able to see/sense it and copy/take that "template"... Akin to a copiecheater in class who takes someone's homework. If he learned, he likely would have the capacity to do his own crafting of spells/magic.
You can consider it the reverse of Lissandra/Ryze... in a sense (theory-wise), he's currently only able to inhale consciously and exhale passively (tidal volume-> Inspiratory Reserve Volume) but not quite able to do it passively. His "tidal volume" is negligible, but his "lungs" are very elastic so can inhale a lot, however, similarly to an untied balloon, would be forced to expel most of the magic once it's not being consciously drawn in. Added to this, there is likely a limit to how much he can take in at any given time, less he risks being overloaded.
The Petricite would therefore act as the containeoxygen tank for the magic absorbed... allowing him to access it whenever needed.. whereas without it, he's constantly been shown to immediately use the magic upon absorbing (can't hold it for long...if at all).
In regards to why he can't consciously absorb ambient magic, it's likely too diffuse and "unconcentrated"/""unstable", whereas the magic stored in petricite and other mages etc already has a stable template... concentrated in once place, thereby enabling to have a firmer "grasp". Sorta like how u can pick up a block of ice, but doing the same with water or vapor is much harder.... it "slips" out. Relating back to if his base volume is low, but the "elastic potential" of his "vessel" is high, the diffuse magic absorbed wouldn't be much in the first place, plus he hasn't innately adapted an application to shaping the magic himself, so he naturally does what he's best suited to: Inflating his proverbial balloon by filling with the concentrated, stabilized templates of others and emitting it (or storing in the petricite).
TL;DR on mages, and Scath’s thoughts on the theory:

Relevant Reads on Universe:


Flavor of life information regarding entities seemingly comprised of magic: Spirits and Celestials.

Spirits are the natural denizens of the Spirit Realm, everything that exists upon the physical realm is said to have a spiritual reflection, as learned in Riven's color story, "Seams and Scars".
“I’m a mender,” she said as she held the pottery out to a wide-eyed Riven. “No need to replace anything.”
Riven took the plate and examined it. “How does it work?” she asked, running a finger down a thick black seam.
"Everything has a spirit, and every spirit wants to be whole. I ask them what they need to mend, and give it to them.”
The concept of “time” exists differently from how it does in the physical realm… if it exists at all (Evidenced by Bandle City, as well as the Vastaya Forests). Many spirits seemingly start as something primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient before being tied to varying concepts, fundamentally shaping their interaction with the world, as somewhat evidenced by Evelynn and the nature of the Spirit Gods (Spirit gods, if completely forgotten, revert to the state described). It is not known if this is true for all residents of the spirit realm. Yordles are fundamentally different from other spirits encountered. I.e. they are much more physical and “substantial”.
The Spirit Realm itself is also comprised of “pocket dimensions” that do not have a physical realm correlation. The Glade is an example of this, the dimension of the Fae (of which Lulu’s companion, Pix, is a part of). It is theorized that Bandle City may be an offshoot of The Glade.
When mortals die, their souls are transported to the Spirit Realm, upon whence they’ll be placed in the Afterlife/world. Many "afterlife/afterworld" pocket dimensions exist, Mitna Rachnum (Mordekaiser's death realm) is one of them. Rarely (relatively speaking) do souls make their way into Mordekaiser's realm however. The Shadow Isles deserves mention as the catastrophe that occurred warped the rules of the natural worlds, as well as life and death. The raw necromantic (spiritual) magic that suffuses the lands has warped reality and stilled the passage of time. It has become a region of undeath as a result of the trapped souls being unable to truly pass on.

Aside from Yordles, the Fae and souls, other spirits exist, those standing out being Demons and Spirit Gods:

All demons are spirits, not all spirits are demons. I.e. Demons are a specific type of spirit. (This is for actual demons, not entities that have been labelled demonic despite being of human/physical or even celestial origin.) They subsist and feed on emotions, specifically those that are negative or overabundant to the point of negativity/overindulgence. They also perpetuate these feelings either directly, or indirectly in mortals. E.g. Evelynn feeds on agony and pain, and will seduce then torture people, feeding off of their pain. Tahm Kench on the other hand, subsists on misery resulting from greed, gluttony and addiction. He will tempt the person, and when they fall prey to that, will feed off of them. Demons can feed incrementally or devour the person wholly... sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically. Generally it ultimately results in the person's death.

Spirit Gods are best described as “spiritual embodiments of concepts and cultural ideals”. They are ancient beings granted relevance aeons prior to common mortal existence. They hearken back to when the barriers between realms were ephemeral, thus could gain footholds in the physical plane and mortal cultures. It is theorized that they were originally spirits of certain concepts that managed to link themselves to the culture of mortals, gaining power, form and true sapience due to the increasing worship and cultural attention. Others hypothesize that they themselves were completely “born” of the combined perceptions of a staunch faith. Whatever they may be, it has been noted to be incredibly unlikely for a new Spirit God to form as the conditions of the current worlds do not favor it. Instead it’ll be more likely for an already established entity to fill that attention.
Points to note regarding Spirits:
  • To an extent, every spirit so far has a basis on perception... Not everything is literally "I need you to believe in me for me to live." For demons, their source of "attention" or gaining sustenance is based on the emotion/mental energy that they are draining and perpetuating. Not necessarily a need for belief. Though many do have their own cults of worship, so it's likely that some of that energy can be fed upon too... but ultimately, it's the energy of the emotion/feeling/concept that needs to be there, not a belief.
  • A demon will take shape based on the desired appeal of the person perceiving them. To a lusty, heterosexual man, Eve will appear as an incredibly sexy, sultry lady, thereby tempting him to pursue her. Tahm Kench will appear as a seller or peddler of goods and fortunes, an auctioneer… perhaps even a Casino roulette. Whatever will appeal to and best exploit that person's inner weakness and temptations.
  • Spirits can physically take form by animating and using physical materials nearby, scrapping them together to achieve the desired form (As we see with Fiddlesticks and Volibear)... they can also materialize as condensed raw magic given form. There are rules and limitations guiding how they manifest of which we haven't been privy to. However, we can assume it's based on their current strength, abundance of magic around and the context of the situation. They can choose a form, but often will appear based on the perceptions and inherent beliefs and moods of the surrounding mortals. But yes, they can shapeshift and are the reason why the Vastayashai'rei and their descendants, the Vastaya, have such fluid form.

*Nagakabouros has been confirmed to be a Spirit God, born of the Spirit Realm. The true scope of her being is not known beyond being linked to the concepts of Life, Chaos and Motion. Other examples of Spirit Gods include Kindred, the Freljordian Demigods and Janna. Demons include Fiddlesticks, Raum, Nocturne, Tahm Kench and Evelynn.

Those of the Celestial Realm are known as Celestials. The antithesis of the Void and its denizens, The Watchers. The Celestial Realm and its inhabitants are heavily centered around creation and maintenance. Not much is known about these timeless entities however they played a key role in the creation of the cosmos as well as Runeterra and its development as a whole. Fate and the celestial machinations guiding mortal existence can be interpreted by looking to the heavens however, to the ire of some, Mortals are not beholden to these preset destinies, and instead often create their own.
The Celestials that we know of are Aurelion Sol, his kin, The Aspects, Bard, and Soraka.
Aspects are the pure ideals/celestial concepts made “personified”, and will occasionally bind with a mortal host and traverse Runeterra to do whatever work is needed.
*(Edited in for clarity:) The Ascended are indirectly rigged to Aspects (celestial concepts). Ascension doesn't necessarily grant them celestial magic, it dramatically magnifies all of their previous traits.
I see you’ve reached the end, my weary traveler. Feast on some cookies and recoup. In regards to any questions and theories, happy to discuss in the comments. If in relation to the various creatures and their more specific interactions with Magic, The Great Chronicler, Sharjo, is doing a TL;DR on the Races of Runeterra which will likely touch on many of those aspects. So I'll leave that to him. For awesome, quick questions or more in depth conversations with fans of the Lore of League, join the discord server :D
Thanks for bearing with me! Hope this explained things in a clear manner.
submitted by Psyr1x to loreofruneterra [link] [comments]

Sonic the Hedgehog: 1990/04/20 Prototype (DO NOT RESEARCH)

Before reading: first post here, which is pretty epic ngl. Anyway, here is a story I made inspired by the "Mario 64 1995 build" and "all copies of Mario 64 are personalized" stuff. Hope you enjoy it lol
During the 1990 Tokyo Toy Show, an early demo of Sonic the Hedgehog for the Mega Drive was shown. We have little information about it, which was provided by few magazine screenshots. As of now, this version of the game has never been found and leaked to the internet. The truth is, this was a prototype of the soon-to-be-released game, with only the first stage, Green Hill, being shown off in the form of game footage (although it was modified to include the "You are welcome" sign and the Japanese "Debut approaching" text). But it was never completed, and instead Sonic Team decided to restart development from scratch and completely redesign the game. How do I know this? My friend works at SEGA, trust me it's true. Also I'm a huge Sonic fan and I know everything about him, including his IP address. 😳😳😳 And I also hate all those pesky Sonic haters GRRRRRR1!!1!1!1!1!1!11!1!!11! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 With the help of a friend, I recently managed to get my hands on a few Sega Mega Drive prototypes. While most of them were just review copies, there was one that caught my eye: an EPROM, with a sticker reading "SONIC 1990/04/20". This couldn't be...was this really it? The legendary prototype everyone was looking for? I was shaking from the excitement. I was...flushed 😳😳😳😳😳 I truly couldn't believe it. I had finally found it. I could finally find the answer as to why development on the game was restarted. A few days later, I managed to dump the EPROM's contents onto my computer thanks to my epic hacking experiences 😎😎 and I loaded the ROM file in my emulator. The game booted up with a generic SEGA screen, like the one you'd find in most SEGA games. After that, the title screen for the game appeared, and it looked exactly like the one in the magazine screenshots: the black background, Sonic's different sprites and the different emblem. The music was the same as the one found in the released game, but the drums sounded lower pitched and had a higher quality to them, just like in the game's later prototypes. I pressed START on my keyboard and a title card appeared, composed of text saying: "BEGIN! GREEN HILL ZONE". The level faded in right after. It played the same iconic Green Hill tune, however the lead instrument was a bit different and louder, the tempo was faster, and the PSG was completely missing from the song, apart from the beginning, where it was just high pitched beeps. The level looked the one we all saw in the screenshots (with big mountains and a blue city as the background), and yes, it did have 7 layers of scrolling, with foreground palmtrees and rocks. No, it wasn't at night, it never was, PLEASE stop saying it was for the love of God. 😩😩😩😩 No "You are welcome" sign or Japanese text were present, though. 😔 The controls were the same as in the final game, except Sonic had no speed cap. However, his health system was different: he had 3 hit points that he could fully replenish collecting heart icons. 1-UP and Shield icons were also collectable items found throughout the stages. There were no Rings, just coins to collect (50 would give a 1-UP), and they didn't act as a protection system. Also, Sonic's sprites were quite different, especially the standing pose and how the shading looked. And no, he was not cyan. He was never cyan, he just used the palette found in the Yamaguchi disks. I will literally delete your kneecaps if you show me cyan Sonic again I swear to God, they were never a right, but a privilege 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 Anyhow, the level design was fairly simple: there was no vertical scrolling, and there were just hills and the occasional loop-de-loops breaking up an otherwise flat level, with the odd goblins (more like Best Buy Goombas :wheze:) seen in screenshots and concept art acting as the enemies. They would basically chase Sonic once they saw him, and spinning into them would kill them, with an animation not dissimilar from Sonic's death animation and a sound similar to the one used for the pinball flippers in Sonic 2's Casino Night Zone. There weren't any obstacles except a rolling ball midway through the level that would chase Sonic, and squash him if he got caught. There were also bridges where piranha fish who acted like the Choppers would jump up and down, trying to hurt Sonic. At some point, the screen stopped scrolling and the "level complete" music played as Sonic jumped doing a "fist pump" pose and ran off the screen. What a boring first level. My guess was that the boss was removed from this level because it was incomplete and therefore couldn't be shown off yet. It was weird how there wasn't a results screen, though. The next level was Labyrinth. The music sounded much slower than the final version, and it completely lacked the PSG . This level had vertical scrolling and was a significant difficulty spike compared to the previous one. 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬 It looked pretty different too compared to the final version: the crystals decorating the level were much smaller and the background looked like the inside of a cave. This is how the level looked like in pre-release screenshots. The water mechanics were also different, in that Sonic started drowning as soon as he entered the water (with no drowning music ever playing), so air pockets were more frequently found than in the final level. The enemies, this time around, were the goblins from Green Hill and pufferfish creatures that, when approached, would puff up, rendering them unable to be attacked. 🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡 This stage also featured a vertical screen wrap, much like the final game's Labyrinth Zone Act 3. The level design had more platforming and obstacles (such as spears and spikeballs) than Green Hill, but it was still fairly simple compared to the final game's. At the end of the level, I had to fight against one of Dr Eggman's machines: he was wearing his "bee suit" from concept art, boarding a submarine that would shoot homing missiles at Sonic, kind of like the Labyrinth Zone boss in the Master System version of Sonic 1 (Sonic even had infinite air breath! 😳😳😳). After 8 hits, the boss was defeated and Sonic destroyed the capsule containing his animal friends and...Vector the Crocodile? Right, he WAS going to be in the game as one of Sonic's bandmates after all! At that moment, I jokingly thought: "What if Tails showed up somehow? 😆😆😆😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣", a thought that made me chuckle. Like before, Sonic did his victory pose and ran off like before. The third stage was Marble, which looked like how it did in the early mockups found in magazines. It even had those odd yellow platforms, which would basically flip when you stood on them. The UFOs seen in later prototypes were missing, though. 😔😔😔 The music was pretty much the same, although the PSG seemed higher pitched for some reason and the lead instrument was different. The level design consisted of a short section above ground where you had tavoid the lava (which was insta-kill here) by jumping on the yellow platforms and the steep sloped terrain. It was pretty frustrating, not gonna lie. After that, you would go under ground, but this section was strangely empty, apart from flying hand enemies seen in concept art, who acted much like the Batbrains in the final game, except they were actively trying to chase Sonic and avoid his attacks, so all I could do was make him run forward as he was chased by them. At some point, the hands stopped chasing Sonic as the music's tempo and pitch quickly started lowering, until the song fully stopped. I was really confused by this. As I noticed the stage was getting darker, I tried walking back, but the game prevented me to. All I could do was go forward. Suddenly the dreadful drowning theme started playing, and that's when I saw a familiar figure chasing Sonic. It looked like...Tails? 🤨🤨 Well, it looked like a more distorted version of him. 😱😱😱 I can't exactly tell what he looked like...I just can't remember it... Anyway, this wasn't right. Tails was created during Sonic 2's development, so what the fuck was he doing here? I tried making Sonic run as fast as he could, but to no avail. Tails caught him and the game froze with white text reading: "TURN BACK NOW". Oh wow, now the game was sending me spooky messages. It's not like a programmer could have put that in as a joke that only he would laugh at. 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑 Still very confused about what happened, I reset the game and tried inputting the level select code in the title screen. I heard the "coin" collecting noise and pressed A+START on the controller. A very basic looking menu appeared, a black screen with 12 choices: GREEN HILL, LABYRINTH, FROZEN GROTTO, MARBLE, SINISTER SWAMP, STAR WORLD, SPARKLING, CLOCK WORK 1, CLOCK WORK 2, ENDING, BONUS STAGE and SOUND SELECT. Curiously, Frozen Grotto and Sinister Swamp had an X next to their names, which probably meant they were unfinished or possibly even meant to be removed. 😔😔😔 I chose Frozen Grotto out of curiosity, since I wasn't expecting to see any scrapped levels in this build, let alone an ice stage, a trope that wouldn't be seen in the series before Sonic 3. The level seemed even more unfinished than Marble Zone, as it lacked any sort of enemy. However, obstacles such as falling stalagmites, slippery ground, and ice-breathing machines similar to Ice Cap Zone's in Sonic 3 were implemented and fully working. 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 The background looked similar to the one in the Past variant of Tidal Tempest in Sonic CD, but it was a light blue, much like most of the level was. The background music was not music at all, it was just a short, looped PCM sample of cave ambiance. Truly, one of Masato Nakamura's finest tunes to date. I still vibe to it wit ma airpods xddddddd It was at this point that I was doubting whether this was a true prototype or just something my friend sent me as one of his stupid pranks. But for a prank, this was way too elaborate. I mean, what kind of sick person just changes the Rings in Sonic INTO COINS??? 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Not too long after the starting point, the stage just ended abruptly with a bottomless pit that crashed the game when I fell into it. This time, it didn't just freeze, it went to a black screen with red text saying: ERROR. I could faintly see an image in the background. It looked like Tails's face, but heavily distorted like his previous appearance. Was he looking at me? 😰😰😰 No, it couldn't be...this was just a game after all...Yeah, games can't just look at me, duh. What kind of idiot thinks that a game will enter your life? Although, Sonic in real life would be pretty epic ngl ngl 😳😳😳😳😳😳 (REAL) I reset the game again and went back to the level selection screen. This time, I tried choosing Sinister Swamp, but that wouldn't work (😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔), so I chose Star World, which I assumed was an early name for Star Light Zone. While the music was exactly the same, the stage looked nothing like the final version: the ground resembled a roller coaster track, while the background consisted of mountains and a starry night sky with shooting stars and odd-looking plants that looked like balloons, floating in the air. These plants were also used as decorations throughout the level. Unlike the previous 3 stages, the vertical scrolling was disabled, much like in Green Hill. The stage's enemies were the goblins and other creatures shaped like a finger that would jump up when Sonic tried attacking them. The level design was mostly speed-based, with Sonic rolling through slopes, loop-de-loops and ramps, but there was also quite a bit of platforming over bottomless pits, with platforms that would fall when Sonic stood on them and also series of rotating platforms. Springs were also present, and they would either help you reach a higher area or speed you up, or they would act as obstacles, bouncing you to the other direction, sometimes even sending you into a pit because level design is my passion XDDD 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 Once I reached the end of the level, I had to fight Eggman in his Egg Mobile, which had a spring attachment on the bottom that he would use to bounce around the arena. The boss fight was piss easy, and I beat it pretty quickly. Once again, Sonic destroyed the animal capsule again, this time rescuing Sharps the Chicken, and the level was completed. Weird how Tails didn't show up this time... 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Sparkling Zone looked like the version we saw in the screenshots, with bright buildings, neon signs and animated sparkles in the background. 😳😳 The music was slightly different, with higher pitched PSG and extra bass drum hits. 😳😳😳😳😳 This time, vertical scrolling was enabled. The stage didn't have any bottomless pits, unlike Star World, but it was still quite challenging, with plenty of obstacles (bumpers, spikeball chains, spikes, springs) and enemies (hands that would slam on the ground to try squashing Sonic, the goblins and the finger enemies). Slopes and ramps were also present throughout the stage. Just when I thought I reached the end of the stage, the lights and the neon signs and buildings turned off, making the place look much darker. The music slowed down and stopped. Sonic stopped running and turned to face the camera. He looked very worried. I was already prepared for something to happen, for the little orange bastard to show up again. 😑😑😑😑😑 I noticed something appear behind Sonic: yup, it was Tails's distorted face from the error screen. Of fucking course. UGH. 😩😩😩😩😩😩 Wait, how was this even possible given the palette limitations of the Mega Drive? HOW IS HE DOING THAT???? 😳😳😳 HOW?????? BOTTOM TEXT As a slower, lower pitched version of the drowning theme started playing, the face got closer to the blue hedgehog and slowly opened its mouth. (VORE? IN MY SONIC GAME????? 😡😡😡) I tried making Sonic move, but no matter how much I moved my keyboard, he wouldn't do anything. The music kept going for longer than it should have, gradually speeding up, until it suddenly hit the last note and the game froze with red text: "DO NOT KEEP GOING". This is when I realized...that I actually had to press the keys on my keyboard instead of moving the keyboard. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 Bruh. I mean, yeah, it was like 3AM when I was playing this so my brain must have been pretty tired. (WAIT 3AM DO NOT PLAY SONC BETE IN 3AM SPOOKY TALAS APPARATION OH GOD PEOPLE MOMENT 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳) I was pretty confused about what was happening. Was this even a real prototype or just an elaborate hoax that my friend decided to put on an EPROM to mess with me? Oh wait, I already asked myself that question before. This was pretty redundant. But wait, then how and why did the game start exceeding the Mega Drive's palette limitations? Just what was going on? I was scared to continue at this point, because I started feeling like I was being watched. Hmm yes I love when my anxiety kicks in XDDDDDDDDD 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 But I had to do it, I had to play the rest of...whatever this even was. I wanted to find the answers...and I was also pretty bored, with nothing else to do lmao. I reset the game and went back to the level select menu, choosing Clock Work Zone. The title card displayed the zone name as "CLOCK ORK", like in later prototypes, due to the letter W being missing in the title card font. The level looked like the one seen in those prototypes, basically it was the final version of Scrap Brain Zone but with one of the level chunks used as a placeholder for the background. The background tune's only difference was that its lead instrument was very different, and made it sound much more menacing. As expected, the stage was empty and only the level layout was done. There were diagonal conveyor belts at the very beginning, but nothing else after that. Luckily, debug mode was enabled by default so I could navigate the level in object placement mode (yeah, I forgot to mention this earlier trust me, it's not like I just made this up because I didn't know what to write xdddddddd). The level layout was quite similar to the one seen in magazine screenshots. When I got to where the end of the stage should be, I exited out of object placement mode. The game acted as if the level was finished, with Sonic leaping and running to the right like in the other levels. Maybe the Clock Work 2 stage was the level boss? Possibly the final boss? 😳 :flooched: :flonshed: The last stage was called "YOUR TIME IS UP". Wait...OH GOD NOT THAT SHITTY STORY AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD FUCK YOU GAME!1!1!1!1!1 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 No music or background were present. The screen was also locked. There was something at the center of the level: it was a sprite of a brain diagram. wha- What was this doing here? Why was this here? Was THAT the final boss? Or was it just a placeholder? But why would it be any of these? Who would just put a random brain diagram sprite and call it a day? I tried interacting with it, but nothing happened, it was just a background object. After a few seconds, the screen faded to black. Then, a cutscene started playing. It was rather unfinished, and it had no background. Basically, Sonic was falling down (using his "hurt" animation), and then Sharps the Chicken swooped in to rescue him. But the distorted Tails came in and attacked Sharps with a spin attack, resulting in both Sonic and Sharps falling down. It then cut to a screen taking place in Green Hill Zone, with Sonic and Sharps' bodies laying on the ground, with...with....I can't 🤢🤢 say it 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 BLOOD ALL OVER THE PLACE 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 AND IT WAS SUPER DUPER HYPER MEGA REALISTICCK NOOOOOOO 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Anyway, Tails was standing at the center of the scene, facing the camera. Above him, there was red text saying: "THE END". So this was how the game originally ended? Nah, my friend probably did an epic funny and hacked the actual prototype like the asshole he is, he probably has the original one xddddddddd 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I closed my emulator, still shocked (I guess?) because of what I saw. I wasn't expecting any of this to happen in a Sonic 1 prototype, of all things. And I wasn't expecting it to be so...r e a l i s t i c But what did all of it mean? Was there a connection between everything that happened? Were Tails and the brain diagram somehow connected? Probably not, and I'm overthinking shit like I always do XDDDDDDDDDDDDD I thought this prototype would have finally answered my and other Sonic fans' questions, but it raised even more. Right now, I've sent the ROM to another friend of mine who can disassemble ROMs so he can look for whatever epic funny is there xddddd (and he may also see whether it's a fucking prototype or not Im so confused about this AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA). It may take a while, but maybe we will finally find some answers to this. I just hope I can live long enough to see the answers being found...I'm feeling like I'm constantly being watched by someone...I just hope that's not true...Or maybe I'm just paranoid because I get scared easily like a pussy XD Hmm, time for me to play some good ol' Super Mario 64. Sure hope nothing terrible happens to me while I play it... 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
submitted by asdfg303 to trollpasta [link] [comments]

Harvest - Perceptions and thoughts

Decided to get a break from gaming and give some random short feedbacks.

Sacred Grove's theme

Even though Pylons and Storage tanks are probably the clearest solution, I am a bit disappointed with how it feels and looks. It could all be simulated with natural substitutes (ivy, willow, cactus) for more natural experience.

Sacred Grove's functionality

I am not gonna write another tirade about naked king. Focusing on current mechanics:

Metamorph's collectible organs

Two options, remove them entirely (voiding elements of leagues is fine!) or allow to merge metamorph in laboratory from any combination of organs (some rewards' rebalance like: +10% reward per unique organ type).


By freebies I mean rewards introduced in leagues that grants something over the top with no or almost no drawback.

New Labyrinths

New offerings are one thing that almost for sure will go core, becoming more and more common as leagues' rewards.
Funnily 83lvl Lab was the closest thing to new gameplay we received in this league. Had fun, Izaro is scary, he slams quickly, recommended. I would probably sit there entire day of good lab layout if the offerings' prices were more reasonable.
GGG continues policy of adding increased amount of enchants and divine font usages.
What I would propose is merging the rewards into one. Increased rewards from chests should be natural for increased difficulty, option to enchant belt isn't something amazing to be a stand-alone reward, and 6 additional usages could be reduced to 3. Splitting them feels not right (is it for challenge only?).

Cluster Jewels

There are extremely problematic game mechanic, they have the power to trivialize skill tree or be completely redundant. Feels like GGG will have to balance them every league. I thought they will make "adds # passive skills" blessable, GGG topped it with granted Jewels' sockets.
Waiting for update.

Poison immunity

GGG set a great direction with removing poison immunity (/unaffected by) from Pantheon and Cluster Notable. Poison in opposite to Chill, Shock, and Ignite, isn't secondary effect and shouldn't be so easily neglected. However devs forget about:

Harvest Crafting

Trivialized chroming, various casinos (fossils' one you can't loose, 0-2x div cards is for brave), augmenting, removing mods... Many useful things, even more filler rewards. As a person who do not craft... I still do not craft. Yet, I believe that league is enjoyable, but is not gonna be missed.
For SSF introduce vendor recipes to roll fragments (Shaper, Elder, UElder, +1c). Shaper and Elder one could be unlocked upon defeating first ShapeElder. Would be a nice gesture.

Harvest going Core

I would go with classic 10%...
Great opportunity to void a league. Unique Heart of the Grove map (with three 4-tier bosses, defeating them unlocks final boss, just like Shaper fight) to preserve Harvest uniques and that's it.

Harvest Challenges (feeling)

Ignoring classic retention method (bugged Harvest encounters VI - fixed in patch thankfully), the challenges become more and more time-consuming? Reading "Newbie analysis", author was praising GGG for "better"/more accessible challenges, but I have the opposite feeling. What about you? Many challenges are gated behind harvest crafting RNG, which consumes enormous amount of time. I got 0 winged scarabs, and looking at current prices, this particular challenge seems out of the reach for common folk. Even simpler challenges are unintuitive and trade-gated (div cards).


At last, I would like to thank everyone who unveils and provides crafting service, so others don't have to unveil.
submitted by Jazendr to pathofexile [link] [comments]

Experiment for parents and children

Experiment for parents and children

Preview image
I just wanted to share my flow, which will help keep children busy for a while. This is a statistical experiment of random dice rolls. You manually enter value of the die and UI draws chart of all throws. Also you can turn on automatic throws. This flow requires node-red-dashboard.
[{"id":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","type":"tab","label":"Random","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"d3db6ecd.39ac2","type":"ui_chart","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":1,"width":"7","height":"5","label":"Statistics","chartType":"bar","legend":"false","xformat":"HH:mm:ss","interpolate":"linear","nodata":"","dot":false,"ymin":"","ymax":"","removeOlder":1,"removeOlderPoints":"","removeOlderUnit":"3600","cutout":0,"useOneColor":false,"colors":["#1f77b4","#aec7e8","#ff7f0e","#2ca02c","#98df8a","#d62728","#ff9896","#9467bd","#c5b0d5"],"useOldStyle":false,"outputs":1,"x":740,"y":180,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"c0776cd3.18c9e","type":"function","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"Magic","func":"var counter = Object.assign({}, msg);\nvar pronounce = Object.assign({}, msg);\n// Setting flow value\nmsg.values = flow.get('throw_statistics')||[0,0,0,0,0,0];\nmsg.values[msg.payload-1]=msg.values[msg.payload-1]+1;\nflow.set(\"throw_statistics\", msg.values);\n\n// Counting throws\ncounter.payload = 0;\nfor(var i = 0; i < msg.values.length; i++)\n {\n counter.payload += msg.values[i];\n }\n\n// Prepairing data for voice\npronounce.payload=msg.payload+\"\"; //Must be string\n\n// Data for chart\nmsg.payload=[{\"series\":[\"\"],\"data\":[msg.values],\"labels\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\",\"5\",\"6\"]}];\n\nreturn [ counter, pronounce, msg ];","outputs":3,"noerr":0,"x":570,"y":140,"wires":[["f65f6dd2.ab9a4"],["f0642e96.3aeef"],["d3db6ecd.39ac2"]],"outputLabels":["Counter","Pronounce","Chart"]},{"id":"a8fe7b76.fbe298","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"2","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":5,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_2","payload":"2","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":80,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"7281ce34.9f5a2","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"3","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":6,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_3","payload":"3","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":120,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"8e3864a9.014128","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"4","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":7,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_4","payload":"4","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":160,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"234f31c0.ca7b7e","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"5","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":8,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_5","payload":"5","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":200,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"2834950b.5ef8ba","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"6","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":9,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_6","payload":"6","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":240,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"753040fd.2293b","type":"function","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"clear","func":"msg.payload = [];\nflow.set(\"throw_statistics\", [0,0,0,0,0,0]);\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":570,"y":180,"wires":[["d3db6ecd.39ac2","f65f6dd2.ab9a4"]]},{"id":"6a3fde6f.0c0a2","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":10,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":false,"label":"Clear","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","topic":"","x":390,"y":300,"wires":[["753040fd.2293b"]]},{"id":"f65f6dd2.ab9a4","type":"ui_gauge","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"","group":"43d7c4af.b0ef8c","order":0,"width":0,"height":0,"gtype":"gage","title":"Counter","label":"throws","format":"{{value}}","min":0,"max":"200","colors":["#00b500","#e6e600","#ca3838"],"seg1":"100","seg2":"150","x":740,"y":100,"wires":[]},{"id":"532ba59f.4384ac","type":"ui_audio","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"Pronounce","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","voice":"ru-RU","always":"","x":870,"y":140,"wires":[]},{"id":"a2883210.56c9a","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"1","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":4,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_1","payload":"1","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":40,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"37a83e6.af5e8c2","type":"inject","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","d":true,"name":"auto","topic":"auto","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"0.1","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":110,"y":140,"wires":[["5a8fb1f7.a0121"]]},{"id":"5a8fb1f7.a0121","type":"function","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"Random","func":"min = Math.ceil(1);\nmax = Math.floor(6);\nmsg.payload= Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;\n\nswitch (msg.payload) {\n case 1: return [msg,null,null,null,null,null];\n case 2: return [null,msg,null,null,null,null];\n case 3: return [null,null,msg,null,null,null];\n case 4: return [null,null,null,msg,null,null];\n case 5: return [null,null,null,null,msg,null];\n case 6: return [null,null,null,null,null,msg];\n}\n","outputs":6,"noerr":0,"x":240,"y":140,"wires":[["a2883210.56c9a"],["a8fe7b76.fbe298"],["7281ce34.9f5a2"],["8e3864a9.014128"],["234f31c0.ca7b7e"],["2834950b.5ef8ba"]]},{"id":"e1fe6b70.34eca8","type":"comment","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"enable to autothrow","info":"","x":130,"y":220,"wires":[],"icon":"font-awesome/fa-arrow-up"},{"id":"f0642e96.3aeef","type":"switch","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"!auto","property":"topic","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"neq","v":"auto","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":1,"x":730,"y":140,"wires":[["532ba59f.4384ac"]]},{"id":"28f8f613.eeb49a","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Statistics","tab":"2b1e24ca.17fa74","order":1,"disp":false,"width":11,"collapse":false},{"id":"43d7c4af.b0ef8c","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Count","tab":"2b1e24ca.17fa74","order":2,"disp":false,"width":18,"collapse":false},{"id":"2b1e24ca.17fa74","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Random","icon":"casino","order":1,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}] 
UDP: updated code that I've used in my 10 hours video
[{"id":"baef7e29.23bc7","type":"tab","label":"Random","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"bad78654.8790a","type":"ui_chart","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"Statistics","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":1,"width":11,"height":12,"label":"","chartType":"bar","legend":"false","xformat":"HH:mm:ss","interpolate":"linear","nodata":"Now we're gonna roll the virtual die 🎲 and see how random is random","dot":false,"ymin":"","ymax":"","removeOlder":1,"removeOlderPoints":"","removeOlderUnit":"3600","cutout":0,"useOneColor":false,"useUTC":false,"colors":["#1f77b4","#aec7e8","#ff7f0e","#2ca02c","#98df8a","#d62728","#ff9896","#9467bd","#c5b0d5"],"useOldStyle":false,"outputs":1,"x":740,"y":200,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"a05cc113.d2792","type":"function","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"Magic","func":"var counter = Object.assign({}, msg);\nvar pronounce = Object.assign({}, msg);\nvar inequality = Object.assign({}, msg);\nvar die = Object.assign({}, msg);\n// Setting flow value\nmsg.values = flow.get('throw_statistics')||[0,0,0,0,0,0];\nmsg.values[msg.payload-1]=msg.values[msg.payload-1]+1;\nflow.set(\"throw_statistics\", msg.values);\n\n// Counting throws\ncounter.payload = 0;\nfor(var i = 0; i < msg.values.length; i++)\n {\n counter.payload += msg.values[i];\n }\n\n// Prepairing data for voice\npronounce.payload=msg.payload+\"\"; //Must be string\npronounce.filename=msg.payload+\".mp3\";\n//if (counter.payload % 2 === 0) {pronounce.even=true;}\n\n// inequality\ninequality.min=Math.min(...msg.values);\ninequality.max=Math.max(...msg.values);\ninequality.payload=((inequality.max-inequality.min)/(inequality.max+inequality.min)*100);\nif (inequality.payload<10)\n {inequality.payload=inequality.payload.toFixed(1)}\nelse\n {inequality.payload=inequality.payload.toFixed(0)}\n\n// Data for chart\nmsg.payload=[{\"series\":[\"\"],\"data\":[msg.values],\"labels\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\",\"5\",\"6\"]}];\n\n// Die\nswitch (die.payload) {\n case 1: die.payload=\"⚀\"; break;\n case 2: die.payload=\"⚁\"; break;\n case 3: die.payload=\"⚂\"; break;\n case 4: die.payload=\"⚃\"; break;\n case 5: die.payload=\"⚄\"; break;\n case 6: die.payload=\"⚅\"; break;\n}\n\nreturn [ counter, pronounce, inequality, msg, die ];","outputs":5,"noerr":0,"x":570,"y":140,"wires":[["2189cd4a.0a41ca"],["7e3caced.14b494"],["6e3840b.727f1c","9c2180f1.329b3"],["bad78654.8790a"],["b8554498.874af8"]],"outputLabels":["Counter","Pronounce","Equality","Chart",""]},{"id":"b5476cca.b93438","type":"ui_button","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"2","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":4,"width":1,"height":1,"passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_2","payload":"2","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":80,"wires":[["a05cc113.d2792"]]},{"id":"f7bc1776.cc3b8","type":"ui_button","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"3","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":6,"width":1,"height":1,"passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_3","payload":"3","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":120,"wires":[["a05cc113.d2792"]]},{"id":"ddebe732.c52938","type":"ui_button","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"4","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":8,"width":1,"height":1,"passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_4","payload":"4","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":160,"wires":[["a05cc113.d2792"]]},{"id":"47ef5c9.a1d5aa4","type":"ui_button","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"5","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":10,"width":1,"height":1,"passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_5","payload":"5","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":200,"wires":[["a05cc113.d2792"]]},{"id":"22500e25.396812","type":"ui_button","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"6","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":12,"width":1,"height":1,"passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_6","payload":"6","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":240,"wires":[["a05cc113.d2792"]]},{"id":"44d7b358.c6fbe4","type":"function","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"clear","func":"msg.payload 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Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;\n\nswitch (msg.payload) {\n case 1: return [msg,null,null,null,null,null];\n case 2: return [null,msg,null,null,null,null];\n case 3: return [null,null,msg,null,null,null];\n case 4: return [null,null,null,msg,null,null];\n case 5: return [null,null,null,null,msg,null];\n case 6: return [null,null,null,null,null,msg];\n}\n","outputs":6,"noerr":0,"x":240,"y":140,"wires":[["3557234c.6c12fc"],["b5476cca.b93438"],["f7bc1776.cc3b8"],["ddebe732.c52938"],["47ef5c9.a1d5aa4"],["22500e25.396812"]]},{"id":"e1f0efd6.fb345","type":"comment","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"enable to autothrow","info":"","x":110,"y":220,"wires":[],"icon":"font-awesome/fa-arrow-up"},{"id":"3a9bacf8.2e11c4","type":"ui_template","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","group":"dbe4d6ca.78fea8","name":"User","order":1,"width":18,"height":"5","format":"%Приветствие%, это {user.name}. Чтобы занять дочь, набросал программу, собирающую статистику значений, выпавших при бросках 🎲. Заодно решил её автоматизировать и проверить - насколько рандом рандомный. Реализовано на платформе Node-Red, которая в общем-то создана для других вещей. Смотри до конца, подписывайся на канал и спасибо за твоё время и внимание.
\nRandomize Code:\n max = Math.floor(6)\n min = Math.ceil(1)\n random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max-min+1)) + min\nInequality:\n max = Math.max(a) // where a = array, e.g. on roll #1019 a = [165,161,173,169,188,163]\n min = Math.min(a)\n inequality = (max - min) / (max + min)
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